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Posts posted by ree

  1. That is interesting. I have also heard that Catholics believe in Purgatory, which is not something Christians believe in. Is that true?




    hi linz actually i dont know about that..i know that Catholics "Do" believe in Purgatory!! but am not sure if Christians believe in it.. I (my) opinion "Dont" Christians dont believe in Purgatory. something that has crossed (My) mind was... i (might?) believe that this is Purgatory right here on earth.....:P BTW..... can i ask you how you got the cute little kitty for your picture? i hope that i am giving you some "insite" on my (Own) Philosphys hehe take care and Hope to keep in contact with you ~luv~ ~~ree~~

  2. I have always wondered why they were so different. It seems like Christian and Catholic beliefs are nearly exactly alike, but I know there must be some differences. Does anyone know the facts?


    My brother is a Christian... but we were raised Catholic. one thing i do know according to Him is, He "Doesnt" believe in Saints at all.. where on the other hand (Catholics "Do") ... i myself am a mixture of just about all* of the religions. i believe that, there is a "Supreme Being" no matter what *ever* you want to call Him/Her :P

  3. i have over 30 credits.. i think somewhere on here i read that i needed at least 10 credits.. but after that i could "Upgrade".... but also somewhere i read that this process will take 24 hrs in order to take effect and that i will be notified via e-mail. This is all confusing to me.. can you please direct me to the section of this site where it explains how things work here Thank you very much again ~ luv ~~ree~~

  4. Hi and Thank You for this easy to read and "Understand" Tutorial.... i needed something like this....broken down step by step...:P it was nice of you to take your time. here is a Link to a place where i and Practice my HTML.. http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?fie=tryhtml_basic i really like it.:P i just included this so others' who might be wondering where to Practice their HTML, can find a HTML Editor Practice Pad.... with luv' Thank You again ~ree~

  5. well, i have a very rash breed, its called britain shaphered, its a huge dog and have a very bad temperament, so can u please tell me how to calm it down when it is really mad and cud u please let me know if there are other breeds that can be easily trained and where to get them from?


    hi..:P well the first thing that i can say about "Dogs" is.... that they are "Pack" animals. Meaning that they' dont feel (right* or Complete*)... unless They* are (key word') right here-------> " ( INCLUDED !!!!!! ) ..... if you choose to "Alienate" them.. they get all bothersome ( like somethings' missing in their "life") Sooooooooooo on that Note'

    .. Thats where the "Training" Comes In"......... It sounds to me that you are "Allowing" this Bad temper" to go On' !!!!..................... See'in that this is a "Larger Breed".... i think ya better start "Training him" ..( before He" , TRAINS YOU!!! You can Start Training a dog as soon as a "PUPPY"..... ( The very first time the Puppy" recogonizes his name !!!!! from there on' Its all up to You.. And the more they "respect You ... The More They "TRUST" You....... " i" ALWAYS Use "Food" as a (REWARD)..... after all They* say..... "Food" is a Dogs' first Love".... ( i believe that to be true).... Always Be "FIRM" when handling your Dog...... and at first, start slowly.. only like 5 mins at each intervials.. through out the day...... "You want your Dog to be Your*. "Companion" welllllll being the "Pack" style animal that he is..... He Despertately NEEDS YOUR COMPANIONSHIP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! meaning' put "Time" into your Pet......:P Always Start Any Comand with your Pet's Name..... this way you have Their Attention...... when they "Do Right" reward them with a "Treat" I hope i helped answer any of your Questions.... Good Luck... i'll be here if Ya need more help....:o Luv ~ree~

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