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Posts posted by chalesrising

  1. Future of Gaming?Could be absolutely anything from virtual reality to extremely life-like graphics.Personally, the 100% lifelike graphic thing I think will come first. Just because that'd be easier to accomplish. Hell, it could probably be done now but it'd be a bigass game, not in content, and it wouldn't be able to run on any of the current systems.Virtual Reality though, could probably also be done with extensive work sometime soon. Of course it must be taken into account that anyone with the technology and abilities to make these games would be using it for far more important research.That's just my opinion, you know.Take it however you want and do whatever you want with it.Though a first person shooter with 100% life-like graphics in virtual reality would be amazing :)

  2. My opinion...Hmm... Best Game Ever.. That's a tough oneYou know what? I'm just gonna break it down into my favourite games of each system.Let's start classic:Sega Genesis: Favourite game would have to have been........... Ok, here I am and I can't even remember the titles of the games T_T Let's just say Sonic 3Super Nintendo: Here's a no-brainer choice: Final Fantasy IIINintendo 64: Another no-brainer for me. The Legend of Zelda : Majora's Mask, by far.Playstation 1: And yet, another no-brainer.... why must these be so easy? Final Fantasy IX.GameBoy Colour: HERE'S one that might pose a bit of a challe--- Nope, the answer is Pokemon Gold/SilverGameBoy Advance: Only actually ever owned two games for this. And Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is definitely the best one.Gamecube: Ah, finally a system a little more current... Yet the answer is a bit of a dilema now... Either 007 - Everything or Nothing... Or The Legend of Zelda : Wind Waker(And whenever it decides to come out, I'm sure the new GC Zelda will kick both those game's asses)PlayStation 2: :P I very, very rarely play the PS2, infact I think I've only played three games on it. FFX, FFX-2 and Kingdom Hearts... And take a wild guess and what one's my favourite.... That's right, Final Fantasy XXbox: Ah, the final system, I own an xbox, my cousin owns an xbox, half the people I know own xboxes... So I've played a variety of games for it. These include Halo, Halo 2, Mechassault, Crimson Skies, Fable, Every 007 game for Xbox... And you know... Most of you would read that list an automatically assume Halo 2 is my favourite, wouldn't you?Well you're wrong, Halo 2 got boring for me really fast and really bad.So my favourite is Fable.There you have it. My favourite game for every system I have ever played. :P

  3. I haven't been into RPGs for about a year and a half now. I mean I'll play the occasional one, and maybe get hooked on something small and old that I never bothered to beat before ((Final Fantasy III, which I ended up beating in three days))Over the years though I've never gotten bored of Final Fantasy IXI find it a great game, despite the opinion of most other RPGers on the planet who dislike the game.Legend of Dragoon was good tooThat's another RPG I never did beat :P I must go back to it soon!

  4. Ok*Prepares*Let's give a list... of every game for every systemPokemon RedPokemon BluePokemon YelloPokemon GoldPoklemon SilverFinal Fantasy Tactics AdvanceZelda - Links AwakeningZelda - Oracle of AgesZelda - Oracle of SeasonZelda - Majora's MaskZelda - Ocarina of TimeZelda - Ocarina of Time Master QuestZelda - Wind WakerLufia - The Rise of the Sinistrals (GBA)FableAmped 2 (XBox)007 - Agent Under Fire007 - Nightfire007 - Everything Or NothingFinal Fantasy - Crystal ChroniclesSpider-Man (Gamecube)Ghost Recon (Gamecube)Soul Calibur II (Gamecube)Super Smash Bros. MeleeLost KingdomsLegend of DragoonFinal Fantasy IXDonkey Kong II (GameBoy)I think that MIGHT be all of them though I know I'm forgetting some GameBoyColour games... I can't find my box of them now so I can't complete the list T-T

  5. According to many I have terrible taste in Final Fantasy games...For example, I -hated- FFVIIAnd never found much joy in FFVIIIHowever, my alltime favourite Final Fantasy was FFIXI played FFX but didn't find too much joy in it and hated FFX-2 right off the start. Seriously, the only good thing about it was the way the battle system was set up, not having to wait for everyone to finish attacking before you attacked yourself. Thought not enough to keep my playing.Going classic now: FFI I never really playedI hated FFIILoved FFIIIHated FFIVLoved FFVAnd... Well OBVIOUSLY I loved FFVI aswell...Going off the number series of them and getting even more controversal with my choices...I hated FF-Tactics yet loved FF-Tactics AdvancedI also loved Final Fantasy - Crystal Chronicles.Those are all the ones I can think of now that I actually played ><

  6. I was in DarkThroneProbably still amI was seriously kicking *bottom* until I hit like level 10 and suddenly in a split second I was being slaughtered by everyone.I know why I was just too lazy to start over or anything........Assuming I haven't been endlessly slaughtered I probbaly have like 10,000,000gold by now ;)

  7. First of all, "Why we Need friends" isn't a good title. Because in reality, we don't need friends. Or maybe you don't deserve friends

    This actually depends on the person.


    If you are some low life who want others to carry the torch for you, then yes you WANT friends.


