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Posts posted by shahidiimran

  1. Im OK with .tk domains. I have one. http://www.finaldesign.tk/ - try to check if mine have an popup. Look carefuly when you are applying for .tk domain. when you are registering there is a little catch: try NOT to check that little checkbox that says "display popup..." (it's somewhere in the marketing section) and there you go there is no more that annoying popup... But that thing with the frameset - that is the only thing what's wrong about them...


    well thanks you very much for providing me info that popup for the .TK domain can be cancelled, i had never visited marketing page of their service, now i am very much relaxed and all credit goes to you, believe me i came to Xisto to ask for some script which disables that popup but u proved to be a solution provider for me, weelll thanks again and keeep in contact with us..:rolleyes:

  2. yeah that very good and microsoft makes msn best again with new features, i think msn messenger is the best messagin service till now, although yahoo is good too but yahoo have problem with signout system and they are not paying much attention to that problem, anyways hats off for messenger 7.0 final version...:rolleyes:

  3. well guys here is the link to signup for new gmail Account




    now that gmail had given us the facility, don't send or ask for gmail invitation atleast in forum, and only thing is that ask and share knowledge now...


    cheers up!



    Notice from microscopic^earthling:
    Too many threads on same topic/same poll. Carry on with the earlier threads. Topic CLOSED.

  4. well, you have to edit the file in you primary drive which is c drive, the name of your required file is "Boot.ini" and this file have the record of how many OS you had installed and which one you wana boot, now goto your c drive and open that file and edit the info, but this is my advice that before doing anything to that file, backup that and place copy of that file somewhere else in you hard disk too, because if you are editing it first time, there is a chance that itmight get corrupted and in that case you pc didn't load your operating system and you had to re-install the windows....cheers up...:rolleyes:

  5. well Kyle, what information u want to know about CCNA, its easy to get certified but it is goood if you want you future to be in networks, these are all the basics about networkig, components like hubs, switches, routers and protocols information and how they works, you can simple call this course the basics or the door to the network world so make your concepts clear about routing tables, the technologies like VoIP are best understoood if you have the basics.....and at the end i would like you to visit http://www.net130.com/ for more help on ccna etc, you have to search a little but it has all the standered course in books form of ccna, if u need any info about anything in ccna, dont hesitate and ask freely...cheer up....:P

  6. yeah you are right man, windowsXP is just full of errors and bugs and microsoft shud spend more time in managing windows XP instead of moving to new technologies, but one thing, user respnse and user interactivity of windows activity is best.....so need a time to manage what they did.....windows 2000 is best, now doubt about that

  7. well, searching of google is best in comparison to any search engine, but it needs more time to have your desired like because it perform only syntax search not the semantics search and due to alot webpages we see many irrelative websites but i had studies somewhere on net that google is working on sematics seach ability now, if this happens pr they succeed in doing so then google will be the best again, according to your opinion :P but searchn technoqyes of google are best till now and if they succeed what they have planned, that will be a revolution in search and parsing......cheers up google. :P

  8. yeah the thing is we are making domain specific robots so we are making just machines and that can't be given any humans like rights but if at some stage we make a robot which feel like humans than i am sure that it will be a great achievement and those robots can be punished like humans and they will not like today robots to follow instructions feeded, they will decide heir action own and also build their knowledge base own........but we can't as i mentioned easlier

  9. Your saying a Nuke bomb is less powerfull than the human/creator? Thats BS!

    We will kill everyone on this planet if we continue to build and allow these machines and robotic creations to work and fight for us because we are too lazy to work and fight ourselves.




    well, powerfull does not means that lets have a fight and decide who is more strong, it have some other factors and humans can win the fight against the machines, but i told you robots are domain specific things so fighter robots :P are hard to defeat but humans can, because creator knows the weeknesses also...... so you didn't get my point

  10. well, i have a very rash breed, its called britain shaphered, its a huge dog and have a very bad temperament, so can u please tell me how to calm it down when it is really mad and cud u please let me know if there are other breeds that can be easily trained and where to get them from?

  11. i know this is confusing but robots are not humans and humans are created by God so if you believe that in any age robots can compiete humans, thats not true. You are confused because you have studied robots but you didn't know what God had created, always remember one thing CREATOR is very much powerfull then the product and you can implement this everywhere, just like God created human and human are not compeiting God in any age and that will not be true Secondly, Robots are just to serve their creator which is human, they are not human so they dont have some place in personhood, they don't need any sympthy and any place in our society. AI is not yet that powerfull that it can create human like robots and neither it will be in future. Humans are created by God so we can't make a robot which is equivalent.... Thirdly, if you had studied AI then all robots are domain specific which means if some robot is working in factory and it come to road than it can't change it actions and we need some interface with robot and if you ever think abt making such domain independent robot than you will face real problem and i think impossible in this age even with this technology. if we ever abale to make such thing means domain independent robots than they will be very slow to their enviorment because of large amount of data feed in them, they can't respond to events quickly as human can do. i can list you countless things which hinders in making human like robot so brother dont worry, we are very far to make such kind of robots And last thing you said that if they kill any person, will they be given punishment, i think technology is a tool, and use depend upon its user like you can have the example of nuclear energy, if they are in the hands of some terror kind of country, they are using that to make the other nations afraid and if they are being used by some good countries, they are makin electricity etc to serve humanity, so technology is not bad itself, but its use if used in bad way.....cheers up, sony is not coming in real world yet....:P

  12. well, you must have been aware of gmail service offered by google, they are giving 2GB's to its users, aren't you stunned that how they can manage such a big storage, beause it become popular very sooon and now it have millions of user world wide, so which data storage technology they are using, if the answer is traditional storage technology then i think this is not the answer as our magnetic storage technology is not that efficient and slow too and handling trillions of GBs in free is.....what can i say now?i think they are using HOLOGRAHIC data storage, holographic data Storage technology is the storage of data in the all volume of material rather than just at surface, as out magnetic storage technology is storing data at surface only so they are bigger in size.you can learn more about the holographic technology by visting IBM website, a resarch paper about the holographic data storage technology is placed there, download that and read and if anyone have information that what data storage technology gmail is using then please reply to this topic, we will discuss about that, i am asking this question and starting this topic because i am un-aware of the fact that gmail seems fearless about the storage, they are just giving users alot space, if they are using magnetic storage than there must be some limits to it, az magnetic storage of such a large data and searchin Trillions of data to respond to only one user and that much fast, i am really impressed, i know searching is the main field of gmail team regarding google , but...anyways if some one have any info about that, reply to this topic and meanwhile i will search about the gmail technology......cheers up and use google's gmail :P

  13. the thing that langauge in start does not matter is not right, it does matters alot... a right language in start can build your logic and memory vision and after that you can program in any enviorment on that basis, i started with C++ and believe me now i can program in any language with a little intro which is needed to switch the enviorment, but C++ is the rite laguage to start at basic level, once you will be used to VB.Net in start you can't program at system level becoz your habbits are build to use most of the built in functions and that will hurt you while workin at low level, but if you start with C++ its real easy to program in VB but mention switchin to new enviorment....so the best option is C++ if you want a clear vision and logic in your mind, start it and you will definately feel yourself confident that you can program in any enviorment...cheeer up, dont think and start working with C++ and if you need any help material or where to start then just message me, and tell me your id and i will send you all the data necessary to start in C++with you best of luck (y)

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