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Posts posted by chemical1405241479

  1. I have IIS set up as a testing server and using DreamWeaver MXI have just recently changed my website to contain frames now when I try preview the design in a browser the Frame page comes upbut there are no pages coming through, just Error 401 or 404,I can't remember which, in each frame.Is there some setting I've missed in IIS or is IIS not capable of this ?Note: I am uploading all the html files, the frame which is index.htmand cascading style sheets that are needed.

  2. I had the same symptoms, scratchy noise when scrolling etc, with an old PC and Windows XP with a SB Live Sound cardI had noticed that the PC was running rather slugish and decided to reinstall Windows, for some reason this fixed the sound scratch. I suspect the sound card drivers or the order in which the drivers were installed, caused the problem. Unfortunately I couldn't recreate the fault to make sure.Seeing your other thread, if the power supply is under 1 year old you should be able to claim warranty on it still. Oh and on second thoughts, rather don't use that same model "cheap" PSU in your computer, I've never heard of fans breaking their fins! It also sounds like there was a ground problem from the PSU, however the 2 faults would seem to be unrelatedHope this helps

  3. Rapco Back to topic, Uncapping.There is a group method, and working i might add, that is used in my country.- Not saying where I live for obvious reasons.What is done is a group of 30 odd people all with adsl, club their ISP accounts together, the ISP checks the account cap every 24 hours and the cap is reset every month, so all the users login to the same ISP account for 24 hours then change to the next account the following day until all 30 accounts are cappedand consequently reset for next run

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