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Posts posted by coder2000

  1. The only real damage is from improperly permissioned or owned files. Register globals is only available from a server config so you can't turn it on from a script. Most databases cache the most used sql statements. Now I don't know how much that is done with MySQL but they aren't as taxing on a hdd as you might think.

  2. If I read the topic correctly you are using Demudi, which from my understanding is a media os similar to Windows XP media center edition. That project has become AGNULA as far as I can see. From that standpoint I would have to say that the capabilities of the os have been limited to its main focus. I would suggest using a different distrobution if you intend to use it as a desktop os. However if I am completely wrong in your intentions I am sorry.

  3. I think it depends on the usage policy the school has instituted and what warnings they give. If you say in the policy that computer usage may be monitored and give warnings in the lab to that effect I don't think there is an issue because they know that monitoring may occur and their actions are public. If the policy does not state anything about monitoring then it would be an issue because then the students think what they are doing is private and when they discover that they have been watched, feel that their privacy has been invaded. IMHO.

  4. Linux has had 64bit support for a long while already. One reason linux doesn't have any viruses isn't because they are more difficult to write but because linux isn't as widely used. Yes there is added security with linux ins that permissions play a big role into who can run what. With SELinux things are going to be even more problematic for people who try and write viruses or worms for linux. It is superior to windows in every way but support for major games written in directx.

  5. Well its that time again. First thing we have to do is modify our login script.

    function loginUser() {    session_start();    ....    if (md5(password) == $row['fldPassword']) {        $_SESSION['loggedin'] = true;        ....     }}
    Now we add the session_start at the beginning of our function so that it starts our session. Now we replace our setcookie with the $_SESSION variable. Now in any other php page you want to protect just add the following code:
    <?phpsession_start();if (!$_SESSION['loggedin']) {    die("Not logged in");}?>
    Now there is a lot more that can be done with this but its a basic script that should get you started. Well that should be about it for this set of tutorials.

  6. Welcome back... Today we are going to log our users into our system. For those who haven't read the first tutorial it would be a good idea to do so as this will expand on that. Now we will start on our HTML for our login form. Create a new file and call it login.php with the following:

    <html>    <head>        <title>Login</title>    </head>    <body>        <form action="<? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?login=true" ?>" method="POST">            Username: <input type="text" name="username"><br>            Password: <input type="password" name="password"><br>            <input type="submit" value="Login">        </form>    </body></html>
    Looks familiar? It should its basically the same html as we used for our register script. Now we will start on the PHP code. To the beginning of our file add the following:
    <?php    if ($_GET['login'] = true) {        loginUser();    }?><html>....
    Now we are going to arrange this file a bit differently. Instead of having our function at the top of the file we are going to have it at the bottom. So lets add another PHP code block there shall we:
    ....</html><?php    function loginUser() {    }?>
    One thing you should know is no matter how many times you open or close a PHP code block it is basically all apart of the same code. I will be demonstrating this more in a bit. For now lets just finish off our function:
    function loginUser() {    $username = $_POST['username'];    $password = $_POST['password'];    $sql = "SELECT fldId, fldPassword FROM tblUsers WHERE fldUsername = '$username';";    $result = mysql_query($sql);    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);    if (md5($password) = $row['fldPassword']) {        setcookie('loggedin', $row['fldId']);        echo "Logged In";    }}
    One thing I should point out is that I haven't done any error checking. If you were using this in a production environment you would want to do that. In PHP you can use variables inside a string as demonstrated by our SQL statement that gets the id and password of our user. Now lets only display our form if we haven't tried to login:
    if ... {} else {?><html>....</html>?>}function ...
    Here we have added an else statement to our if so that if we try and login we won't be displaying our form. Notice how the closing brace for the else is in our bottom section of PHP code. Well because all PHP code in a file is parsed at the same time we can do this. Well see you next time when I show you how to protect your pages.

  7. What you are talking about is a system design process. There are others like object oriented analysis and design which is coming into more common use. and the ever popular structured analysis and design which is widely used in business today. Xtreme Programming actually takes a bit from both oo and structured methodologies and combines them. (Its what I am taking in school right now.)

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