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Posts posted by Kiada

  1. My friends been telling me they've got a Free-Running game in the making (Free-Running: http://www.parkour.org.uk/). Said he'd seen a program on the making on it, and it looks more or less like the Tony Hawks style engine.. which i can visualize... Sorta behind the person you're playing..

    But I was thinking, do you think a Free-Running game would work like.. in Third-Person view with full control of the person... running about, spotting ledges/rails/bricks on walls in the map around you an making up your combos etc? Like.. without the restraints of a small-ish map and the Tony Hawks control... A lot more freedom to move about how you like? It would be very hard to code.. and the controls/camera angles would need to a lot of work to succeed.. but if it did, I think it'd be fun as hell to play. I reckon the new game in the makings gonna be good either ways, but the freedom of plays always a factor in the gameplay department..

    Hmmm god knows ha, im no game designer..

  2. I was reading an interesting article the other day (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) about the delay of longhorn and its features. I'm looking forward to its release, but at this moment in time I cant see linux over taking Windows any time soon. I think I'll mention my latest Linux adventure..


    Linux has a LOT of issues to deal with. Earlier this week I installed 'Mandrake 10.1' (4 times before it worked right!) and BAM! your straight into a world of frustration and headaches. I've previously used Red Hat and an old version of Mandrake, so I already had a general idea of how to use it.. but straight away I was in trouble.


    I recently bought a Radeon X800SE, and because of it it took my ages to get Mandrake working. ATI dont allow the free version of Linux to distribute their new 'Proprietry' non Open-Source drivers. So before I realised this, I'd installed Mandrake and had to format and re-install using the generic drivers. (Was more complicated than that lol, actually required me to format an reinstall 2 or 3 times before success!)


    Then came the reason I grabbed this version of Linux - it has native support for my old Alcatel Speedtouch winmodem (or so it claimed). That was another headache! It didnt work straight off.. I had to log back into Windows, print 8 pages of step by step instructions on how to hack linux and get my modem working. (Which I finally did - woopee! lol.) And now when I try play MP3s through it, they play quicker than they should.. so god knows lol, can't handle the frustration of some of it.


    Cant really blame the community or whatever, most hardware in PCs were built for Windows (i think?). Though the new release of Mandrake was a lot more stable (once up and running!) than the previous, it still has a way to go. Ive heard SuSe is quite user friendly, will probably be my next attempt!


    But errr yeah, *looks up an remembers this is a longhorn thread* haha.. I might try the beta out if I can find one (dual booted), it does look quite interesting!

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