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Posts posted by buileminh

  1. Do not Extract files and then upload them by ftp, try the following


    (1)open the file manager

    Posted Image


    (2)upload the zip or gz format file

    Posted Image


    (3)then extract the file

    Posted Image


    it save the comulation time for ftp client and the ftp server.


    I have read the TOS and i think that zip file are not allowed to be uploaded. But by you post, i thinks i can upload zip file now. Thanks a lot. It's useful for who does not have a FTP software because WebFTP often allow you upload from 5 to 10 files at the same time.


    Once more thing you should not forget is decompression is automatic. It means that you can not choose target dir for your unzipped files. The folder's structure before you zip will not be change by unzip action and they will be extracted directly to the current dir that the zip file is uploaded.


    Have fun!

  2. Don't get carried away by other companies who claim to give UNLIMITED SPACE AND BW! Just upload a couple of MP3's and they will Delete your accounts right away! Even though We generally do NOT allow hosting of ZIP and MP3 files, You still can. But if you do, Your account will not be upgraded beyond 1GB Bandwidth. So we still allow you to SPAM your Account. Now no other competitor would offer that!


    I wonder if I can upload my zipped website in a single file and unzip it after uploaded. Is this allowed? I mean that 'can my account be upgraded beyond 1GB BW if i upload the zip file?'

  3. I'm making a list of "I love you" in many languages. I think there are so many people who come from separate countries and it is so interesting if you say "I love you" your language here. I wonder if admin allow or not. However i hope admin will allow. To begin, i will say it first in my language (vietnamese): - Anh y?u Em (Anh yeu em): A boy to a girl. - Em y?u Anh (Em yeu anh): A girl to a boy. And how to say them: - Anh: like 'thank' without 'th', means 'a boy'. - y?u: like 'you' /ieu/, means 'love'. - Em: like 'em' in 'member', means 'a girl'.Is that all for you?

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