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pbolduc started following Weather Feed Script In Php A good weather feed on your site, Copy To Clipboard Function, The Big Bang Theory and and 7 others
I am in the process of writing a small content management system for my niche sites and need to be able to accomplish the following two items. Any assistance would be appreciated: I have a directory that has nothing but sub directories in it and I need to be able to identify each directory name and return them in an option drop down selection menu which will be included in an identifying URL. ALSO: I am in need of a script that could be included on a returned page that will read the content of a table and identify various keywords within the content and place a hyperlink around the particular keyword with the corresponding destination URL contained within.Any assistance in these areas would be greatly appreciated:Thanks in advance,pete
I need to be able to identify the URL of the current page being viewed in order to put it in a link on that page.I'm new to php and have not figured this one out yetAny assistance would be appreciatedthanks in advancepete
Thanks man... sry I didn't thank you sooner but was on vacationpete
I know how to code to get the text in a text area highlighted, I was wondering if anyone could provide me with the code to copy the content of a text area directly to the clipboard.Thanks in advance,Pete
You can use javascript to bring in headers, footers, and just about anything you want. Here is a javascript I use to bring in an image roll that changes the pic everytime the page loads, function imgroll(){ var myimages=new Array() //specify random images below. You can have as many as you wish myimages[0]="images/imgrolls/140x350/140x350-01.jpg" myimages[1]="images/imgrolls/140x350/140x350-02.jpg" myimages[2]="images/imgrolls/140x350/140x350-03.jpg" myimages[3]="images/imgrolls/140x350/140x350-04.jpg" myimages[4]="images/imgrolls/140x350/140x350-05.jpg" myimages[5]="images/imgrolls/140x350/140x350-06.jpg" myimages[6]="images/imgrolls/140x350/140x350-07.jpg" myimages[7]="images/imgrolls/140x350/140x350-08.jpg" myimages[8]="images/imgrolls/140x350/140x350-09.jpg" myimages[9]="images/imgrolls/140x350/140x350-10.jpg" var ry=Math.floor(Math.random()*myimages.length) document.write('<img src="'+myimages[ry]+'" align="right" border=0>')} imgroll() Whatever is between single quotations in the: document.write('<img src="'+myimages[ry]+'" align="right" border=0>') line will print on your page when called in by a script tag. <script language="" src="js/imgRoll.js"></script> Just place the script tag where you want it to appear on yor page. In this example the javascript is saved as: imgRoll.js in the js folder and the above tag calls it in. The problem here is the code between the single quotations must be optimized which makes it difficut to make quick changes when required because the code runs together and is not spaced. Here is a sample code I use to call in some html code on my recommendation page: recommendCode = '<table class="mcOuterTable" height="100%"cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center"><tr ><td style="height: 1%"><img id="mcHeader" src="images/headers/recommendus-550x50.JPG" border="0" width="550" height="50" alt=""></td></tr><tr><td style="height: 385; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC"> </td></tr><tr><td style="height: 1%"><img src="images/footers/ffapb-550x35.jpg" border="0" width="550" height="35" alt="" align="middle"></td></tr></table>'; document.write(recommendCode) The file is saved as: recCode.js and is called in by the tag: <script language="" src="js/imgRoll.js"></script> If you are calling in a large piece of code such as a page header or footer it is better to use php. You to not really have to understand php to take advantage of it include capabilities. If you have php available on your server simply save the page you want to bring text or code into with a php extention. Then create your header or footer file with whatever extention (.html, .js, .htm etc.). You call it in with with a simple php include tag: <?php include "header-01.php" ?> Place the include where you want the code to appear. Hope this helps. pete
You can also simply add a class property to your link: CSS Code: a.whateverclass:link {color: #000066; text-decoration: none}a.whateverclass:visited {color: #000066; text-decoration: none}a.whateverclass:hover {color: #006600; text-decoration: underline}a.whateverclass:active {color: #FFFF00; text-decoration: none} Link Code: <li><a type="button" href="javascript: history.go(-1)" class="whateverclass">Go Back</a></li> Hope This Helps, pete
