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Posts posted by waltermelow

  1. I take playing Ogame long time, and the truth, is that this liking much, I am in which a game of tactical/strategy they give a pricipal planet you and you can colonize others, is a game without graphics, everything based on a system Web, to give single clicks to the mouse.

    It is a online game with many players of very many languages, the target of the game is construct an empire with a maximum of 10 planets, one main one, and nine colonies.

    Its based in a system of points with on the amount of resources that we spent, each 1000 units of any resource, between crystal, metal and deuterium, you would daran a point to us.

    Good, I hope that you prosee and me to it digais your opinion, here down I leave the URL you.


    And for Spanish players:

    OGame.com.ES :lol:

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