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Posts posted by bridenhosen

  1. im wondering if anyone out there has some games i could put onto my TI-89 calc if so please tell me what some good ones are and where i could get them...hopefully if i get some i wont be so bored in my classes and i have something to do :)

  2. Dead or Alive has to be one of the best fighting series there is out to this date.there are plenty of charecters, levels and modes that the game never gets boring+ with all the moves and combos there are it makes it always fun but yet challenging for even the best playersand one other good thing is there are alot of girls in skimpy clothes so if your into the whole 3D girls its always fun to look at lol

  3. im just curious would it be worth the extra $$ to go and get a water cooling system for my PC or should i just stick to the reguler old fan to do its job and if it is worth the money what is a good price to pay for a kit?

  4. i have sold a daoc account for $270...and for all of you hardcore daoc gamers one of my in game friends was able to sell his account for over a grand...but trust me he put his life into that account lol if you know daoc he had 14 50's all which were ML10 4 which were RR6+ and they were all decked out in good gear...the funny thing is now that he has sold it and hasnt been able to play and he got sick of WoW he wants his account back and he cant get it lol

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