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Posts posted by TaurenShaman

  1. Webguide- some people don't need it as an incentive for moral values, such as myself and most likely you and others who don't believe in a religion... But for those who do, religion will be, like I just said, an incentive. They believe in some invisible guy watching over them. They believe in mystical forces around them. And they believe that if you do something wrong, you pay for it. Therefore, religion will act as a moral enforcer. Don't be bad or you'll go to hell...And Yamato has proved my point. She is must happier since religion. "Ignorance is bliss" I believe is the expression. Now, I am in no way saying Yamato is ignorant, so don't misunderstand. She sounds like a very bright girl. But, she did, like I have said earlier in this thread, find comfort. She's more accepting of people. She's happier. She's less pessimistic.So, what does it matter if she's believing in a lie? As long as she's happy, and she doesn't go off on a holy war because she thinks God wants her to or anything like that, there's nothing wrong with religion.Now, if she said, "George Bush is great because God wants him to be president..." Then, we'd have a problem. But that problem doesn't occur with all religious believers luckily.

  2. Its ridiculous. I mean, right now I just looked under the games category user rooms, and I just counted 6 with uh, bad names or themes. ITs disgusting. And yahoo does nothing about it. What's even worse I think is how a 13 year old can just go in there, and all of the sudden have a 34 year old woman send a cam invite where she is doing innapropriate things on camera...

  3. Biology teaches us that sperms cannot survive in high temperature.

    And when you lay your laptop on your lap, you are exposing your testes to heat and it may lead to deformed sperms, which is unhealthy.


    Besides, you have to close your legs together to stablize your laptop, this may cause deformed testes, can't let your penis ejaculate at it's optimum and can cause clumped testes.




    So are you saying it can be permanent? Because so far people's replies on this thread have said that its only temporary...Bah, whatever. I'm just never going to keep my legs close together and never putting my laptop on my lap again as a precaution.

  4. Does anyone DISagree with me on this? I mean, the yahoo chat rooms are FULL of guys looking to cyber, older guys looking to cyber, guys pretending to be girls looking to cyber, and porn bots. People are VERY VERY fake in there. Granted, people aren't always what they seem in chat rooms, and I guess you can say everyone is a bit fake in one way or another online, but, I think this really takes the place in the yahoo chat. Also, the booters? Seriously, Everyone spending their time loading mass 10 id booters and mass IMing people until they drop? Then everyone has to get an anti-booter. And then Someone looks for a better booter to get through the anti-booters and Y Tunnel... Its ridiculous.

  5. Well, obviously i'm not talking about the uber fanatics. As long as the religion doesn't affect important, real life matters such as politics, government (which unfortunately it does so you might consider my argument invalid...) its ok. But, as far as the individual is concerned, religion as a source of comfort isn't a bad thing.

  6. People don't need religon. Nope not at all. I personally think religon is a bunch of hoo-hah ludacrous. Though, it depends on the person, and their beliefs. So what I think maybe totally different to how someone else views this.


    yes, it is a bunch of ludacrous hoo ha, but thats not the point. It brings comfort to people to believe in a god. Whena religious person's life sucks, they find it a lot easier to say "God wants this to happen" or "my life was meant to suck right now, there is a divine purpose/destiny behind it"... much easier for them than saying "my life sucks because i'm a 30 year old fat man living with my parents with no job"...

  7. Myspace.com is a great great website. Its one of those friendster/buddypic/etc... sites. You make your profile, and you can exchange ideas with others, communicate, browse for people to become friends/mates/whatever..., use forums, etc etc... It occupies a very large portion of my time online. You guys have to check it out. Seriously, you'll be happy it was suggested in a month from now when you get up in the morning just to check your myspace inbox.

  8. I am one of many who knows the absurdity in believing in invisible men in the sky, angels, mysticism, religion etc... A few years ago I wrote a paper on why religion is so bad, and how its always been a cause of destruction and death all throughout history... But, I've recently begun to see that people need religion. It brings a sense of meaning and comfort to their lives. People cannot explain things, so they make up gods, and think of the gods as creators, therefore answering their previously unexplained questions...People don't want to believe that when they die, they merely poof *snaps finger* out of existence...They don't want to believe that when they die, they cease thinking, cease being... So instead they believe in heaven. Think about it, which would you rather have? Would you rather poof into nothingness? Or would you rather merely go to a new place when you die, a place filled with virgins and chocolate and where you could play cards with Albert Einstein, etc... Well that's a no brainer- we'd all like to believe that. We'd all like to believe it so much that people do believe it, just because its easier than accepting death. So, I don't think that's a bad thing, as long as they find comfort in believing this.Another thing, religion helps people go by moral values. It is a disciplinary ideal. People think "oh, if I do something wrong, I go to hell," and thus, decide not to kill that woman, decide not to rob that bank, etc etc... And for those of you who would prove religion and gods and mysticism false if you could, think about it. Would you really deprive these people of their comfort? Their willingness to follow laws? What if you did succeed, and everyone who believes in religion suddenly stops believing? There would be worldwide chaos. People wouldn't know what to go do with themselves. People would run amock lawlessly. It would destroy our society...

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