If you expand your use of css you can control alot more concerning your links. Below is an example: a:link {color: #006600; font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; cursor: hand; color: #FFFFFF; font-size:}a:visited {color: #006600; font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; cursor: hand; color: #FFFFFF; }a:hover {color: #6699FF; font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; cursor: hand; color: #6699FF; }a:active {color: #FF0000; font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; cursor: hand; color: #FF0000; } To add a second set of link controls simply add a class to the style. Example of link code using the class "dklink2": You can have as many link controls as you want, just create different classes. a.dklink2:link {color: #006600; font-size: 8pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; cursor: hand; color: #006600; }a.dklink2:visited {color: #006600; font-size: 8pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; cursor: hand; color: #006600; }a.dklink2:hover {color: #ffffff; font-size: 8pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; cursor: hand; color: #ffffff; }a.dklink2:active {color: #ff0000; font-size: 8pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; cursor: hand; color: #ff0000; } You call the class by use of the "class" property in the anchor tagas follows: <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; class="dklink2" target="_blank">Whatever</a> hope this helps pete
I get the same U/C page from both.... you probably had a cache problem.. pete
I'm not sure about the left to right marquee... As is it comes in the way we read. Here is a up/down javascript that I didn't write but use once in a while. It will take images, text, or html. Just follow instructions and configure the script to your needs. Place the script where you want the scroll to appear on your site. <script language="JavaScript1.2">/*Up down slideshow Script-Updated: 99/05/15 By Dynamic Drive (http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ full source code, installation instructions,100's more DHTML scripts, and Terms OfUse, visit dynamicdrive.com*////////configure the below four variables to change the style of the slider/////////set the scrollerwidth and scrollerheight to the width/height of the LARGEST image in your slideshow!var scrollerwidth=103;var scrollerheight=106;var scrollerbgcolor='white';//3000 miliseconds=3 secondsvar pausebetweenimages=3000;//configure the below variable to change the images used in the slideshow. If you wish the images to be clickable, simply wrap the images with the appropriate <a> tagvar slideimages=new Array();slideimages[0]='<a href="http://http://edition.cnn.com/ src="Image0.gif" border=0"></a>';//extend this list///////Do not edit pass this line///////////////////////if (slideimages.length>1)i=2;elsei=0;function move1(whichlayer){tlayer=eval(whichlayer);if (tlayer.top>0&&tlayer.top<=5){tlayer.top=0;setTimeout("move1(tlayer)",pausebetweenimages);setTimeout("move2(document.main.document.second)",pausebetweenimages);return;}if (tlayer.top>=tlayer.document.height*-1){tlayer.top-=5;setTimeout("move1(tlayer)",100);}else{tlayer.top=scrollerheight;tlayer.document.write(slideimages[i]);tlayer.document.close();if (i==slideimages.length-1)i=0;elsei++;}}function move2(whichlayer){tlayer2=eval(whichlayer);if (tlayer2.top>0&&tlayer2.top<=5){tlayer2.top=0;setTimeout("move2(tlayer2)",pausebetweenimages);setTimeout("move1(document.main.document.first)",pausebetweenimages);return;}if (tlayer2.top>=tlayer2.document.height*-1){tlayer2.top-=5;setTimeout("move2(tlayer2)",100);}else{tlayer2.top=scrollerheight;tlayer2.document.write(slideimages[i]);tlayer2.document.close();if (i==slideimages.length-1)i=0;elsei++;}}function move3(whichdiv){tdiv=eval(whichdiv);if (tdiv.style.pixelTop>0&&tdiv.style.pixelTop<=5){tdiv.style.pixelTop=0;setTimeout("move3(tdiv)",pausebetweenimages);setTimeout("move4(second2)",pausebetweenimages);return;}if (tdiv.style.pixelTop>=tdiv.offsetHeight*-1){tdiv.style.pixelTop-=5;setTimeout("move3(tdiv)",100);}else{tdiv.style.pixelTop=scrollerheight;tdiv.innerHTML=slideimages[i];if (i==slideimages.length-1)i=0;elsei++;}}function move4(whichdiv){tdiv2=eval(whichdiv);if (tdiv2.style.pixelTop>0&&tdiv2.style.pixelTop<=5){tdiv2.style.pixelTop=0;setTimeout("move4(tdiv2)",pausebetweenimages);setTimeout("move3(first2)",pausebetweenimages);return;}if (tdiv2.style.pixelTop>=tdiv2.offsetHeight*-1){tdiv2.style.pixelTop-=5;setTimeout("move4(second2)",100);}else{tdiv2.style.pixelTop=scrollerheight;tdiv2.innerHTML=slideimages[i];if (i==slideimages.length-1)i=0;elsei++;}}function startscroll(){if (document.all){move3(first2);second2.style.top=scrollerheight;}else if (document.layers){document.main.visibility='show';move1(document.main.document.first);document.main.document.second.top=scrollerheight+5;document.main.document.second.visibility='show';}}window.onload=startscroll;</script><ilayer id="main" width=&{scrollerwidth}; height=&{scrollerheight}; bgColor=&{scrollerbgcolor}; visibility=hide><layer id="first" left=0 top=1 width=&{scrollerwidth}; ><script language="JavaScript1.2">if (document.layers)document.write(slideimages[0]);</script></layer><layer id="second" left=0 top=0 width=&{scrollerwidth}; visibility=hide><script language="JavaScript1.2">if (document.layers)document.write(slideimages[1]);</script></layer></ilayer><script language="JavaScript1.2">if (document.all){document.writeln('<span id="main2" style="position:relative;width:'+scrollerwidth+';height:'+scrollerheight+';overflow:hiden;background-color:'+scrollerbgcolor+'">');document.writeln('<div style="position:absolute;width:'+scrollerwidth+';height:'+scrollerheight+';clip:rect(0 '+scrollerwidth+' '+scrollerheight+' 0);left:0;top:0">');document.writeln('<div id="first2" style="position:absolute;width:'+scrollerwidth+';left:0;top:1;">');document.write(slideimages[0]);document.writeln('</div>');document.writeln('<div id="second2" style="position:absolute;width:'+scrollerwidth+';left:0;top:0">');document.write(slideimages[1]);document.writeln('</div>');document.writeln('</div>');document.writeln('</span>');}</script> pete
