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Posts posted by siddharthacomplex



    in the past couple months with firefox i have had only three problems:


    1. frames loaded incorrectly at Ozark Electric

    (right hand side should be full of content, as is in IE6sp1)


    2. http://www.windowsupdate.com/windowsupdate/v6/default.aspx does not allow update through firefox


    3. McAfee Internet Security Suite required IE to update virus definitions and adware definitions


    are there workarounds for issues such as these?






    Fire fox is deffinatly better its user interface with the tabs and all is so good. i only have iexplorer because i cant view some things in firefox. to me thats its only down side.




    Jipman : I don't think this has something to do with security issues or exploits, moving to software -> internet & network clients

  2. Does anyone know the facts?




    The teaching of the Catholic Church with regard to the veneration of relics is summed up in a decree of the Council of Trent (Sess. XXV), which enjoins on bishops and other pastors to instruct their flocks that "the holy bodies of holy martyrs and of others now living with Christâwhich bodies were the living members of Christ and 'the temple of the Holy Ghost' (I Cor., vi, 19) and which are by Him to be raised to eternal life and to be glorified are to be venerated by the faithful, for through these [bodies] many benefits are bestowed by God on men, so that they who affirm that veneration and honour are not due to the relics of the saints, or that these and other sacred monuments are uselessly honoured by the faithful, and that the places dedicated to the memories of the saints are in vain visited with the view of obtaining their aid, are wholly to be condemned, as the Church has already long since condemned, and also now condemns them." Further, the council insists that "in the invocation of saints the veneration of relics and the sacred use of images, every superstition shall be removed and all filthy lucre abolished." Again, "the visitation of relics must not be by any perverted into revellings and drunkenness."

    quote taken from the catholic encyclopedia


    I didn't realize catholicism went so far to declare what is and isn't holy for people.

  3. hi linz  actually i dont know about that..i know that Catholics "Do" believe in Purgatory!! but am not sure  if Christians believe in it.. I  (my) opinion "Dont" Christians dont believe in Purgatory. something that has crossed (My) mind was... i (might?) believe that this is Purgatory right here on earth.....:P BTW..... can i ask you how you got the cute little kitty for your picture? i hope that i am giving you some "insite" on my (Own) Philosphys hehe  take care and Hope to keep in contact with you ~luv~  ~~ree~~


    no doubt this material earth is as close to purgatory as i wish to imagine!


    there is definitely evidence that the idea of a torturous afterlife is entirely fictional, beginning with Dante's Inferno.


    there is also evidence that the words that were translated into 'hell' in the english version of the bible were in fact descriptions of burial sites, with no connotation of punishment, eternal damnation, or judgment in general.


    although i'm not very well read on this subject, i have come across some who believe purgatory to be a fear tactic designed by the church (keep in mind the times were far different from what they are now, the churchmembers were the ruling class, and were themselves venerated by many to a more 'godly' status).


    similar to the theory that the more we are convinced of imminent terrorism on the other side of the water, the less we'll pay attention to the indescretions of our own body of government.


    the way i see it (butchered quote from jesus) 'he who believes in light and resurrection shall never die.'

  4. Catholics go through a cycle of events in their spiritual lives known as the seven sacraments.  Although all Catholics can not partake in each sacrament, the majority receive the Holy Eucharist and are baptized as children.  The sacraments are the rites of passage in the Catholic faith.  Some of the sacraments require proper preparation and knowledge of the oneâs faith.  The seven sacraments include Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Marriage, Anointing of the Sick, and the Holy Orders.


    Faith ties the people of God together.  We are united through our belief in faith.  I see the sacraments as the acceptance of faith in God and of our faith. With all the diversity that exists among Godâs people, faith in God and To Chrisitan, Jesus Christ is the being that connects us all as one. He played many roles when he was on this earth and is the incarnation of God.  In essence, He is God âinfleshedâ.


    While he was on the earth, some viewed him as a healer.  I believe that receiving reconciliation and the anointing of the sick would require an individual to accept Jesus as the ultimate healer.  The Eucharist accepts that Jesus had the ability to turn bread and wine into himself for his people.  Receiving the Eucharist is the acceptance of the Last Supper and the symbolic meaning along with it.  Jesus Christ is referred to as the anointed.  At baptism we are anointed with holy oil to welcome us into the Catholic faith.  In confirmation we again, confirm and renew our faith and individually commit to the vows our godparents had spoken for us.  Again we are anointed with holy oil, symbolizing the truth of Jesus Christ, the anointed one. 


