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Posts posted by posiordie

  1. I'm using Gimp for a few weeks. Yesterday I dowloaded some fonts... ok... many fonts :) about 1000. I split them into folders (about 150 in each one), and i tried to add them into my gimp. I seved about 400, maybe 500 fonts, and everything were ok. But when i add next patr of my fonts, gimp dont want to save them, and after restart, i still have got those 400 fonts. Anyone knows why i can't add more fonts?

  2. myspace is goot thing for bands. i'm checking it only for find some new bands.

    all that kind of sites are weird for me. if i want to meet some new friends i'm just going out. real life is outside, not in internet ;)

    anyway, as i said, music section is really good, i found there many interesting bands. is the only useful thing in myspace :)

    oh.. and if ya want, you can check my bands site at myspace :(

    hope that giving that kind of links is not forbidden.

  3. surely SA is bigger than VC, it has got more optionts, better graphics, and all that stuff.proabably i will also play SA with pleasure, but i think it'll be hard to win with Vice City. 80's was so funny and crazy times that it's impossible for me to do a game with better mood/spirit. thats all.but maybe i'll be suprised. i hope so

  4. firefox does look like IE. maybe not in 100% , but it's very simmiliar. And thats GREAT!why?lets see... many pepople use IE, cause they used it always, from the beginning, and they are accustomed to it. they afraid to change web browser, because they think that everything is differnet, and they will have only problems with new browser.so they can look at Firefox and say: - cool, it is not so strange. it's simmiliar to my IE. maybe i'll try it. and some of them throws out IE.so where is the problem?

  5. Soulseek might not be optimal for downloading (in terms of download speed and searching)

    this is true. soulseek have really poor search. the best way to find something really rare is to talk with someone on adequate channel, and browse users files. you can also use "wishlist" but it's not working as it should. forget about this fancy "search" icon on bar. it's unfortunately useless.

    anyway, Soulseek is the best p2p program for me. I haven't found anything better yet, and i even doesn't looking for :)

  6. i think that iframe is very useful, but you must use them wisely. i don't like when someone puts a few iframes on one site (for example http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ). its very hard to navigate on that kind of website. anyway, i love iframes on small sites, when there is not more sub-sites. i like when site looks more like picture, and text is in iframe. it's very nice. but it's only ok on SMALL sites. like bands www or some blogs.It is really annoying when someone puts tons of iframes without any idea. i hate those kind of design. my favourite sites with iframes:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ much more.

  7. sorry if there was any topic about it but i couldn't find any.so... what peer 2 peer programs you are using? what things you are downloading from it?i got only soulseek, cause only on it i can found rare records that i'm looking for. sometimes I downlad some band, tahat is unavalaible for me here in Poland. but in general I prefer CDs and Vinyls.I also tried Kazaa, eMule, and DC++Kazaa was worst of them. There was nothing for me. Only poronos and some pop songseMule is good for single files i think, its hard to find some rare albums thereDC++ is strange for me, al this hubs and stuff. I don't like it. Maybe it's that because I always used Slsk.

  8. i'm using FlashGet + FlashGot plugin for my firefox for bigger files, like videos.for smaller files i prefer Download manager from firefoxi also tried a Download Accelerator, but i got some problems with it, so few years ago I installed FlashGet.

  9. I tried to search forums for some topic about this game, and i was shocked! 0 results.It's impossible, did i miss something?Anyway, I love VC, I played in this game thousand times, and I always have much fun when I play it again. I love this crazy 80s style, its awesome! Music, clothes, and all those fancy things like guys from village people dancinge on stage at malibu club :( Can San Andreas be as great as VC? I don't think so.. 80's was much more better than 90's. 90' are boring :)

  10. It outclasses CM4(which has probably been the worst of the Championship Manager Series) and also CM03-04(which was an awesome game) by far.


    I advise you all to buy it.


    if you are saying that this gam outclasses CM 03-04 it mus be something. I'm playing it now, after long break, and I'm in love again :) I think that this is one of the greatest games ever :( I'm never bored with it. Well, maybe after 15 seasons of playing, but only a liittle bit.


    what are the requirements of Football Manager 2005?

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