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About thatguycalledrob
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- Birthday 07/11/1983
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thatguycalledrob started following What And Why You Believe please write logical posts.
thatguycalledrob started following thatguycalledrob
ok, folks this is a good time to remember something a small memorable fact. If you don't want to look foolish, google it first. Many smart people appear geniuses for simply taking the time to do a quick web search. For instance, what is an ip address? go google go. ahh.. a webopedia def. Well, let's see, being that many of you are working off of dsl/cable/some isp that means that your ip was never registered. But, your isp does have one, probably a lot actually of them actually. Then they connect that to a system kind of like a router, but a lot bigger and more complex. That 'ISPRouter' then waits for 'you' to connect and assigns you an IP. Depending on the ISP they may assign 'you' a static (doesn't change) ip that links to your account or maybe your phone number, or dynamic (changes frequently) ip when you connect, this number should not change as long as 'you' remain connected to your isp. Then, 'you' may be a router which accepts that ip (which really isn't registered, but just applies to people connected to your isp's network) and it then can distribute more ip's these are usually xxx.xxx.yyy.yyy. Where the x's are some preset numbers your router's manufacturer likes and are not used by ip registering folks, and the y's are some random number it dynamically assigned you through a protocol known as dhcp or statically gave you, which is configurable through your router. Now, looking at how pseudo your ip really is, what difference does it make? Also, good to note even if your router or machine is getting dynamically assigned ip's, so you think you can conduct illegal activity - guess again. isps track and log all ip's given and the times/dates/accounts they were given out to. Then that account can easily show who owns it and all of their contact info. I don't say this to antagonize you, but rather to let you know I did something stupid several years ago, and the fed taught me, don't let them do the same to you. Oh, and you should know that every communication you send via the anonymous internet, tells your ip to whatever you're communicating to - including, 'anonymous' e-mail/file/web/chat servers
wow, quite complex, but very nice, reminds me of something I saw on tom's hardware guide a while back - what kind of coolant are using?
I agree with you to some extent, I think. The word infallible does describe what you were saying, but it describes a person or being that does things. The bible does not do anything or change. A new version may arrise, more sources may be found, but the bible cannot be described by the word infallible. sorry, i'm kind annoying when it comes to words. So in stead, I will use the phrase 'God-backed and unbreakable truth' which I'm taking from here. In which case, yes, this is an essential truth to Christian beleif. While, I would not say faith rests on it, I would say that it is a basis for faith. Faith at it's most simplest can simply be described as trust. If I lend you a hammer with the faith that you'll bring it back to me, then I trust you will bring it back to me. This faith does not rest on anything, but it probably has a basis or two like, 'I think most people who borrow hammers return them', 'I think you're a reliable person', etc. Now, if someone were to tell me, "I heard mtf constantly makes promises and doesn't keep them". I may or may lose some trust in you. I would more likely investigate the situation. Now, with all that said, I beleive that the bible's status of 'God-backed and unbreakable truth' is a basis for my faith. And, the fact that I form the basis for my life, the way I conduct myself, and many of my beleifs from the bible, as I take it to be God's word, then that forces me to rely heavily on the previous statement. Now, if someone should find problems with passages, or interpretations I have then things don't 'fall apart'. Because, I have faith that what God said is true, maybe translators got it a little off, but rarely these are the "contradictions" they find anything critical, and the reasoning is usually found later, usually by someone simply reading the text around the passage. Oh, and as far as the translation thing goes. It kind of depends, yes in general phrase-phrase is good, especially when establishing the context, but usually the bible scholars out there will tell you that the more word-for-word, the more closer to the original greek you go, the more accurate the translation. Personally, I agree with you. I find Acts 2 to be fairly plain as far as baptism doctrine is concerned. The sad, and somewhat funny, state is that many - most US, in fact - call themselves christian - can they? well, the word is originally an insult (see Acts 11:26), so in a sense people can call themselves whatever they want to. But, the meaning of it then was reffering to Chist's disciples - 'followers of Christ', it was a term Jews used to mock them. But, the first century Christians had a way about them, where they almost seemed to enjoy persecution, as it reassured them of their faith. The word only appears three times in the whole bible (many translations also use it in their section headings, but still only 3 times). So, personally, I beleive one should only call themselves a 'Christian' if it describes who they are, and the way they live as 'one who follows Christ' - not 'one who heard some bible growing up, and you know, basically, thinks there's a a Jesus up there and stuff'.
