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Posts posted by pixelsmack

  1. With the fall of Suprnova and Lokitorrent alike, the torrent world seems hopeless except for a eXeem which brings a glimpse of hope among people. How do you feel about MPAA shutting down these sites. We have a right to share! So what if the billionaires lose hundrend thousand? They still make uber cash!  :D


    I think what you need to bare in mind is it doesn't matter how much money these people make they are doing there job. if you disagree with the prices of a CD or DVD then don't buy it. Its that simple something is either worth the money that they charge or it isn't. Downloading and thinking 'i'll just get it for free' isn't the answer as it is illegal. I don't want to sounds prudish but the attitudes of people who feel that something for free is there god given right is something i inherently disagree with.

  2. i have 120gb which is starting to get a little small, i could do with an upgrade and backup since my archives of audio work are now getting on to 70gb, to much for DVD backup i think. My other machine in this house has a 4Gb HDD lol which as you can guess is a litltle small however it is only used for messing around and i have a box with a 40Gb HDD at my parents which is enough for what i do there.

  3. C++ can be a very fast language when compiled hence its use in device drivers and other core applications (alongside C). Java is moer userfriendly for writing applications for that will contain a GUI as it is mostly self contained and will run completley indipendantly of system or operating system. C++ does not have this advantage and external compile files or systems may be required to run software you design, this is especially true on linux and unix.

  4. hmmm... this is interesting because you know what i couldn't care less if they use the contents of my e-mail for coperate research and advertising. there is nothing in there to hide.As long as you are consenting to this during the sign-up then it is a free service, you cannot expect them not to have a business motive behind the idea, they are however a business.

  5. this is getting such an old topic of discussion, can you honestly imagine your gran using a *nix system to book her holidays and find local bingo clubs on? even the friendlist distributions take time for someone very familiar with computers to pick up. there is very little support other than online in quite spacific groups. support for all the software average joe uses is non-existant. i don't know about other countries but i have never been in a computer store and seen games and software avalible in a *nix format. People arn't afraid of change, i used linux soley on my machine and came back to windows because although i have a server running it on my network i didn't feel it was suitable for a desktop. Sorry to disapoint you here but there is very little to back up your argument that everyone and his dog should use linux for every possible computing scenario.Don't get me wrong however i do support fully the OSS community and what they have created and ontinued to support. I also disagree with M$ on almost all of there policys regarding software distribution etc however i don't feel it is a good thing to do to start ostracising people because they don't use linux. The gpl is a licence that basically states you are free to do what you want, why is this stance not adopted by the pople who fight vaimiently for its vadility over everything else?

  6. well, we arn't supposed to discuss wares here, however there is a languages directory in the FM2005 directory somewhere maybe there is a file you could put in there on the cd called english.ltf.The game is amazing conciderably better than CM4, wonderully created and great interface. however please buy games that have as much quality as this and support the developer. it is only fair.

  7. I would love to have a go at this but I don't think I'm brave enough to risk f***ing up my my iPod at this present time. Has anyone on this forums used this iPod Linux thing and successfully? Does it run well and is it backwards compatable with everything currently on the iPod?


    i know a friend of mine has been running it problem free for a few weeks, i think hes even ported GNU chess to it, however i can't say as i have seen this or know of how reversable the process is.

  8. now i am aware that the OSS community is very much into crazy things, however this does take the proverbial bacon. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, would any iPod owners be prepared to install this on there iPod's. I don't have one myself although i have it on good authority from a friend it works although is in an early stage.

    The potential for user development comes out greatley with this project with potential features such as roaming file swapping txt-to-voice etc. i do wonder what Apple will think since they do have quite a closed legal policy i think. Its certainly an interesting project.

  9. i do accept that ponit, however what i was trying to say is what is there? a piece of cloth with an image that happens to look like a man on it. does this really mean it is the piece of cloth that burried jesus? possibly possibly not. There is far more historical evidence for the exictence of a jesus character in history that the turin shrowed being even from the same pre 40BC time period.

  10. I once saw in the news that there was a piece of toast with david beckhams head outlined in the burnt areas. This was sold on e-bay for lots of money. now the obious point to this post is people spend money on stupid things on ebay, but the real point is that this is just something that happend. i doubt that god (or david beckham) decided to make the ephigy on a piece of toast but it happened by pure chance.The turin shrowd may just be the same as the david beckham piece of toast, i don't think i have ever seen anything that has been able to specify or prove one way or the other how it came into existance.

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