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Posts posted by cobaltchloride

  1. how about functionality? i mean i haven't used ruby to be honest so i havn't got a massive knowladge on the subject. However it is just a scripting languare (please correct me if i am wrong) and if people want to do simple programming such as what you described a language like VB.net or something would be more handy since it is more intuative and allows more advanced programming when the user feels adept enough.


    You can do with ruby everything you can do with VB.Net etc. It has support to windows API, cool gui (FXRuby), OLE automation, xml parsing etc. There are free libraries available to extend the language. Although Ruby satisfies the definition of a scripting language, it would be gross injustice to label it only a scripting language. It has a full range of object oriented features enabling anyone to write entire applications in the language.


    I strongly recommend anyone looking for a perfect programming language to use Ruby. I was very skeptical at first but now I even use it to program excel files instead of VBA.

  2. In my opinion c ---> c++ ---> java is a good order. I found java the most fun language of the three. Easier to learn and absence of pointers, automatic garbage collection and cool object-oriented features were excellent features. However, the speed of c, c++ code is unmatched. What is usually do is to do the "core" number crunching in c/c++ and the eyecandy stuff in java. Get the best of both worlds.But some scripting languages are too cool to be ignored. OCaml and Ruby ... boy those are cool languages. I recomment them to anyone anytime to handle most jobs.++++++++++++++++++CobaltChloride

  3. Of all the programming languages I have come accross, there is no language which is as fun to use and easy to program in as Ruby.

    The iterators in the language and the use of code blocks is just excellent. It takes just an hour or so to get used to the philosphy of Ruby and bang... u can just program anything easily in the language. I strongly recomment it to anyone interested in programming.


    1.upto(10) {|x| puts x}

    prints numbers from 1 to 10.


    reverses the string to fedcba.

    Cool :)
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