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Posts posted by PhasingThrough

  1. Cell phones going off during class make my day when it's not mine. :DBecause are teachers go pretty crazy, especially my Chemestry teacher, who will go off about how technology is the new Tower of Babel... ah, it's great.I do dislike it when cell phones go off when you're talking to somebody and they actually answer it when it's not an emergancy. I mean, it's fine if their mom called to say they're going to be late or something, but if it's your friend Jeff and you're chatting about the O.C. for 20 minutes, our conversation is over. I don't like to stand there feeling like I'm butting in or something.

  2. Cell phones are good because it's easier to reach people (in an emergancy and such) because most people have them.What's really annoying is people who can't ever seem to get off of them. ~_~ Is it really necessary to talk while you drive, or talk loudly in a restaurant? I mean, if you're telling someone you're on your way, or that you're lost and need directions, I guess it's okay, just don't start chit-chatting about a movie you just saw and get distracted and plow into another car. Or just pass the phone to someone else in the car if there is someone else.I just find it somewhat ridiculous sometimes that people will talk in restaurants really loudly; it's kind of rude.What also bugs me is the really annoying ring tones. o_O;; I mean, I don't mind songs, but if it's crazy beeping that sounds like a moose being strangled, then you seriously need to just have your phone on vibrate all the time. o_O It's especially annoying when it takes the person forever to ANSWER their phone.Meh.

  3. ok... first... u said that it should be the womans choice because she will have to care for it for 9 mos... does a parent not have to care for a child at any age? 

    I said that the mother would have to care for the child for the rest of its life if she choses to keep it. Read the rest of my sentence.

    would it be acceptable if a mother killed her 5 year old son because she just didnt want him anymore?? 

    Of course not, that's obviously murder, and that's very different. That child's been in the world for 5+ years, and whether he had the right to live cannot be disputed. Wheras, an unborn fetus, there's much to argue with. Bringing a new life into the world and being responsible for that life is a very difficult thing, and it's not surprising that many young girls who make mistakes are unable to handle it.

    if a mother doesnt want her kid, then she should give him/her up to adoption... im not saying that this is a good thing but its better than them living with an unloving parent or not living at all...

    You don't know that for sure, do you? Adoption places are overflowing (high population), and it just seems like an even worse form of abandonment to me, at the government's expense this time. Though I do agree it is better then death, some people just can't live with the fact that they are abandoning their child, and don't want to live with the heartbreak years down the line if the child choses to try and find them.

    now secondly... about the self abortions... first of all... people wouldnt do that much nowadays... the 70s were a different time period... and another thing... if a law was broken so much, would u get rid of the law altogether??  people steal and smoke pot all the time so should the law be removed?? no... that would defeat the purpose of the law... the law was created because people did something wrong and theyre trying to prevent it...

    I didn't say this happened during the 70s. It happened only a year ago, in fact. So people DO do it nowadays. The reason she did it? Because in her state it was ILLEGAL. She couldn't go and get it done properly, and rather than face her parents, she took a risk, and ended up killing the both of them. There are people who would rather take that risk than face the shame, so we should let them have the choice so that even more innocent life is not lost.And about getting rid of the law? No, of course not, if the law has good intentions. However, if it's getting broken all the time, it's just a sign of poor enforcement, or that the law needs to be revised so that people aren't breaking it.

  4. My computer is like a limb to me. XD If it dies, my life goes into chaos.I use it for homework, to type it up, and to do research for things. I even read books online because I have to carry a lot of stuff home and simply do not have the room for it.I have all my music on it, because I spend the most time here. It has all of my photos, documents, pretty much anything you can think of.It has Photoshop.I mainly talk to my friends through e-mail and AIM, because I dislike using the phone, and it's too slow to write. The computer is just so useful for everything.I'm not a HUGE gamer, because I'm unable to afford the fees to pay monthly, so I play free games online, but the games I do play I play for hours on end. I swear, those people hold the key to time control. o_O There is not such thing as 'a quick game'.

  5. I am a Catholic, so it's pretty odd for me to be pro-choice, but I am.I believe that the choice should be left to the woman, after all, she's the one who will have to provide for the baby for the nine months, and for the rest of its life if she choses to keep it.I am for abortion in the cases of rape (many rape victims are too young to have children, and some are too young to even have developed enough to concieve a proper birth without complications.) Besides, how do you think that child is going to grow up, knowing that its father is a rapist?I am also for it when there is danger to the mother. There's no point in them both dying, so let the mother decide whether to abort.As far as making a stupid mistake goes, I am torn:I believe that you should learn from your mistakes, so a part of me believes that if they didn't use a condom properly or didn't take the pill they should have to live with it. But I think it might be best to let the mother decide in this case because how is that child going to grow up if it knows the mother never really wanted it? Most teen mothers drop out of school (ruining their life) to properly care for their child, and even then, sometimes they are unable to properly care for them because they don't have much experiance. Even worse, some of them blame their children for 'ruining' their lives, so naturally the child may not have a happy childhood. So I am torn there.Outlawing abortion won't do anything anyway. People will find ways to self abort, or will try to cause miscarrages. I know of a girl who at 16 got pregnant, and because she was too ashamed to tell her parents, tried to self abort with a coat hanger, and bled to death on her bathroom floor, killing herself, and her month old baby. So I think it should remain legal so that it is done properly. Because if people really do not want the baby, they're going to find ways to get rid of it that are even worse than abortion (such as disposing of it in trash bins, which I've read about way too often.)

  6. Actually, it's fangs are long enough to bite us [i watch Mythbusters. ^^;;], and it's venom is not as poisonous as the black widow.

    They proved it by using this method to measure the venom of both the spiders (I forget what it's called) and the black widow's venom was way more poisonous than the daddy long legs.

    And to test the fang length, they had one of the guys have some of them on his arm until it bit him. It did. o_o

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