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Posts posted by VJgamer1405241488

  1. I just picked up Unreal Tournament 2004: Editors' Choice Edition. First of all, UT2004 is by far the greatest iteration of Unreal Tournament, but this is just packed with features. It has 11 different mods created by our fellow UT players!It also comes with six new onslaught maps, three new onslaught vehicles, and six new characters. The 10 disc package is a little hefty(taking up 6 gigs of space), but I'd say it was worth it.I think UT2004 is one of the best online multilayer games ever, right beside Counter-Strike and Halo 2. I like how you don't have to play in the Unreal Tournament Realm. The total conversions such as Frag Ops, looks like counter strike, and UnWheel (Unreal Racing!) make it in to more that just an all out frag feast.Who would of thought there was something that could live up to the thrill of a Death Match but I have to say that Onslaught mode is very entertaining.The Editors' Choice edition is a big time saver, saving you from downloading a couple gigabytes of mod and map information. It would have been nice if it had included the Community Bonus Pack, but oh well. I just go download them from fileplanet.Well I'm going back to rack up a few more frags!

  2. I would have to say one of the better cameras currently out is the Canon Digital Rebel XT. It is a little pricey running usually around $1,000. It is one of the fastest digital cameras out, it is virtually instant. Most digital cameras have a quite noticeable delay from the time you fully depress the shutter button till the time it takes the shot (unless it was readied by holding it down half way).
    Canon Digital Rebel XT

    This camera takes pictures at 8 mega pixels (8 million pixels) for an extreme quality. It also has interchangeable lenses for which you can buy a new lens if you don't find the one that comes with it fulfilling your needs.

    If you can't spend the money, or something a little bit easier to handle, I would suggest the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T7. It shoots at 5.1 mega pixels and is one of the slimmest digital cameras I have seen. It is usually priced around $500.
    Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T7

  3. Currently I am using Trillian. I find this client to just be much easier to manage than running three different messengers. (I use MSN, AIM, and Yahoo!) It also supports must of the features offered by the other clients. It supports file transfer, audio chat and many of the other popular features offered by the different clients.I have used AIM, and just find it to be to intrusive, and I just can't stand the Yahoo! client. The MSN or windows messenger is the only one that I really liked. It had features like whiteboard, and supports remote desktop connection. It would also integrate with Outlook Express to check your mail account tied with your account.Trillian will also check your mail for you, and will automatically retrieve your old buddy lists! It does not matter if your friends are using AIM and your using Trillian. They won't even be able to tell the difference. Trillian also supports multiple users so your whole family can use Trillian. This is done with a system called Identities. You set up your own personal Identity, choose your user icon (like the user pic for your Windows XP user account.), set your password, and then set up the connections for the different IM networkd.Trillian also allows you to connect to more than one account on the same IM systems. For example, two different AIM accounts. It also has many options to customize it to perform how you like it. Talking to 10 friends at the same time? Organize them in tab based conatiners! One window for 10 different conversations spanning across multiple IM networks.It comes complete with it's own sounds, but the only thing you might miss is hearing the door slam closed when they logoff! There are also options to logg all your conversations just in case you always wanted your very own personal stenographer.If your not using Trillian I would suggest at least trying it out. I would like to here your suggestions for other IM clients.

  4. I don't use WindowsBlinds, I actually just use a modified uxtheme.dll.

    This allows me to import other visual styles besides the default Blue Silver and Olive! It is much easier, I think, to have all the graphics (except the wallpaper) contained in a single .msstyles file. The setup can be a little complicated, but once it is set up, it is really easy to find something that you like. The biggest resource that I have com across is http://www.ezthemes.com/belchfire.php.

    My favorite visual style is ChaNinja, I have my whole Windows look customized now. It is very sweet :D It would seem that their website is down. That is bad because that was pretty much the one stop shop to fully customize your Windows look.

    I also like most of the themes by LightStar. They are very easy to setup because they come with their own installer. (Bundled in an .exe)

    I would suggest trying this technique out for it doesnt use any type of external program to load the themes. Just go to your Control Panel -> Display -> Appearance Tab, and change it over to whatever theme you have downloaded. http://www.ezthemes.com/belchfire.php has all the information you will need to get started. Everything from getting or patching the uxtheme.dll file to downloading and installing themes!

