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Silent Shadow1405241477

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Posts posted by Silent Shadow1405241477

  1. Thank you so much for this list! I love to play MMORPGs, and I find it quite hard sometimes to find free MMORPGs. The newest game I have started playing is called Rubies of Eventide, but I don't remember the website..It's quite fun but I always have major LAG and it always takes at least an hour (usually more) to actually get on. I played Thang Global for a while, but I had a hard time moving around I don't know if it was just me, but after Iplaed a few times I quit. Thanks again for the list! I greatly appreciate it.

  2. Personally, I have always prefered the darker colors. I like black the most, or a dark blue or purple. I also tend to like silver, not too bright. I really dislike the 'professional' style. If it's on websites other than my own then I don't mind, but I am not the serious, professional type and in my eyes it always looks to..ehm 'old' :P for my own website. I think a white background might be okay if you put a cool design on it.

  3. Aww..I want a tablet so bad! My mom said she was going to get one for me for Christmas but she coudn't find any.. :P Now I have to wait until my birthday. :P My friend has had his tablet for about a year and he's always telling me how much easier it is. I just want to kick him over and take his. :P Lol, just kidding. Anyway, his is a Wacom and he really likes it. So hopefully after my birthday, I can come on here and brag about my tablet. :P

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