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Everything posted by Ryan1405241476

  1. I got this query... <?phperror_reporting(E_ALL); //Tell all the things$host="this_host";$user="me";$pass="secret_word";$users_table="users_table_for_smf";$member_group_col="column_name_for_member_group_in_smf";$new_group_name="whatever";$this_group="the_old_group";$custom_field="custom_field_in_users_profile";$this_value="the_value_for_custom_field";mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die ("Can't connect, was told : <br>". mysql_error());mysql_select_db('smf') or die ("Can't open database, was told : <br>".mysql_error());$query = "UPDATE $users_table SET $member_group_col = $new_group_name ";$query .= "WHERE $member_group_col = $this_group AND ";$query .= "$custom_field = $this_value ";mysql_query($query);print("Updated records: %d\n", mysql_affected_rows());?> but i need this modified cause custom profile field data is stored in smf_themes and the membergroup data is store in smf_members with MEMBER ID as the common field, I am hoping someone here can rewrite this for me to work cause I don't know php, i had to get someone to write me this qury but they don't know how toy use the SQL Join. here is what i want this for: i need a php script to query the db, the smf users table and checks to entires in a users profile a custom field i made and the member group and if both match preset values then i want it to change the member group. i would just want this to be a php file that i can just randomly decide to goto, enter the url in firefox or any browser then it will run.
  2. so ok..i am woundering if you are leasig the domain, colcn't you, if you had a lot of money, but the domain for a one time price, and if so where could that be done at?
  3. ok, they are just a few simple ads added to the forum, thes istes have content.
  4. so does that mean ads are ok unless the sites would violate the Xisto tos, i have ads on my site, i want to make sure, i am removing the ads for now until i get a straight answer.
  5. i really hope microsoft continues making os's for home users too, its the best OS, and is the most popular but such a move could ruin the popularity.
  6. One way to organize all your files is to have virtual drives, which are shortcuts to certain folders that show up in my computer as a drive. To set up a virtual drive go into the comand promt and enter this: that would make drive z showup in my computer and be a shortcut to C:\Program Files.
  7. MK Portal has been added to my SMF installation and I got some more staff members. I could use some more forum mebers so please stop on by.
  8. windows is the os for me. i use it all the time and its great being the most widley used os so its perfect for me to write my software for. unless of course i can use linux to write windows software which i doubt is the case, I don't have any problems with windows, the only problems really arise when you don't run an anti virus a firewall, ect. Linux is good though as a router/firewall when you run some program on it i hear though.
  9. i get a computerhelp.info.tm cannot be found when i try to goto my website and the ip address just gives me the main Xisto page, i just noticed this and was woundering if it might be due to the fact that my account was upgraded or something?
  10. why would i waste money on mac osx just to make pdf's when i get get windows cheaper and download open office for free?
  11. first off get open office form openoffice.org and when you create a document their is a button to convert it to a .pdf file.
  12. thats odd, it works now, except sql is down.
  13. when i goto my site i get this error: refreshing dosen't seem to work.
  14. No doubt you noticed that in windows 95/98/me that at the loin screen a user can press cancel to access your computer. This i guess is meant to be like a guest account but in most cases its annoying to have. This hack will auto-logoff the user as soon as they login the this 'guest' account. IMPORTANT: THIS REQUIRES YOU TO EDIT THE REGISTRY, IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY YOU COULD MESS UP YOUR COMPUTER, IN SOME CASES A REGISTRY BACKUP MAY WORK, IF YOU CAN USE IT, SEARCH GOOLGLE FOR REGISTRY BACKUP TO FIND OUT HOW TO DO THIS< OR BETTER YET IF YOU DO NOT FELL LIKE YOU CAN PROPERLY DO THIS THEN DONT, BUT FOLLOWING THESE INSTRUCTIONS YOU SHoulD BE SAFE. 1. Goto this key in the registry, to get to the registry goto Start -> Run and enter regedit 2. Add a REG_SZ (String Value) entry in this key 3. Name the REG_SZ value NoLogon 4. make the entry as follows: RUNDLL32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 0 NOTE:This will affect all users created after this is enabled as new users are based off of this account, to avoid this when you create a new user go into the registry key for that user ie (HKEY_USERS\jdoe) and delete the NoLogon value. This can also be overridden by booting up into Safe Mode. Use F8 when the Starting Windows screen is up and choose safe mode and you can go into delete the key, that way or just bypass it for then. If you want more security conciter upgrading to windows NT/2000/XP.
  15. this means you cannot use regedit while logged in as that user though. plus i belive non-windows program can still write to the registry.