    I hope this helps you out in any way, but if it all seems a little overwhelming, then WindowsBlinds is fine to! It has a lot of support from it's community.

  5. There are two ways to do this. One way is very easy, and the other is slightly complicated!

    First, the complicated way. You can go through the registry editor and find the key that corresponds with that program. To do this, open the start menu and click run. In the run dialog box type regedit. Then Navigate to of the two possible locations where the program could be:


    If it is not in there than it should show up in the Startup folder on your Start Menu.

    This method is dangerous if you do not know what you are doing, for you could accidentally modify a critical system setting.

    Or you can do it the easy way. A program called Startup Control Panel, which can be found at http://www.mlin.net/, will show you all programs that start when windows starts just like msconfig. There are check boxes next to each item in order to enable and disable them also like msconfig. The advantages of this program is that it shows the icon for the program which makes it easier (especially for the programs that appear in your task bar) to identify which program it is. It also gives you the option to delete them, and it sends the deleted item to a Recycle Bin type area just in case.

    Startup Control Panel is available in two different ways. It can be added as a Control Panel Icon (which I find to be a nice thing to be available through your control panel), or a standalone executable which can be put locally on your hard drive, or on a floppy disk if you like.

    I highly suggest downloading Startup Control Panel. It makes modifying startup items so much easier!

  6. I have been looking into building a computer filled with the latest technologies, and I was trying to find out more about these monster graphics cards. Mainly, I would like to know what type of power supply it would take to power one of these monsters!Are there any motherboards out that can fully support the speed of these new graphics cards, or will I have to wait for some new type of motherboard to be developed?

  7. Personally I use FileZilla, a free FTP manager. It can be found at https://filezilla-project.org/. It has all the features of any other FTP manager including the ability to transfer more than one file at a time!

    The only other FTP manager I use is the one built in to Macromedia Dreamweaver. I use it just because it's there, and it's convienent even if it's not as fast as FileZilla.

    Although I havn't tried it, or have had a use for it, there is also a FileZilla FTP server available.

    As I mentioned above, FileZilla is completely free, and has a Development Status of 5. (Meaning a stable production version has been released!) Filezilla was written in C++ and is available on Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP.

    In case you don't favor the english language, FileZilla is also available in French, German, Hungarian, Polish, and Spanish!

    I would like to hear what everybody else uses, and maybe I will try them out to see what they're like.

  8. I use a combination of Lavasoft Adaware, Spybot Search & Destroy, and Hijack This. I also do a manual scan for any additional files and/or registry entries. I usually don't let adware build up on me, but if a friend brings me a PC filled with spyware, it takes me a couple of hours to completely get rid of everything. I also do all this while in Safe Mode to prevent any thing from interfering with my cleaning.Ever since I have upgraded to Service Pack 2, and have installed McAfee Security Center 2005 I do not get spyware or adware any more. I have been spyware free for 3 months now! I highly suggest this combination!

  9. It is very easy to create a home network over a router. I will just assume you are using Windows XP. Open the Start Menu and open the Control Panel. Then click on Network Connections. On the Task Bar to the left of the Network Connections Window, click Set up a home or small office network.Then click Next and then Next. Select This computer connects to the Internet through a residential gateway or through another computer on my network and click Next.Then if you haven't setup your computer name, type in what you want and click next. Type in the workgroup you want to use for network. (You must remember this name to use on the rest of the computers you will do this on.)After this it will ask if you want to make a Network Setup Disk. You can choose do make one or you can repeat these steps on the rest of the computer manually.

  10. Google Toolbar Version 3 with Spell Check is no longer in beta. The Spell Check feature allows you to check your spelling in any textbox on a web page. That includes the new post boxes on this forum. I use it on a daily basis. It also has many other unique features which can be seen at Google's Toolbar Page: https://www.google.com/intl/de/toolbar/ie/index.html.

    I would highly suggest downloading and installing the new Google Toolbar. The built in popup blocker will block most ads that IE with SP2 misses!

  11. I feel pretty dumb!My ISP decided that all of it's users will have to use their SMTP server. (This is common for a lot of ISPs) It really dosn't bother me, except that they didn't notify anyone. They didn't even say so on their site. I finally called them up, and got a hold of someone who knew what they were talking about. He told me of this change! All they had to do was send an e-mail of some sort alerting their users of this change.

