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Posts posted by spaceseel

  1. I have just started programming in c++ and have a DOS game set up that would benefit greatly from some graphics/animations. unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea how to go about this, and to amke matters worse, have no idea as to how to add graphics in general. so my question to everyone else is:

    how do I add graphics to my dos application?

    if it helps I am using the Dev-Bloodshed compiler, and would be willing to switch.


    looking for help,



    You can start by doing a google search for VGA Graphics. VGA was used in most DOS games. There was one VGA graphics library that I found. But, I don't remember the website. The best way to create the graphics is to do a google for Deluxe Paint II enhanced. This program is probibally abandonware, but It was used to create the graphics for the old LucasArts games, like: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, and other ones too.

  2. Hello,


    I would like to learn C++ in order to start creating a better game that actually runs offline, unlike the Flash games that I have been creating recently.  I would like a website with a decent tutorial, and like a refrence of the keywords used in C++.  Also, is there any freeware IDEs for C++, or would you recommeend buying Microsoft Visual C++?  Any suggestions would be helpful.





    There is one website that I found that I would recommend If you want to learn C++, http://www.cprogramming.com/. and with Visual C++, I would only recommed the program, if you are going to be serious about programming for windows (including: win32, MFC, DirectX, OpenGL, etc), but if you're just going to be making console applications, then I would not recommed the programming language. It's not just, that I don't like it--I do--but it would be a waste of money if the only purpose of getting it is just to learn the basics or use CMD (DOS, basically).

  3. Is there anywhere I can go to find a resource for Direct X coding in both C++ and Visual Basic.  I was wondering if there was also a place to find 3D models that are distributed freely, or maybe a freeware 3D modeling tool.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!



    I've done some searching around and found some great sites that will help you learn DirectX and get some free models:


    FlipCode - Great articles on extras for your program/game.


    anim8or - Freeware 3D Modeling Software.


    DirectX Tutorials - A tutorial page that shows you how to create a simple DirectX program


    3D Cafe - Provides free resources and resource tutorials (Photoshop, 3DS Max, Maya, etc.)


    ...there are more pages out there, I just gave you a few to start you out! Good luck!

  4. I use flash mx, but I was wondering how to/what language I would need to make a final fantasy-like turn based battle system for a rpg I'm making. "So, any help you could give us would be... Helpful?" MP&THG


    I'm not really sure how to make a RPG battle system. The program that I would recommend that'll help you make one, is RPG Maker 2000. Even though you may not be using the game language itself, you can reference it for when you start to make your Battle Engine. Just a thought! :P

  5. The reason that 'windows is better' is the fact that windows programming is a lot more popular and a bit easier to use (in my opinion), Even though that the OS may crash sometimes, It still is the mainframe for a lot of programs that are written today. I mean, only a few games and programs are written for Mac and Lunix, and even though they may be easier to use, or it's better looking, It is still a well structured OS. This is all based on my opinion.

  6. For christmas, I'm getting an external sound card that supports the new Advanced EAX HD technology. That means that my video games are going to sound more realistic than my old EAX 2.0 card. It also supports 5.1 speaker. But, I'm quite happy with the 2.1 speakers that I have now.

  7. There is a game engine that you can get for free. It's called Genesis 3D. This may not have all the advanced features that you would find in Unreal Engine, but it can be a start. The engine uses C/C++ as the language. The only downpoint to this engine is the point that you would need to pay a license fee to be able to sell it. It also includes a level creator and a model importer as well.

  8. If it's just plain freeware you want...



    I would have suggested the same thing. The great thing about this site--besides having freeware programs--is the ratings. It rates how good the program is. This website also helped me in finding some really good freeware programs such as PHP Designer 2005 (my 2nd favorite from FrontPage 2000) and POV-Ray.

  9. I'm a beginner game programmer. The game programming language that I am using is DarkBASIC Professional. Even though I haven't had that much time to use it, I still thinks that it is a great language. One of these days, I will be able to start on a game project. That'll be cool!!


    If you ever need access to cheap game building tools then you can go to the GameCreators webpage. ^_^

  10. What I do when I create a website is to first decide my topic for my webpage, then I create a quicky sketch of what my website is going to look like, and create the graphics that I think that I need. Just make sure there are no 'loud graphics'. That is a number 1 mistake that web page designers seem to make. If the graphics conflict with the text (means that you can't read it), or the graphic seems unnessecery, then the viewer may decide to visit a different website. Neatness and smaller pictures count. If the image has to be bigger than the web browser window, then create a thumbnail for the image. A thumbnail is a smaller version of the image that links to the larger image. Also, if your images are too large for a photo gallary, then the wait for the viewer will cause him/her to go somewhere else. That is why it is a good idea to use thumbnails in a Photo/Image Gallary.

  11. Just F.Y.I. for people who are using the backgrounds above or any background at all in any website. If the background is busy or it is a photograph, then I would reccomend all of the text to be in a filled table with some transparency (if you can managee it). Also, use contrast. That means if the background is mainly dark, then use light-colored text. But if it's the opposite, then use dark text against light background.

  12. I think that DarkBASIC is the easist to learn. The Classic edition is good for if you are just concerned with basic learning on game programming. But, if you wanted more features than the Classic then get the Professional Edition with lights, particles, BSP-Support, etc. I have DarkBASIC Pro, and I think it's great! I just need time to create games, that's all. If you want to see all of the features in DBPRO, then visit the official website for it.

  13. There is a free web page design software that I found called "PHP Designer 2005" Even though it may seem like it's built for PHP only, it can actually be used for HTML, XML, PHP, CSS, etc. The great thing about this program--besides being free-- is that it allows you to place in bits of code that you then can modify. The only downsides to this program is if you wanted to do PHP, then you need to download the official compiler off of the official PHP website, and the other downside is that if you want to see the final results, you need to use a seperate compiler. Other than that, it's a good free program.

  14. I would personally reccomend DarkBASIC if you are a total beginner at game programming. Even though the language is in relation to Q-BASIC, it is still a solid, stable language. An example of code used to create a simple 3d cube is as below:

    make object cube <object number>, <size>

    It's as simple as that. If you were to enter that code (with numbers replaced with the items in the brackets) in the built-in compiler, then you would see a simple cube on the screen. I'm sure that there is a lot more commands than that, but I wanted to give you an example. There are two versions of this product: Classic and Professional. Both are good, but it all depends on the features you want and what you are willing to pay.

    DarkBASIC Homepage

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