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Posts posted by LoipsD

  1. Software engineering will be the new big boom in the industry.With more and more businesses now going with computers to get their jobs done, more software needs to be developed to meet their needs and standards. More and more people today are learning the basics of making a program right from their home.Software engineering will be big one day when less people are needed to do daily jobs around a workplace and people will start to be dependant to computers alot more.

  2. To tell you the truth, as much as I like to listen to rap I don't understand a word they are saying. Some of its great and it actually makes some sense but I think its only "hot" right now because of the whole "gangster" thing around. Rap is great to listen to but if something that actually made sense was said it would be much more enjoyable for the seniors as well. Rap right now is a youth thing. Many youth look as rap and try to act like the rappers they see and what they do. There are many great rappers which I actually ahve respect for but then there are those who don't know whats actually going on in the world and are only in the industry to make money.

  3. If your a beginner, I recommend you try invisionfree.comInvisionfree has great support along with all te features of IPB.If you are not new to forums and know how to upload and edit files, SimpleMachines Forum would be anotehr great choice. It takes about 2 minutes to install and is very easy to adminster.I'm not a real big fan of phpBB since the santy virus which targetted phpBB forums through google and other search engines. phpBB was probably one of the first forum software created but since then, their have been other better forum software created.

  4. I'm really starting to like the Houston Rockets.They have great players on their team and with the accusition of T-Mac, they will be a great contender for the NBA championship.With T-Mac all around and Y-Ming in the center, I don't see any weaknesses.Anotehr team I'm starting to like is the Miami Heat. Shaquille O'Neal will have to play a major part if they want to go deep into the playoffs and possibly win it all.

  5. This by far is probably the most controversial topic in US politics today.The only valid reason President Bush had to invade Iraq was because he suspected "weapons of mass desctruction". There has been to signs of these weapons since the war started.Way to many lives have been lost and the US is losing lots of money it could have spend elsewhere. I believe once the US Army pulls out of Iraq, it will be no different from before other than the change of government. What was wrong with the government? How did Bush thing he could get his country to solve their problems, if they even had any.I agree Saddam Hussein was a bad leader of the country. There was no democracy in Iraq.Its been a few years since the "War on Terror" started. No one has gained anything, there are still bombs going off, people dieing everyday.I don't see how Bush can defend this war day in and day out.The only thing I'm confused about is how Bush got reelected. With everyone against him, he still manages to pull ahead of John Kerry, who was prefectly capable of leading his country and would most likely have pulled his troops out of Iraq now.Whats next? An invasion of another country?

  6. This is probably the best idea I've seen from Apple.These are the most portable ipods for someone who doesnt listen to 100 songs a day. Ipod suffle will be as hot as the the original ipod since the only issue with the orginal Ipod is money.This was a very smart idea on Apples part.In my opinion, there is no reason to go with another brand of mp3 player other than Apple.I'm hoping for Apple to release a few more ipods which can hold less songs but that won't matter as much, $100 for an mp3 player like that is pretty afordable.

  7. Is this ever going to come to an end?How much space do you really need? At one point, someone came out with the idea of having a 5 GB free email service. Eventually, just shut down because of the high demand.You really have to put this into perspective.Why do you want lots of space? Are you greedy? Do you really need it?Google has done an amazing joob with gmail and I'm sure they are going to release it to the public although they will just be filled with spammers because if someone really wants a gmail, they can get one. Its not real hard as it was a few months ago.After google's competitors, yahoo and hotmail heard about gmail, they upgraded their email services too. People will realize that 1GB is more than enough for the average user.

  8. This is a very debatable topic.

    With all the new operating systems of there it seems that there will one day be a operating system better than windows. There probably already is a better operating system, its just that there are too many Microsoft Windows users out there.

    I'm going with Windows. The reason being that all my friends and family use it so its really hard to do everything you would like on another OS, but it is possible.

    Windows is also rapidly coming out with new operating systems such as Longhorn.
    If you want a sneak peak go here: http://winsupersite.com/article/faqtip/windows-longhorn-faq


  9. I have been to and participated in many forums. Forums, which actually pay you to post, and others which couldn’t care less what goes on around their online community.It is a very hard job creating a only community which won’t die after a few days, I have experienced this many times. I tried and did everything I could to promote the forum and get it noticed around the Internet with no luck. The problem is that you have to have something new and creative that no one has though of. Thinking of something new is the hardest part of making your community.Think of it this way, suppose you create a computer help forum. Why should people come, register and post on yours when there are plenty more with thousands of members and way more active than yours. They can easily go there and register and get a response within minutes of creating their topic.There is another way many “forumers” try to get their forum active, by having all members register before being able to view any topics. This is the most stupid thing someone could ever do to an online community in my opinion. What good is that going to do? Ok so you got the user to register. S/he will now just register and view the topics and most likely never come back.Creating an online community takes a lot of work. You cannot just create a forum and hope that it will have thousands of members chatting away with no care in the world, this will never happen. You need some way of attracting users. Forums are one of the smartest things anyone has ever thought of. They keep ideas organized and have create friendships among members of an online-community.With my experience in creating forums, I have found that forums will not work if you give up. If you really thing you have something new and creative, stick to it. Once the first member joins, that’s when you will finally start to grow as a community.

  10. Here are some ways to help you promote you website:· Submit your website to top search engines such as google and yahoo. If they do not accept you at first, submit your site every three months· Try to update your site as much as possible. Adding one page a day will help you a lot! This way, you will have more content and more pages for your visitors to view and enjoy so there is always something to look at. The more content your site has, the more visitors it will attract and for longer periods of time.· A content management system (CMS), this is great if you will have tons of pages on your website. Search hotscripts.com for a free one.· Tell your friends about it and have them visit it. Ask them for feedback, what they thought of you site· Put the website’s URL in your signature on all forums you visit and post frequently at. You will get more hits then you think using this method. · Look for similar sites like yours and possibly advertise or have a link exchange with the sites owner, become affiliates. Its very likely if your affiliates site is similar to yours by topic, you have a great chance of having your affiliates visitors to click your link· If you know anyone who has a website, have them place your link on the main page of their site or somehow let their visitors know about your site. This will help with traffic. · If you are looking to make a few bucks doing this, you can ad Google Ads to your website. You will earn anywhere around 5 cents when your visits click.· Advertise your site wherever possible. It will gain popularity as time goes on. · Talk to your family and friends about what they would like to see on your website, new information, new content. When starting out, they will be your best resource for feedback.Hope I helped,-LoipsD

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