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Everything posted by Firewalker

  1. Before we begin, note that none of this material is guaranteed to be correct. I develop games as a hobby and this article should not be considered THE source. Everything presented in this article I have learned numerous sources, including school, gamedev.net, the game programming gems books, nehe.gamedev.net, and gamasutra just to name a few. I have simply taken what I have learned and compiled a tutorial along with my source to help others understand the concepts I have learned. The way I implement this system may not be the ideal way, no guarantees are made as to its accuracy or anything else. It comes as is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi! This is my short(ish) tutorial on how to implement a mass spring system in your game. You can use this to simulate objects like hair, string, cloth, and things of that nature. We will discuss the abstract implementation of a spring system, and then an example of this system simulating a string will be given (mainly because it is the most simple to create and imagine), but this can be extended to any other type of object fairly simply. Only the simulation will be defined for now, no collision detection will be discussed. The motion is descried by classical (a.k.a Newtonian) mechanics. This is best suited for describing motion at normal speeds and distances, although it breaks down when applied to anything other. If were to describe motion at very small distances, very high velcities (i.e. close to the speed of light), or both; we would use quantum mechanics, relativistic mechanics, or relativistic quantum field theory, respectively, to describe this motion. Internal spring forces: First lets start off with how the springs will be defined. A spring has 2 nodes, a left and a right. These two nodes have an impact on the force created when a node is moved around relative to the other. Lets call them nodes "a" and "b" of the spring "A". Imagine grabbing node "a" with your left hand and node "b" with your right hand and pulling them apart. The very nature of a spring says that it will naturally want to pull back to its inertial state. If we calculate the force with respect to "a" we see that it pulls in the direction of node "b" and node "b" pulls in the opposite direction of that force (toward node "a"). This force can be described by the following formula: Fspring = -k*dx, where k is the elasticity coefficient (a.k.a the spring constant) and dx is the change of the spring's length from the inertial state. So when dx is positive (i.e. the spring is being pulled apart) the force is negative (representing contraction), and the inverse is true when dx is negative (the spring is being pushed together). Mathematics of the net force: To describe the NET force we use the second order differential equation F = d^2(mu)/(dt^2)=d(mv)/(dt)=m(dv)/(dt)=ma (where u is the spring nodes position at any point u, v is its velocity, and mv=momentum). This formula when simplified should look familiar, its F=ma, Newton's famous second law of motion! Note that we assume mass is constant regardless of velocity, so we can factor it out when we differentiate. However in reality this is just not true. Mass does change with respect to velocity according to Einstein's theory of relativity, however for our purposes this will work just fine. As you can see the formula states that the force on an object is directionally proportional to its mass and acceleration, and with some algebraic manipulation we can solve for a and get a=f/m meaning that acceleration is directly proportional to force and indirectly proportional to mass. External forces: There are many forces that can act on a spring. Gravity is the most common, followed by air resistance. Gravity is a downward force causing an acceleration of approximately { 0, 9.81, 0 } m/s^2 (according to Newton's acceleration due to gravity constant for earth little, dubbed "g" or little g). Wind resistance can be a vector of any direction. We also need to note that energy is conserved in a physical system, so we need a friction factor to dampen the force, or else the system would continue to operate forever. We calculate this factor by saying Ffriction = -kFriction * relativeVelocity, where kFriction is the friction coefficient and relativeVelocity = b.velocity - a.velocity. We then apply this force in the opposite direction of the current velocity, hence the "-" in front of kFriction. Anchor nodes: The concept of an anchor node is simple. It is a node that does not let any force act on it. In the case of a string think of it as being a part of the string nailed to a wall. This node will not budge from its spot. Putting it all together: Heres what the algorithm for one iteration to animate a spring will look like in a nutshell: - For each moving spring node -> ComputeExternalForces acting on it and add it to the node's force vector - For each moving spring node -> Compute the internal force neighbor nodes are exerting on this node and add the force to this node's force vector - For each moving spring node -> Compute the nodes acceleration (a=f/m) and add it to the spring's velocity, and add the velocity to the prings position in space - For each moving spring node -> Compute the energy loss (friction) Example code: struct SpringNode { CVector3<double> position;      // My current position CVector3<double> velocity;      // My velocity CVector3<double> force; double mass;                    // std::vector<SpringNode*> neighbors;        // Neighbors std::vector<double> neighborDistances;       // How far am I away from my neighbors};struct AnchorNode { SpringNode *node; CVector3<double> position;      // Anchor position};class ISpringSystem {public: /*!  */ void ComputeSingleForce( SpringNode const *a, SpringNode const *b ); /*!  */ void AddAnchorNode( int node, CVector3<double> const &anchorPosition ); /*!  */ void Animate(); /*!  */ void Draw(); /*  The derived class will connect the springs for us.  */ virtual void ConnectSprings( )=0;protected: double _springK;   // Elasticity coefficient. The larger K is, the stiffer the spring. double _inertialDistance;               // Inertial or resting distance of the springs CVector3<double> _force;   // Temporary force vector for ComputeSingleForce CVector3<double> _vel;   // Temporary velocity vector for ComputeSingleForce std::vector<SpringNode> _springNodes;  // Vector of spring nodes std::vector<AnchorNode> _anchorNodes;  // Vector of anchor nodes std::vector<SpringNode*> _movingNodes;  // Vector of moving nodes double _mass;    // Mass of each spring node double _energyLoss;   // Energy loss to occur as the simulation progresses CTimer *_timer;    // Timer used in physics calculations};#define SPRING_TOLERANCE      (0.0000000005)void ISpringSystem::ComputeSingleForce( SpringNode const *a, SpringNode const *b ){ // Calculate vector between b and a (giving the direction and magnitude of the vector they make up) _force = b->position - a->position; // Calculate the relative velocity between a and b _vel = b->velocity - a->velocity; // if ( _force.Length() - _inertialDistance < SPRING_TOLERANCE ) {  _force.Zero();  return; } // Calculate the intensity of the spring ( -k * deltaDistance ) // This is where the spring constant comes into play. A higher K will yield // a stiffer spring. double intensity = -_springK * (_force.Length() - _inertialDistance); // Normalize the force direction _force.Normalize(); // Apply the internal force and the friction force // _force += ((_force/_force.Length())*intensity) - (40000 * _vel);}void ISpringSystem::AddAnchorNode( int node, CVector3<double> const &anchorPosition ){ // Setup the anchor nodes _anchorNodes.resize(_anchorNodes.size()+1); _anchorNodes[_anchorNodes.size()-1].node = &_springNodes[node]; _anchorNodes[_anchorNodes.size()-1].position = anchorPosition; _movingNodes.erase( _movingNodes.begin() + node );}void ISpringSystem::Animate(){ static bIsInit=false; // Initialize the timer if ( !bIsInit ) _timer->Init(); // Get the elapsed seconds double elapsed = _timer->GetElapsedSeconds(); // Gravitational force // To compute the gravitational force we use F = ma // (m = mass, a =  acceleration due to gravity (in units per second which is g=9.81m/s^2) double fg = -9.81 * _mass; // Compute all external forces on the springs for( int i=0; i<_movingNodes.size(); ++i ) {  // Zero out the force vector  _movingNodes[i]->force.Zero();  // Factor in the gravitational force. Since it moves only in the y direction, we  // only modify the y component of the vector.  _movingNodes[i]->force[1] = fg; } // Compute internal forces on the springs for( int i=0; i<_movingNodes.size(); ++i ) {  // Compute the force the neighbor nodes are exerting on each node  for( int j=0; j<_movingNodes[i]->neighbors.size(); ++j )  {  //  ComputeSingleForce( _movingNodes[i]->neighbors[j], _movingNodes[i] );  _movingNodes[i]->force += _force;            // Add the force exerted to this nodes force vector  } } // Increment velocity and position of nodes for( int i=0; i<_movingNodes.size(); ++i ) {  _movingNodes[i]->velocity += (_movingNodes[i]->force/_mass)*elapsed;    // Add  _movingNodes[i]->position += _movingNodes[i]->velocity;    // Add the velocity to pos  _movingNodes[i]->velocity *= _energyLoss; }}void ISpringSystem::Draw(){ // Push the current attribute list onto the OpenGL attribute stack glPushAttrib(GL_CURRENT_BIT); glLoadIdentity(); // Draw as lines glBegin(GL_LINES); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); for( int i=0; i<_springNodes.size()-1; ++i ) {  glVertex3f( _springNodes[i].position[0], _springNodes[i].position[1], _springNodes[i].position[2] );  glVertex3f( _springNodes[i+1].position[0], _springNodes[i+1].position[1], _springNodes[i+1].position[2] ); } glEnd(); // Pop the last element off OpenGL attribute stack glPopAttrib();}// String spring system classclass CStringSpringSystem : public ISpringSystem {public: void ConnectSprings();};void CStringSpringSystem::ConnectSprings( ){ _springNodes.resize( 80 ); _movingNodes.resize( 80 ); _timer = new CHiResTimer; _timer->Init(); _springK = 8000;           // Rigidity of springs _inertialDistance = .05;       // Springs are 5 cm apart _mass = .05;    // Each mass is .05 kg _energyLoss = 1-.00001;   // Amount of energy the system will lose as time elapses // Set springNode distances along the positive x-axis for ( int i=0; i<_springNodes.size(); ++i ) {  _springNodes[i].position = CVector3<double>( 0.0f + i*_inertialDistance, 1.0f, -5.0f );  _movingNodes[i] = &_springNodes[i];  _movingNodes[i]->velocity.Zero(); } // Set up the first spring node _springNodes[0].neighbors.resize(1); _springNodes[0].neighborDistances.resize(1); _springNodes[0].neighbors[0] = &_springNodes[1]; _springNodes[0].neighborDistances[0] = _inertialDistance; // Set up the last spring node _springNodes[_springNodes.size()-1].neighbors.resize(1); _springNodes[_springNodes.size()-1].neighborDistances.resize(1); _springNodes[_springNodes.size()-1].neighbors[0] = &_springNodes[_springNodes.size()-2]; _springNodes[_springNodes.size()-1].neighborDistances[0] = _inertialDistance; // Set up all nodes in between for( int i=1; i<_springNodes.size()-1; ++i ) {  _springNodes[i].neighbors.resize(2);  _springNodes[i].neighborDistances.resize(2);  //  _springNodes[i].neighbors[0] = &_springNodes[i-1];  _springNodes[i].neighborDistances[0] = _inertialDistance;  //  _springNodes[i].neighbors[1] = &_springNodes[i+1];  _springNodes[i].neighborDistances[1] = _inertialDistance; } // Make the middle node an anchor node (i.e. it does not move) AddAnchorNode( (_springNodes.size()-1)/2, CVector3<double>( 0.0f, _springNodes[(_springNodes.size()-1)/2].position[1], -5.0f ) );} Here are some images of the end result. They are just the nodes connected by lines to represent the string, nothing too fancy. The shots are taken at certain points in the animation process, two of them have anchor points in the center, and two have them on the left ends. However, this can be extended to create something like a cloth, hair, or even jello. All that really needs to be modified is the spring connection function and the drawing method. Please let me know if this tutorial was helpful for you at all!
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