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Everything posted by _VJ

  1. Hey. I just want to apologize ahead of time if I'm doing this wrong because this is my first time on a forum. I was looking up information on the Shroud of Turin because I am doing a report on it for my religion class. I found it really interesting to look at all of your different view-points on the subject. I for one, am not really sure on whether it's real or fake. I have read from numerous sources saying why the Shroud would be legitimate, and why it would not. I am Catholic, and there is no question that I believe that Jesus was real, but I am not positive that the Shroud is real. The Shroud is just a very difficult subject, and all of you who have said something, well, all of what all of you have said has made sense on both sides of the discussion. I don't really have much more to say, but I will keep checking here for any updates, this is actually a pretty fascinating topic. lol. _VJ
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