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  1. Everytime i open my email address with mozilla at hotmail, i get this popup trying to make me download some dll file? does anyone know what this is and how it can be stopped, because i hit cancel and it opens up and if i click say another link like compose, the popup comes back again,a nd its real annoying, pls, any help is appretiated
  2. many times what people experiance is not love, but infact its just lust, how does one know if it is love or lust? will we ever be sure, can we ever be sure, but basically i dont think lust is the cure to anything, well except sexual needs, but thats it.
  3. Karate is the most overrated form of martial arts ever, i took it for 3 years, and all it got me was -400 dollars.pathetic, if someone comes and attacks me, i dont think of the karate stuff i was taught, i think bite, kick in balls, scratch, etc...why because all karate taught me was make wierd noises, and shout.
  4. well basically many people pay thousands each yr. for health insurance yet never once use it, and thats basically money in insurance companies pockets... so like people that never get sick, its pointless for them to get health insurance.
  5. Veer zara was a horrrrible movie, horrrible, omg, the whole storyguy meets girlguy and girl fall in lovedad would never let marriag happenguy devastadedgirls hubby to be puts guy in jail for lifeguy stays in jail to protect innocense of girl25 yr later lawyer brings em together.
  6. Headless Bodies Found at Mysterious Mexico Pyramid By Brian Winter MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The discovery of a tomb filled with decapitated bodies suggests Mexico's 2,000 year-old "Pyramid of the Moon" may have been the site of horrifically gory sacrifices, archeologists said on Thursday. The tomb at Teotihuacan, the first major city built in the Americas, whose origins are one of history's great mysteries, also held the bound carcasses of eagles, dogs and other animals. "It is hard to believe that the ritual consisted of clean, symbolic performances -- it is most likely that the ceremony created a horrible scene of bloodshed with sacrificed people and animals," said Saburo Sugiyama, one of the scientists leading the ongoing dig. "Whether the victims and animals were killed at the site or a nearby place, this foundation ritual must have been one of the most terrifying acts recorded archeologically in Mesoamerica." Of the 12 human bodies found, 10 were decapitated and then tossed, rather than arranged, on one side of the burial site. The two other bodies were richly ornamented with beads and a necklace made of imitation human jaws. The Aztecs came across Teotihuacan's towering stone pyramids in about 1500 A.D., centuries after the city was torched and abandoned. It is not known what language its inhabitants spoke, but the Aztecs named it "The Place Where Men Become Gods," believing it was a divine site. A major tourist site, it lies about 35 miles northeast of Mexico City. After 200 years of excavations, archeologists are still largely in the dark about the origins of the city, which is believed to have housed 200,000 people at its peak in 500 A.D. -- rivaling Shakespeare's London, but a millennium earlier. Sugiyama said the nearly complete excavation indicates the Pyramid of the Moon was significant to its builders as a site for celebrating state power through ceremony and sacrifice. The sacrifices were carried out during the expansion of one of the city's major monuments, suggesting the government wanted to symbolize growing sacred political power. "Contrary to some past interpretation, militarism was apparently central to the city's culture," the excavation team said in a statement. The master-planned city-state collapsed around 700 A.D., an event as mysterious as its formation. It was the site of a modern-day controversy earlier this year when protesters fought and lost a battle to keep the Mexican unit of retail giant Wal-Mart Stores Inc. from building a new store a half-mile away.
  7. Kerry was a horrible candiddate, and bush was worse, if anyone else ran up against bush they woulda won easily, plain and simple truth.
  8. I agree 100%.Basically if this war was about terror, N.Korea shoulda been taken down firstif it was about WMD, north korea shoulda been taken down firstif it was about civillians being killed, then they shoulda invested their time and money into africans and asians that are dying each day due to lack of food and water...
  9. you may be joking, but there is quite a lot of truth to what you say, mainly becuase of the fact that he has a personal vendeta. He is neither thinking of the american people, nor of the international community before he attacks all these countries. and honestly if he was just doing this to protect the innocents of the world, he would go take down N. Korea first.
  10. My favourite sport to play is soccer, and to watch is basketballMy fav. basketball teams are Minnesota and Houston
  11. well the pacers are a real good and deep team, so they are recuperating real well after the loss of so many of their main players.and also its 100% the fans fault for all of this, IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES should fans ever be able to harm the players.also Ron should have kept his cool after he got ice on him because he is PAID millions to play, the least he can do is chill out..
  12. My favourite team is the Houston rockets, but dang Jeff Van gundy really sucks at coaching, hes also a superstar killer, first francis, now Tmac...
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