  16. If you want to mek it so cerin users, maybe guest or the account you getto by pressing cancel for in 95/98 to not be able to edit the regisstry this is the registry hack for you. IMPORTANT: THIS REQUIRES YOU TO EDIT THE REGISTRY, IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY YOU COULD MESS UP YOUR COMPUTER, IN SOME CASES A REGISTRY BACKUP MAY WORK, IF YOU CAN USE IT, SEARCH GOOLGLE FOR REGISTRY BACKUP TO FIND OUT HOW TO DO THIS< OR BETTER YET IF YOU DO NOT FELL LIKE YOU CAN PROPERLY DO THIS THEN DONT, BUT FOLLOWING THESE INSTRUCTIONS YOU SHoulD BE SAFE. 1. Goto this key in the registry, to get to the registry goto Start -> Run and enter regedit 2. Add a DWORD entry in this key 3. Name the DWORD value DisableRegistryTools 4. make the entry as follows: (0 = allow regedit, 1 = disable regedit) NOTE:This will not allow you to edit the registry from this user account, conciter carefully before doing this.
  17. I use firefox myself, its a great browser, the next generation browser, with its share of problem, but unlike ie these aren't security holes, firefox is great, tabbed browsing is the best, and their are numerous extentions to it, as for blocking wanted popups, their is a yellow bar at the top telling you it blocked something, if you want the popupo click the yellow bar and selct show me (window name for the popup).
  18. Many of you probably use the welcome screen in XP so you don't have to enter a username, you just click, but this list all users on the computer and you may not want all listed, in this case you can make a registry edit to hide the account from the welcome screen. IMPORTANT: THIS REQUIRES YOU TO EDIT THE REGISTRY, IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY YOU COULD MESS UP YOUR COMPUTER, IN SOME CASES A REGISTRY BACKUP MAY WORK, IF YOU CAN USE IT, SEARCH GOOLGLE FOR REGISTRY BACKUP TO FIND OUT HOW TO DO THIS< OR BETTER YET IF YOU DO NOT FELL LIKE YOU CAN PROPERLY DO THIS THEN DONT, BUT FOLLOWING THESE INSTRUCTIONS YOU SHoulD BE SAFE. 1. Goto this key in the registry, to get to the registry goto Start -> Run and enter regedit 2. Add a DWORD entry in this key 3. Name the DWORD valuse the username of the account you wish to hide, NOTE: In some cases the username may differ from the displayed name, the usernae is set when the account is created, if you goto change the name after that you are just changing the display nemae, you need to know the username you enter to login to this account if you didn't use the welcome screen. 4. Levae the value of the entry as 0 5. To logg into hidden accounts press Ctrl=Alt=Delete twice without letting go of Ctrl and Alt. I hear that using Ctrl-Alt-Delete twice will also allow you to loging to the admin account in xp home without booting into safe mod, i have not yet tested this. I onnly know this works for xp home though it should work for pro too. NOTE: it only works when all users are logged off user switching doesn't work.
  19. from what i understand it is users mostly that crash it, maybe they cause it to get too busy or i don't know exectly what but i have been told the users are crashing it and myybe they are just fast at fixing it, oor its a problem that works itself out. :-/
  20. who wirtes virused for openBSD, who worries about findong hole in openBSD (that do exist they just haven't been discovered) no body, people are only interested in doing this on the most widley used os, windows, why is it the most widley used, because most peoplee know how good it is, and arenn't misguided.
  21. decent instruction not hard at all if you know how to understand theirs and translate it into english, lol, and the files can be downloaded free of charge.
  22. most motherbpoards do, most computer cases don't lock, the jumper work right away, as for batteries you have to remove them, levae it for like 3 days then come back after its forgot the BIOS password, sencoly thats youur fault for using UNIX, a simple program could run below the level of os security and still write to your hard disk, windows is so much beter than UNIX, if you actually wouldn't be so cheap and buy it you would know that, and for someone who doesn't care you sure write long post arguing an inncorrect point.
  23. that in itself is BS, the inte;llegence said their were WMD's, saddam had the ability to make them, he was planning on starting up pa necular weapons program, even liberals thought their were WMD, thats what intellegence said, but intellegence isn't always right, thats a fact of life, but lets say they were right and we did nothing, or even if they were still wrong and saddam started up his nucular weapons program, and attacked us, then you all would be bithing bush did nothing to stop this.
  24. their seems to be a new windows vs linux of windows vs mac threads every week, a suggestion would be to merge all the windows vs mac onmes together ect. and sticky that post and make that the one thread for such disscussion. No matter how many of these I see, my aswer remains the same, Windows is best, but really certin os's can be compared because they have diffrent uses, so it depends on wwhat you are using your computer for.
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