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About Muddyboy

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    Member [ Level 1 ]
  1. Sweet, so i was close O_o i thought the current mobile phones were digital. I know they used to be anolog, and then they changed. I might be wrong
  2. MySQL, you'll be hard pressed to find a script that is written not for mysql (unless specificilly written for another database type or doesnt require one at all )Mysql is the easest and most used database, and most webservers (and now free webservers) support and install mysql
  3. Google is the most accuate search engine, even yahoos search engine is based on googles. So when searching yahoo, its like an outdated version of our favourite search bot :(I never really liked yahoo's directory style apporach. Although i havnt been to their site for about a year now so thing may have changed. If i cant find it in google then i mustnt really need it
  4. google is great for searching for lyrics epecailly if you dont know the name of the song, just a line. There is only a few times that hasnt worked for me and if it didnt take out the small words (Doesnt take out 'a' because you can search single letters) then you would be getting thousands apon thousands of results because nearly every webpage has the word 'the' or 'of' or 'is'
  5. From the bottom of the page Or for you homies to understand Hmmm, that didnt really work as well as i thought it would Anyway they proberly use google's API to get the search results
  6. I think, this is me thinking here.Each radio tower can use the same set of bands as long as they are far enough apart. So when you mobile phone connects to the tower it used one band, but on the other side of the earth another tower can use the same band as the first tower as they wont interfere.Thats why you cannot connect to towers when everyone is on the phones because there is no bands free
  7. Wouldnt i depend of where you buying it from because if you brought it directly from apple it would be different to if you brought it from a 3rd party dealer. I would much rather a creative mp3 player anyways
  8. I learnt HTML by example in Word 97 believe it or not. Notably my HTML skills where very lacking, but you get that. :)I processed to notepad then to frontpage and dreamweaver. Now i use a mix of dreamweaver and editplus (notepad like thing for those of you that dont know )
  9. Can you give us a link so we can view the code :(You may just have to upload your own over the top or delete some code But its not server side so it will be in the html page
  10. Yer i don't think there is a way to add it too the top, if there is i dont know it .You could on loading the file put the file into an array and reverse the array.I remember seeing a function for thatYour recap is right ;)Although it proberly would be much better to use a mysql database, but you cant always have access to a database
  11. I think your taking it a bit too far there. Most people would have now days upgraded their browsers to the lastest or later version, and if they havnt then they are stupid because they are asking to be abused by websites with the vunrabilties of their outdated browser.If you still want to i suggest making 2 version, a nice clean css version without the font tags etc, and a older version without the css, not a mix of both, and use php with a switch (link down the bottom so if it doesnt detect its a later version and it is it will allow the user to change) that way you can keep the older browser support and allow the newer browsers to use the css with font tags etc so the page load is down
  12. Piracy is not as bad in Australia, but if you know where to look, you will find it.Some of Australians main holiday desinations is very bad, ie Bali, 1 out of every 100 stores is not selling pirated copies of something.
  13. <?phpfunction access_log(){ // Enter data in usage log.$filename = "access.log";$entry = gmdate("M d, Y H:i:s T").": ". getenv("REMOTE_ADDR").": ". getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT")." \n";if (!file_exists($filename)) touch($filename);$fh = fopen($filename, "r");$fcontent = fread($fh, filesize($filename));$towrite = $entry.$fcontent;$fh22 = fopen($filename, 'w+');fwrite($fh2, $towrite);fclose($fh);fclose($fh2);} // End function access_log() There ya go
  14. Invision Power Board, is definatly the best. Although its not free, but if you dont mind paying or got it before they went full paided you fine :)vB is no where near as powerful as IPB, why you do you vB are changing their coding style to be modulated like IPB is The only reason many companys us vB is it was never free, the free kind of pushed people away from use IPB, but as you can see on the main website the have some big companies using IPB
  15. I really dont mind the needle, its a little prick most of the time.Although cool, i would much rather a needle then the drugs being shot through my skin
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