my opinionffI - great in it's time, loved it, can't get back into itffII, III - played a little, couldn't get into ~ 2001ffIV - wonderful game, summons, cecil and rydia's characters were interesting - goes for a slightly younger crowd than the othersffV - except this one, which can be played by anyone, but the story is lacking, system is neat thoughffVI - wonderful story, lots of interesting characters, great music, and wow it looks 3d efffectffVII - great new revolution for the genre, colorful, interesting, great villan and death, crying fan boys everywhere was funny ( remember - RE:RE:RE:RE: Aeris can come back, but only in the initial jap...)ffVIII - different, but i liked it, and constant cgi brought in a lot of new fans, my sister-in-law even enjoyed itffIV - moments were good, but things flowed kinda slow sometimes, and you wanted to do more than you couldffX - good, but missing something, got boring toward the endffXI - should not have been called ff, never have or will play itbest parts of the square story though: chrono trigger, secret of mana and vagrant story
Your Desktop Sreenshots Put your desktop sreenshots here
thatguycalledrob replied to Enter's topic in General Discussion
yay, fill up board memory, pretty standard, looks kinda strange if you haven't seen a two moniter setup i suppose. the right side is an 19" flat screen @1280x1024 i use for everything, the left side is a 17" crt @ 800x600 i use for checking web stuff, also easier to read small fonts. -
i'm presuming you mean common management system - cms is a rather common acronym. in which case, yes i have. I've considered going through our campus web portal, but this several unique problems. But, this brings problems of it's own. One is the inaccessibility that comes with using it. Also, it places control out of my hands, and into very unreliable ones - our central technology staff is somewhat - incompetent. so, i'm really avoiding that step. All other alternatives seem out-of-budget. I would particularly like to go with Macomedia Breeze, but this is quite excessive.
Macs Vs. Pcs In College Labs
thatguycalledrob replied to pluperfect's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Well, if you're at a large campus with a small centralized IT staff it makes sense to have a larger pc network. Microsoft Active Directory makes it easy manage a lot of things, like lots of computers/printers/sub-domaints/file and web servers/backup and security routines. I haven't seen a good mac networking infrastructure. Mac seems to target individuals rather than larger groups. The new macs are probably to satisfy that part of the campus community, they really should invest in higher end pcs though if they are older than 2000. -
I found to be pretty linear, actually, like most square rpgs just options between. i think there is two endings - good and really good. mostly easy, with about two points where we were sat thinking - ok, now what? the weapons were fairly difficult and sephiroth - well we don't let the cd reenter the console.
View My Orange Website Its my family website
thatguycalledrob replied to honmore's topic in General Discussion
color scheme fine, just a couple of things. Consistentsy - pages seem to have a variety of content, but you should still strive to use consistent margins and placement - wierd flow of things. I would want to make the links a different color - particularly the nav on the homepage. Don't be afraid to use a bit more images. -
Metroid Prime The Overlooked FPS
thatguycalledrob replied to surf-missouri's topic in Computer Gaming
As far as I know. The cube doesn't support only play. And it does not have the joy that is xbox live's wonderfully easy multiplayer. Also, i think right along with online it doesn't have any lan capability other than 4 controllers. We just beat the single-player, and we only tried out the multi-player a little bit, and it was boring.I suppose there's the ds, but good luck getting one, and finding friends who have one. -
So, i trying to learn php first step - find a hosting provider with sufficient privelages/space to play around -in progress-.Anywho, here's what I want to do. Make a database with numerous tables representing 'workshops' - they are 1-2 hour class-like sessions for students to come in and learn job-hunting skills.I want 'students' to be able to go onto the web site and enroll themselves into the workshop - allowing them to disenroll would raise too many security issues. Now, I need it to only be able to enroll if they are a student (check there id number against a seperate table holding student and registered alum_id), if they are not a duplicate entry (check to see if id already in workshop table), they are infact a student (compare id_num/name must match those in the master list), and the workshop is not full (check how many records in workshop table).I know html, a little php, and I know SQL (not MySQL commands though).
