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Everything posted by blor
Honmore.com : I like the orangish design, but it did feel a lil weird with the navigation bar on the left although that's kinda unique. Everything is well laid out. Fast loading page. The background is cool but it doesn't seem to go too well with the black text on top of it. Overall: ****1/2 stars
http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ : It's a lil plain for my taste. A good thing is that it's fast loading. Links work. Things really don't flow to well together such as the white text on the background. Although the big font is nice to have. A more uniform layout would be more suitable. Also, on the main page, should have a small little intro about what the site is about so people don't get confused at first. Reminds me a lil too much of some geocities websites. The site was ok, but still needs more work. Overall: **1/2 stars http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ : This layout is a better than the first. The link up at the time is a lil bothersome. The blue link color on blue background doesn't work too well. The link color should at least be a little darker if it's going to be of a blue shade. I do like the how the information is organized and how it stands out for the visitor. I did notice that three pictures towards the bottom don't work. This site was alright, but better than the first. Overall: ***1/2 stars
Red site: It has a clean-cut, fast loading layout which is a good thing for 56k'ers. Also, the red and white go well together so that's another plus. Big font text is always a good thing 'cuz you don't want ppl squinting their eyes just to see what you're saying. Very well laid out design. Like it. Overall: ****1/2 stars Blue site: More stuff going on here, but it's still fast loading. The two main shades of blue really don't go well together because the top pic sticks out like a sore thumb, but unless that's the purpose of the top pic then it works!! Other than that, I like the design too. Overall: **** stars The the pick is.....red site....
First off, to know where I'm comin' from, here's my laptop specs:P4 2.8ghz512mb ram *512mb more coming soon*40gb hard driveATI Radeon IGP 345m mobility graphics card w/ Omega graphics driversNow, here're the mmporgs i've played so far and what i think....Everquest:My first mmporg ever played...thought it was cool for awhile especially when friends with high level characters would power level me...I was a wood elf ranger and only got to lvl 14...had two months left on my account to play, BUT i decided to quit 'cuz lvl 14 was a hell lvl and I got bored going around killing mobs so I decided to give all my equipment and money away and go train mobs into the newb areas...I was never seen playing Everquest again...but that was a long time ago Ragnarok Online:.......couldn't play 'cuz I never could connect which sucked...so I quit trying to get it to work altho from reviews, it's supposedly a really good mmporgGunbound:IF YOU LIKE WORMS, GET THIS!!! It's an addicting game especially when you're bored with really nothing to do. I'm still playing it. Fully free unless you want to upgrade your guy with stuff so you can kick butt. If you want to go free all the way, it's going to be awhile until you can gather enough gold to get something for you character, but it's still fun!!!Diablo 2:Played this for awhile until my lvl 59 character got hacked and everything stolen from him....stupid ppl just have to ruin the fun for everyone...Deloria: I tried playing this game, but the server is never up...so it's been baleted!Graal:This was a weird game....Zelda-like...playerworld i believe? but some reason it turned to p2p i think...it's still free but you just can't kill ppl....used to play but too much lag sometimes...PristonTale:This is actually a good game...if there were people actually playing and if it wasn't so laggy at times. Fully 3-D anime mmporg...free until lvl 39 i think? i forgot...but i played this for awhile too...Well, those are most of the mmporgs i've played, i forgot what the other ones are called so maybe i'll post them later....i'm still wondering if i can play WoW on my laptop....anyone think i can?
I would have to say Photoshop rules overall, but that's just my opinion. I'm starting to play around with Fireworks but it doesn't have much use to me unless I have to work with Flash too, then Fireworks is good for exporting images right to Flash immediately. Photoshop, for me, is really good for webdesigning and CG coloring since that's what I do most with image programs...although I've heard Painter is better for CG'ing. I wanna try photoshop cs but i don't have the money right now to buy it...me a poor college student...also, does anyone know any good intermediate & advanced photoshop 7 tutorials? i ran out of ideas apparently.....