    If you are lonely and/or lost your family then yes you WANT friends


    If you are a greedy, selfish, ignorant  cretin  who thinks everythigng goes his or her way, then you don't need friends


    If you can handle things yourself, you don't need friends


    *Cough* For the second time

    I completely agree with you *Nods*

    at least with each point you made.

    I could do fine without any friends... But not *entirely* because of the greedy, selfish, ignorant, cretin reason you listed there.

  8. What the freak? I personally hate all Final Fantasies, and RPG'S all together. But something about FFX2 really got me mad. I mean generally who actually wants to sit there, scroll through the hud, pick a weapon, use it, wait there because it's now the other person's turn. What do you people see in turnbased combat. Anyway, Other than that, ffx2 is really boring. I mean atfer the first 20 or so Final Fantasies (including the spin offs like Chocobo racing, and FFtactics), doesn't it get a little old? Nothing really new changes. I've played through all the Final Fanatsies pretty much, and there's no reason at all to keep playing. Also the graphics and stuff could be way better. I mean everyone else may think they are godly, but I say i've seen better on the Dreamcast. NOt a good game, stupid chracters, ludacrous plot.

    Nuff said


    I agree


    i haven't spent much time with Final Fantasy games lately.


    Personally I prefer the Zelda series... Despite the overly repeated storylines...


    I haven't even played the newer Final Fantasies, like FFXI

  9. Yay for rants and a lack of any persuasive arguments, points, discussion, or anything of the type.


    To Kara, if you think the 'liberals' hate bush because he believes in god, you should note that so does clinton. 


    You may not like the criticisms here, and indeed many are rather short, but saying that criticising bush is inherently evil or wrong is equally, if not more, absurd.


    Agreed... I think


    I never have followed politics of any country *Is Canadian*

    I very vaguely even knew what was happening through this previous election where Bush was re-elected. Infact Bush being re-elected is about the extent of my knowledge on the subject.

  10. I offer great thanks to you and this list.Lately I've been looking alot for new MMORPGs to enjoy after Maple Story started killing my computer everytime I played it. *Kicks Maple Story*Regardless, I'll be sure to add to that if I ever come accross something new... And free


    Halo 2 really wasn't what most people expected...


    Everybody hoped it would tie up the loose ends from Halo, but in the end, it just gaves us more questions.


    Its very, very unlikely that no more vehicles will be added though, because the ATV (all-terrain-vehicle), Tracked-Warthog, and Troop-carrying warthog were actually ready to be put in the game.

    Bungie no doubt dropped them to keep some new stuff for Halo 3, and they'll throw in the ability to drive Covenant Shadows aswell.


    You'll notice that Cortana was left behind at the end of Halo 2, and rumour says that a large part of Halo 3 will be the rescue of Cortana, and you will discover a lot more about the Forerunners.


    Its going to be huge  :)


    I agree with everything said there, actually.


    I found Halo2 short and, despite the good graphics, I played it only three times since it came out and I'm sick of it already.


    For the record: None of those three times were for very long, extended periods of time. The longest was probably 4 hours... Which isn't an incredible amount of time spent on playing a game.

  12. It's a decent game, unfortunetly I never really got into it.The graphics weren't bad for something so easily accessed but I found the gameplay to be a little annoying. And the way the battles worked just seemed poorly put together.However you have given me an urge to go play it some more, I thank you for that *Not sarcasm. Was extremely bored*

  13. Ok, don't get me wrong, I love the Final Fantasy games. With the exception of VII, VIII and X-2.In my personal opinion, FFX-2 was pathetic. I played for an hour and shut the system off because I cuoldn't keep going. The only credit I'll give the game is the battle system, not the dress sphere things, just the way the battles work. Everything moving in real time, nothing stopping to wait and select movement or for other people/creatures to stop attacking.

  14. Yes.The good ol' Pokemon games are great. I was trying to play Gold Version a week ago but I think something may have happened to the cartridge because it wouldn't even start. Pissed me off some, I had spent an hour trying to get it to work only cause I wanted to start a new game and I had my trained Eevee collection on Silver and... *Trails off into unnecessary ranting*

  15. I really didn't play a whole lot of Kingdom Hearts. After a few hours I got really bored and frankly couldn't stand the graphics, the sound, the animation or the gameplay anymore.I know this post is a bit unrelated to the exact topic at hand but I felt a slight need to post it :) As to the topic at hand: I did find it a tad, a very, very tiny tad difficult, and I'm sure it -might- pose a challenge had I actually played more than I did.

  16. I've been imagining the world with the Matrix being real for a year or two now. It's... odd. Then it always leads to the fact that if I am plugged into something that there is something somewhere watching everything I ever do...On an unrelated topic: I've also been trying to wrap my mind around death theories.... And blinking out of existance completely, the most logical one I can think of, is just scary X.x

  17. Hey All,

    Interesting thread ... but I was wondering, can you have 'virtual' friends or 'online' friends? Are they the same as real world friends? Should there be a different term rather than friends for close 'virtual' associates?





    In my... complete personal opinion and experience, I find that my online-friends are just as important or better than my friends in real life. Of course all the people I know in real life seem to be jerks, drug-users (Which I am not), or just plain annoying.


    Regardless, my opinion stands that my online friends are just as important to better than all my friends in real life.

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