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Posts posted by mongos

  1. before, AMD was cheaper than P4, but now, with AMD ATHLON 64, it isn't the same ! Now, a good P4, is about 100$, and a good AMD, is about 130$ ! And P4 is better than AMD with it "memory cache", BUS, frequency, and band-with.But AMD is better for 3D games. Choice your CPU for how you have to made with your computer !

  2. ACEHTML 5 is really the best for make a HTML web page, but you have to know a few about HTML.

    With this programme, you can made ALL web page you want !

    You can add css style, javascript, and others script. Html isn't it only language, you can have HTML, PHP, PERL, ASP, CSS, TEXT, XHTML, WML documents, but with only html code.

    This program is like a professionnel program, with just one difference : IT IS FREE !

    You can download it with this URL

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