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Posts posted by Jenna2005

  1. Great topic! ^_^

    Reading through the posts so far made me realize that I've been 'tinkering' with websites for about seven years or so. I'm one of those trial and error people. I would have to say that it all started in 11th and 12th grade when I started work on my high school year book staff. I started as just a general staffer and then my senior year I jumped to Senior Editor (how I got picked for that is still beyond me ^_^ ) Through that process I learned a lot about graphics editing, which led me to want to create my own site. I can honestly say I have no clue what that one was about but it did have cool graphics. Tehe!

    At that time I also did a lot of online rpg and eventually started creating webpages for my characters. Did that for about 2-3 years off and on when I had time, ending up with about 15 1-2 page info sites. Learned A LOT through that process about code, java, etc. - great experience. Not sure where most of those are anymore though.

    From there I didn't have a lot of time for rpg but I managed to keep up some of my old contacts. Towards the end some of my sites were getting nice, and more important - simple and easy to navigate/understand. One of these contacts asked me to create a site for her character and they wanted it to be similar to one of mine - which is where the next stage started. I have been creating character sites for about 3-4 years now (for free of course), off and on when I have time. It's tons of fun and allows me to experiment with new things and meet some fairly interesting online personalities.

    An example of one of the character sites:

    The individual provided the basic concept, I drew up the template with her info, and then handed it over to her - she wanted to finalize her own images in this case. I'm then available to these folks as needed with site support if something stops working.

    As of now, I'm at another stage in my life (one where I actually have money ^_^ ) and am considering finally buying my own doman and getting hosted somewhere. We'll see where that train of thought leads. :P

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