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Posts posted by Caderay

  1. I liked warcraft III alot better than starcraft. The higher HP on units makes the battles last longer in Warcraft III so there's more microing to do. There's also a lower food limit so the armies are smaller. The addition of hero's and leveling makes it more like an RPG/Strategy game which I liked. There's 4 races to choose from, not 3. The graphics are much better in Warcraft III and there's more to do. I didn't like the huge armies in starcraft and the massing of one unit all the time. Warcraft takes more strategy I think, but I know there'll be people who disagree.

  2. No, with 100werbspace.com you have one hosting account but you can make different subdomains under your one account."<yoursubdomainname>.cogia.net"You only get 100 megs of space but you can make 5 different subdomains under your one hosting account. I was just wondering if here with Xisto, can you do the same thing. Such as have one account with 150 mbs of space but you'd be able to make different subdomains instead of just being forced to use one subdomain address.Ok, thanks, that's all I wanted to know.My main subdomain is caderay.astahost.com and I want to create a new subdomain that is LBI.astahost.comSo far I can only figure out to make LBI.caderay.astahost.comI want to get rid of the .caderay and only have it as LBI.astahost.comHow can I do this?

  3. Hi, I'm hoping to get hosting here with Xisto. I'm going for the second package where you need 30 credits. I noticed in the application it asks what subdomain you wanted to use. I was just wondering, is that the only subdomain address that you can use or can you make a few different subdomains after you've been accepted? I mean, is there a members area where you can make other subdomains?

  4. I believe there is life beyond earth, even though there is no proof suggesting there is. Yet, I find it hard to believe we're the only world with life on it in the universe. The universe seems too huge for us to be alone. I don't know about little green aliens but I do believe it's possible that there is intelligent life beyond our galaxy. I hope we're not alone, because it would be nice to see another species, along as they aren't hostile.

  5. I also forgot about an old DOS game that was released as freeware a few years ago after they decided it wouldn't sell anymore. "One Must Fall 2097" was shareware at first and now the full version has been released. It's a fighting game like street fighter but with robots, tournaments, and many different upgrades and stats to keep you interested. I have the game on my computer but I don't know the official website where you can download One Must Fall 2097. I'm sure if you search for it you'll find it on a search engine somewhere.

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