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Posts posted by JoeyG

  1. Forgive me if I'm wrong but this doesn't sound like someone who's mission on this earth is to die for the sins of human kind. If I was in his shoes I would be overjoyed that I got the chance to wash away all the sins of every living being.

    Um, do you have any idea how much pain Jesus was in at that point? Evil Nazi scientists have done tests and determined that anyone in His situation would be in "total body pain" which means that the only thing that He would be able to think about was the pain. The fact that He was even able to speak is amazing. Also, Jesus bore the sins of the entire world, putting him in immense spiritual pain. He was 100% human as well as 100% God, and His human nature would have called out against God.

    As for the shroud, there is no scientific explanation for the image. It is not ink, it is not burnt. Also, if you look at the shroud, you will see that the nails were in Jesus' wrists. In the Bible it says that they were in His hands. In the 1900s forensic scientists determined that the only bone in the hand area capable of holding the entire body was a bone in the wrist. Which means that anyone who faked this shroud would have had to have known a lot about Roman crucifixion techniques (which is only known recently with archaelogical finds), and have not used the Bible as a strict source (which would have been the smart thing to do at the time in order to fool people).

    To me this shroud is obviously real. How the image got onto the shroud I do not know, although Divine Intervention seems the most plausible of all explanations.

    The shroud belongs to Turin, and in Turin it will stay. The Church has no reason to prove the existance of Jesus, we all know He was a real man.

    There's my take.

  2. Well, as a Catholic myself, I have this to say:The Catholic Church is run by people, which means that it has it's fair share of problems. However, when Martin Luther and his Reformation caused a split (I know he didn't mean it to, but it did), it may have fixed some problems, but it created some new ones as well as split up the Christian church. This set an example for many other people who created their own denominations, and today we have well over 10,000.So, the Catholic Church appears stubborn because it will not deign to political correctness or some such other blather, but we really don't care. In the words of a priest I know, "The media's always bashing us, but you know, we're used to it, so it doesn't really bother us."There's my take.

  3. You could make this work backwards. I may be thinking of something else, but my understanding of the technology is that is changes the chemical structure of your skin, allowing liquid to pass through it harmlessly. This effect wears off in 6 to 8 hours (or some time to that effect), and allows liquids and drugs and stuff to pass harmlessly through the skin and into the body. It also allows blood to pass out through the skin, also there would have to be some vein penetration there, I assume.

  4. DNA would be relatively slow; we need fast, direct signals to run a computer.The most promising technology that I am aware of is quantum computers, where in scientists apply JS Bell's Theorum* to individual atoms and quarks to create an untra-fast, ultra-complex computer.*This states that if you 'entangle' two electrons if you change the spin of one of them, you will change the spin of the other at the same time no matter how far away they are from each other.I think that would be quite interesting as NASA could build encryption engines and launch them into deep space and they'd keep working. That would be literally impossible to hack.

  5. I'm a complete newb to PHP and databases, and I'll have to say that MySQL has been easy to use, clean, efficient, and it works. That's more than I can say for PHP when I tried to set it up with Apache on Windows.MySQL is quite powerful for a scripting language that has only ten or so commands. I recommend it to any newbs out there.

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