  12. Make sure you also have a high speed internet connection, that is always on. If your internet connection is off, then your website will be "down". Therefore you don't want to even attempt this over a dial up connection. Also the faster your connection, the faster people will be able to download your site, pictures, files, and anything else you may have on your site.

    Most likely you will want a dedicated server, not one that you will also use for playing all the latest games coming out! This could mean buying another PC if you only have one, or just going ahead and buying a server.

    You can use Windows XP as the OS for your server, all you have to do is install, and configure some type of Web Server software. I would suggest Apache. It is widely used by many companies, including Xisto. Their website is http://httpd.apache.org/.

    Good Luck!!!

  13. I received the e-mail in my "catch-all" account! I still cannot send any email through outlook express. This is very weird... When I log onto my email, and create a new message with NeoMail in my cpanel. It says my email account is *******@vjgamer.astahost.com??? I sent the mail to my gmail account, and that is what the address showed up as also. When I try to reply to the email I get this error:PERM_FAILURE: DNS Error: Domain name not foundWhat is this?? Whenever I send something to myself I get the mail back in error!Now when I send it from neomail to *******@vjgamer.astahost.com it works, and the message goes through successfully. This is very weird, and it would be very helpful if this problem can be fixed.I just found that my "catch-all" adress does work. Just *****@vjgamer.com If I send a mail directly to it, It work just fine. I find this very odd. Maybe my email settings wern't changed when I got my domain name changed from vjgamer.astahost.com to just vjgamer.com?

  14. At http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they have taken invite donations from users with nothing better to do with their invites and have given to this site! Just type in your e-mail address, and then you will receive an invitation to sign up for a Gmail account. If you can't find something to do with your 50 invites, donate them to isnoop.net. I think they have enough for anybody who wants a Gmail account now, but it couldn't hurt. All the directions are on the page.

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ has many other unique tools, that I found to be interesting.

  15. I have not been able to send mail through my e-mail account.I have my own domain and my current email settings are as follows:Incoming Mail: mail.vjgamer.comOutgoing Mail: mail.vjgamer.comAccount Name: vjgamer (This is my default account/cPanel name.)Password: Same as my cPanel PasswordOutgoing Mail Server - My server requires authentication (Checked) Settings... - Use same settings as incoming mail serverI have checked my MX settings in my cPanel. It was set to vjgamer.com, so earlier today I changed it to mail.vjgamer.com. This did not work, I am getting the same results. I get an "Unknown Error".I did a search of the forums, and saw people with the same problems, but when I took the steps suggested, nothing changed. I even tried disabling my firewall and everything.

  16. An integrated graphics card uses your main memory (RAM) for it's memory. This will definitely drag performance. I would highly suggest including a graphics card. Even if it means you have to save up an extra 100 - 200 dollars. You will most likely be able to run HL 2, but Doom 3 will probably drop frames.That processor will definitely be fast enough to run those games, and you will have enough ram.

  17. The 8 Gigabytes are not there because Windows XP uses what is called an NTFS format for partitions. This stands for NT File System, this format was also used in Windows 2000 and you guessed it Windows NT. NTFS Partitions keep information about the directory structure, and what files are in which directories in what is called the MFT. The MFT or Master File Table, is not viewable, and it takes up space on your hard drive, thus the 8 GB you are missing. I have a 250 GB hard drive, and my computer says there is only 232 GB. So I am missing 18 GB. The larger the hard drive, the larger the MFT. Reformatting the hard drive into a FAT 32 file system won't work either. First, FAT 32's equivalent to the MFT is the FAT (File Allocation Table). Secondly, in Windows XP, a hard drive can't have a FAT 32 file system larger than 32 GB compared to NTFS's ability to be used on volumes larger than 2 Terabytes. (Outside of Windows XP, FAT 32 can be used on volumes up to 2 Terabytes) Finally, any file larger than 4 GB (like a disc image of a DVD) would be rejected by FAT 32 (the DVD image would have to be split into smaller files) , while in NTFS, file size is only limited by the amount of hard drive space!

  18. I have seen a Virtual Machine running! It is pretty cool. I was drag and dropping text between Mac OS and Windows! The speed wasn't bad either, but I do have 1 gig of ram. I have also seen another program that allows two different computers, one running Linux and the other running windows, to be able to be controlled by one keyboard and mouse. When ever you brought the mouse off the edge of the screen it would jump to the other computer! I can't remember what it was called!

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