personally, i think black with anything is "soo overused". It is also, nasty looking. in general, when i do web work i go like this 1. content - lots of it, lots of blurbs, pictures, more the merrier 2. concept - 'i want a main part with content running like a blog, then i want images, the i want pages for each artist...' 3. organization - make the pages, don't worry about style, just put things in div's 4. design - make a css style sheet, plus if you don't like it later, easy to change one page rather than all of your content for more info on this strategy go here http://www.csszengarden.com/ personally, i think a background of a tribal partern with medium low saturation colors and content on the right side would look good, but that's just me. EDIT: Also, this topic should be moved by an admin
Google And The Libraries
thatguycalledrob replied to remonit1405241472's topic in Science and Technology
If a library can offer free reading to the public, why not a digital one? And why not fill a digital library with ads? Just as these great forums offer free hosting to us at the cost of participating in highly active forums with ads. So also, google offers lots of services for free - to the end user. And, expensive advertising. Like, War of the Worlds is even better with World War II memorbilia. -
Alright, a quite confusing bit of scripture. A good portion of the bible is plain enough to read thanks to translations such as the niv (or, the message if you don't mind poor accuracy and love good flow). I've heard, though I've never studied Greek or Ancient Greek for that matter, that the language sounded pretty and was able to make very complex English points simple. I'm no authority on that matter though. Since it's a rather confusing point, I like to use a more literal translation (more word-for-word less phrase-for-phrase) bible such as the New American Standard. The next thing to do, is to do is disband that argument about context by saying this. I beleive the bible to be completly true every bit of it - the original that is. Now any translation will do to help you understand the basic truths, but when it comes to these issues - translaters and translations can be problematic. So, anyway back to the interpretation. If we read the whole of John 1 (niv) (nas), we see the context is that author is describing God's nature - a highly debated topic. There is a concept out there known as the Trinity (basically, it's confusing as to how and why God - the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit are also one being) which no one entirely understands. Nevertheless, it can help us decipher this scripture. If we accept, for a moment, that there are in fact 3 parts to God, and two of which are a Father and a Son and also understand that the context of what we are talking about is the nature of God, particularly the nature of Jesus, how then do we interpret John 1:18 ? How about if we say the passage is actually saying noone has ever seen Jesus - because it says "...the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father..."? Then, if we understand that the author is talking about the time when Jesus is becoming flesh, then it makes sense that noone has ever seen Jesus, yet. I'll admit it's not the best interpretation of that. But, I'm not the best at this stuff. As far as the 'christian/preacher/etc' demanding you to do something because they quote a scripture at you - I'll agree that's foolish. Though I myself am one of those who goes around trying to convert people and I also share scripture with people. I beleive it's almost pointless to share scripture with someone who does not beleive it. I beleive in sharing scripture with people who claim to be a 'christian' and yet do not follow it, or follow it weakly. Oh, and I just read that second part "whether or not the book is true quickly becomes secondary to whether or not your INTERPRETATION of the book is true." I agree with you to some extent. One of the reasons I don't like Rowe's and Paley's writing is that they try to prove that God exists. I don't really think it's possible to prove God exists or that bible is completly true. I beleive there are many convincing evidences, signs, etc. But, as my first roomate once said, "You'll never be able to prove to me that we were not just created seconds ago, and that every bit of our past up to this very moment in time weren't just created memories, formed by whatever made us in the first place". That's not an exact quote, but it was three years ago.
What Are: The 100 Oldest Websites
thatguycalledrob replied to RGF's topic in Websites and Web Designing
psst... *whisper* it's supposed to, read the last second of the ad - "You'll see why 1984 won't be like '1984'"