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Posts posted by Nathan1405241474

  1. In tribute to have died, I thought I'd post this!A tsunami is a series of huge waves that happen after an undersea disturbance, such as an earthquake or volcano eruption. (Tsunami is from the Japanese word for harbor wave.) The waves travel in all directions from the area , much like the ripples that happen after throwing a rock. As the big waves approach shallow waters along the coast they grow to a great height and smash into the shore. They can be very high. They can cause a lot of destruction on the shore. They are sometimes mistakenly called "tidal waves," but tsunami have nothing to do with the tides. May god bless all those died. :)

  2. Simple Machines is alright, if you want a cheap PHP imatation of the slow, crap sluggish, Perl written YABB. Talk about, crap I mean it doesn't even use MySql, I mean it only uses some file, called flat file, and it's so simple, no skins, or anything, but I have to admit, that Simplemachines is better that YABB, and YABB, is better than the sofware that Proboards uses, but personnally, I think they are all garbage! I reccommed, IPB, or if you want a simple forum thats easy to use try Mybb - very good, has all the features of IPB2 - but easier to use - https://mybb.com/ and it also has very good FREE skins!

  3. Designing a website, can be fun and easy, just make sure you follow these steps. 1. Learn CSS- the more you know about CSS, the easier it will be for you, and less frustrating for you, and you will enjoy designing your site.2. Always test the site after you have finished, make sure you tested with all the browsers you can and if you need to make adjustments, I reccomend Microsoft Frontpage for easy editing.3. Get other people's opinion of your site.

  4. I reccomend Photobucket - photobucket.com, it's pretty good, and it allows you to Upload multiple files at one ( 6 I think), and best of all it's free, and also it's easy to use and easy to access the pictures that you want, which is pretty good. I really, like it becaue, also the Control Panel, has a vlean look, layout, and the Photobucket site is fast, and loads quickly.

  5. True, GTA San Andreas is a good game, but in my opinion, Grand Theft Auto Vice City, is better, anyway, I agree with Amorak's post that if you're ging to play it and 5 minutes later, you're going to shoot, kill, punch etc. someone, then you shouldn't play it. But I stil disagree with the fact that people are stopping under 16's playing such a great game. True there are imature under 16's but there are a large majority of the age group(under 16) who are very mature and can handle it.

  6. I'm a catgolic so, I believe in Christ but still no matter waht you believe in, either you are a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or small religion, it is good to have a faith, that after ife, you have an idea, on what will happen to you, and it can cheer you up sometimes, instead of leading to suicide, where you know that there is someone, outside of Earth that loves you, and can protect you

  7. Theyare alright I guess, I mean for the standars, at that time, but all the clips I've seen, they don't show emotion, or are even enthusiastic, at what they do, but I'v got to admit, their lyrics are lame, and they are to old fashion for me, and I know some people might strongly disagree with me but thats my opinion, and I think they would never meet up to my standards, like Linkin Park or Black Eyed Peas

  8. Again good moderation, nice clean skin and fast replying, with active friendly members. Don't start with extremely tough rules but later as your forum progresses, start being strict on your members, and give chances, don't warn your members straight away, as people will get annoyed and abandon your forum. Also keep your members intrested, put in a few mods, like arcade and also put in a shop and a virtual currency. THis will encourage members to post to gain things. Well that's all I can think of, but I stay reading in this topic, and post on more ideas when I think of some.


    Runescape is a massive multiplayer adventure, with monsters to kill, quests to complete, and treasure to win. You control your own character who will improve and become more powerful the more you play. This isn't a game where everything that happens is pre-determined. What you do in the world is up to you!

    That quote was from Runecape.com


    Anyway, Runescape, for all of you who don't know, is an online adventure JAVA game that, is based as a Medievil Adventure game.



    Graphics 6/10

    Gameplay 8/10

    Speed 3/10


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