I just downloaded this one yesterday. It's a good basic beginner's ttutorial https://www.sitepoint.com/store/the-css3-anthology-4th-edition/ It is a free version of a more indepth ebook. pete
I am attempting to install xoops through fantastico on cpanel. I have yet to point the DNS to the site. To compensate for this I changed the vitual pathe from the installed: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . This occurs on line 37 in my editor. IT WAS: // XOOPS Virtual Path (URL) // Virtual path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash /*line 37*/ define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'); IT IS NOW: // XOOPS Virtual Path (URL) // Virtual path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash /*line 37*/ define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'); When I call individual pages index through the IP link they appear. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ >>>>> get index page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ >>>>> get index page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/index.html >>>>> get index page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ >>>>> get fire page However, when I try to call xoops through: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I GET: Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/donpet/public_html/xoops/kernel/config.php on line 222 Unknown Condition []: in file line Here's Line 222: function &getConfigsByCat($category, $module = 0) { if (!empty($this->_cachedConfigs[$module][$category])) { return $this->_cachedConfigs[$module][$category]; } else { $ret = array(); $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('conf_modid', intval($module))); if (!empty($category)) { $criteria->add(new Criteria('conf_catid', intval($category))); } $configs =& $this->getConfigs($criteria, true); if (is_array($configs)) { foreach (array_keys($configs) as $i) { /* Line 222 */ $ret[$configs[$i]->getVar('conf_name')] = $configs[$i]->getConfValueForOutput(); } } $this->_cachedConfigs[$module][$category] =& $ret; return $ret; } } When I type: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I GET: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/could not be found. (FireFox) I am at the bottom of the learning curve in php. Assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pete
The only thing about flash is search engine spiders don't read and index the content. Because I design for small businesses I try to limit the flash, or at least design the site so that whatever content in the flash is either displayed elses where on the site/page or hidden at the bottom below the page by coloring the text the same as the background. pete
Why A Site Is Viewed Differently In Browsers
pbolduc replied to danagym's topic in Websites and Web Designing
It is best to view each page in the various browsers as you build them. Most designers, myself included do not understand the differences in browsers and how they read and view scripts. You do not have to be a browser expert to build cross browser friendly sites. As you build each page. This way you will be able to circumvent any problems in browser differences before the entire site is completed and thus preventing considerable re-scripting time to make the site compatiable in all, or at least the primary browsers. I don't think a"This Site is Best Viewed in XYZ Browser" is a good idea as it shows the world you are still in the browser learning curve. If you are building sites for others, you could loose business as a result. Post the link so we can view it and possibly lend a hand. pete -
God's Role In Natural Disasters Gods warning or Nature at work?
pbolduc replied to hashbang's topic in General Discussion
What experience has shown me, both personal and that witnessed of others, that you can only find the truth if you are actively seeking the truth. When I said "got to the source" I meant give God a chance. Most people don't. They have dismissed the possibility of God taking a personal role in their life, mainly due to societal impact, that at best they offer a half-hearted prayer, usually challenging God to prove His existance. They have gone their entire life without ever attempting to build a personal relationship with their Creator, then in a speed prayer they challennge Him, and when He dosn't respond in their alloted time their blow Him off. Yet, having made up in their mind God is incignificant, they spend countless hours in earnest persuit of "the meaning of life" delving into areas the Bible says we ought not to go. And they usually find some kind of short-term peace there. The spiritual forces that would act to keep them away from finding God's single truth no longer hinder them because they are now off the straight and narrow, seeking false truths in eternally dangerous places. God has made a promise that if we seek Him, we will find Him, but only if we seek Him earnestly, with an earnest heart. pete