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Posts posted by Nudegamer

  1. BATTLEFIELD 1942 RULES AND DESERT COMBAT THEY ARE BOTH FRIGGIN FUN my favorite map on normal battlefield is omaha beach straight up and on desert combat i like dc sea rigs and dc operation bragg they are AWESOME TO THE MAX if you wanna play with me my name is Pinto and i play on the server moon omaha beach lol snipe ya later

  2. counter strike source rules all i really enjoy playing since i never played the original counter strike this one is amazing lol graphics are amazing to the max and the gameplay is so much fun if any of you ever wanna play with me my game name is Pinto i usually play on the server moon lattorz

  3. this game i particularly loved i mean i love the whole final fantasy series but this one had something that all the other ones didnt have a jpop theme and jpop rules even though i am an american with hardcore german heritage i love the japanese culture anyway this game had a great battle system very new and very fun the outfits were skimpy and awesome for showing some cool skin lol weapons and upgrading systems were outstanding plus it added the humor and you cant have a very great game without really good humor in it what can i say hunting down those al bhed primers gets so addicting then when you find them all you just fell lost without them lol

  4. i have got a very little 15 inch emachines monitor its small but it gets the job done all the better for what i use it for thing about lcd monitors is they make everything look a whole lot clearer but the dont have a really good refresh rate and they can be a major problem

  5. i am so a AMD fan because AMD was founded by employees who thought pentium wasnt doing al that they could to make a better processor so they started amd to show them what was up and that is just what they are doind making the first 64 bit windows compatible processor wow is amzing lol amd works betetr for video gaming to creates a better run time

  6. i think the two systems are pretty equally matched i mean on some hands the PS2 is better than the xbox and the xbox on some hands is betetr than the PS2 for instance when it comes to graphics the xbox wins but when it comes to better gameplay i believe the PS2 tops the cake especially for RPG gamers like me you dont see final fantasy games coming out on xbox so their is my opinion on that

  7. i use bittorrent alot it works really well for searching for something that you cant really find anywhere else the client i ise is called bitlord and it roxxorz very very very simple to use allows you to pause change priority rank and all that great stuff

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