    The sacraments are a rite of passage among the Christian people.  We are all tied to one faith and the sacraments are the links that we tie it all together.  Sacraments sometimes required preparation.  In preparation of a sacrament, we are taught the underlining faith of Jesus Christ.  Through our sacramental practices, we accept and acknowledge the faith of Jesus and who he was.  Sacraments bring people of the church together in celebration.  These gatherings are common ties among people of faith and their acceptance of God and Jesus.



    Very thoughtful post solrac. i appreciate a unified view such as yours.

  5. here's an excerpt from the post i linked above, and again below:


    A classic example of this is the evolution

    of the doctrine of the Trinity.  1st-century Judaic Christianity was

    completely unfamiliar with this doctrine.  The belief originated with

    the Pauline writings, was only gradually (and with much bloodshed)

    accepted throughout the Hellenistic Christian world, and was

    'canonized', i.e., accepted as official doctrine, in the year 325, by

    way of a majority vote of bishops.  The doctrine was officially

    proclaimed by a then-pagan emporer Constantine (who accepted Christian

    baptism on his deathbed), and became church/state doctrine.

    Good Post


    religion is such politics it makes me want to sacrifice my lunch.







  6. Actually, its more than that Siddharthacomplex.  Catholic doctrine involves more than just the bible.  This is actually part of the split between the protestant denominations and the catholic church.  The protestant denominations only accept the bible as a source of God's message(or really, their interpretation of the bible).  Catholics on the other hand have a 'living tradition' in the form of the papacy and centuries of papal writings and the writings of saints such as St. Augustine.


    Hilariously enough, much of protestant doctrine actually comes from such catholic saints and such.  These views are then justified, sometimes with great difficulty, into protestant theologies.


    thanks, treefrog, i didn't know about papal writings... the saints are on my reading list immeditately.


    my initial reaction, (although i am wary of these) is that excellent models of life have been written throughout history by members of such a wide variety of faiths that it would be difficult for me to structure myself to a centuries old orthodoxy. i should note, however, that i didn't structure well to high school either.


    btw, does anyone know if there's truth to this glanced upon rumor of bones being held as relics in the vatican?


    Good Post






  7. Don't know all the precise beliefs that differ, but in my estimation it boils down something like this:Ages ago scriptures were written, some of which were later compiled in a book we now know of as the bible.Many people follow these scriptures as a religion, Catholicism being one. Christianity is like the term kleenex, coke, or band aid. It doesn't have to be a specific brand to call it by that name. Within Christianity there are hundreds of denominations, divided from each other almost entirely by their divergent interpretations of scripture.This effectively opposes people against each other, which to me goes against spiritual common sense. Arguing about someone elses description of events 2000 years ago isn't my cup of tea.That said, Jesus sure was a heck of a good guy it seems.

  8. Oh my gosh yes I agree entirely. Firefox is the heavyweight champion IMO.


    Extensions galore, themes galore, support galore, security, ease of use, stumbleupon extension is brilliant, can't say enough.


    Slimbrowser is also excellent, and there's always lynx!!




    Internet Explorer is very dangerous! I have heard about loads of insecurites in iexplore, iframes, images executing malicious code and loads more so i decided to switch to an alternative browser. After some persusion from my friend i downloaded Mozilla Firefox v1.0. I still use it and i love it, best of all it is secure. Apart from it being more secure you can download loads of extentions from update.mozilla.org. There are loads of things that firefox has that internet explorer doesnt. Heres a list of things firefox has and internet explorer doesnt

    Tabbed Browsing - Excellent


    Loads of Extentions


    build in search bar


    built in popup blocker


    downloadable search engine to add onto the search bar

    Firefox Rules :P  :P  :o  :o


  9. A question like that must be answered with a list. And why stop at snes?


    In no particular order:




    Marble Madness

    Dr. Mario


    Mario 3

    Pipe Dreams




    Street Fighter 2

    Super Smash TV

    NHL 97

    Super Tecmo Bowl





    Mario Golf

    F-Zero X

    Bond 007



    Sega Saturn


    Virtua Fighter

    Nights Into Dreams (best game of all time)




    Crazy Taxi

    Tokyo Extreme Racer





    Counter Strike

    Half Life 2

    Call Of Duty

    Doom 3

    Diablo 2



    What do you think is the best SNES game of all time???


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