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Posts posted by gogaoep

  1. Amd sucks. Intel would be a much better choice if you plan to overclock it, because new HT technology is great for doin that. Plus new games such as Half Life 2 requires fast processors as hell(3.2ghz is good to run it on high grahics), but you cant get any amd to be that high yet. AND windows duznt support 64 edition yet so basically they're useless

  2. that cannon work. Its prolly a fake image as well. If you overclocked your processor that high im pretty sure your bios would stop you or u wouldnt even be able to take a screenshot cause you would fry yor processor. And a 6 ghz processor would be twice the size of a current one thats y there arent any for home use yet, otherwise i would buy one already

  3. i dunt wanna be offesive to any1 but i think that eminem and all rap suck. It also affects your mind and makes you act stupid and crazy, while you dont realize it. And can someone please tell me wut kind of phsyco would diss his own mom (except eminem) :P

  4. I played doom 3. In my opinion it sucks *bottom*. The graphic engine is very complex and takes lots of system memory. Graphics itself are poorly designed and the environment is barely interactive, unlike HL2. Game itself if very repetative and there is only few kinds of monsters. Multiplayer sucks with 4 players and it has alot of lag even with all players using broadband. When the server changes playerlimit to 5 or more (up to 8) it lags like crazy. My opinion is GET HALF-LIFE 2. i finished single player and its awesome and requires 1/2 system resources and runs 4x better than doom 3 while having breakthrough grahpics

  5. I have read different posts all over the internet about half life 3. They mostly rely on dutch sources. I beat single player last night in hl2 and the end hints on the comming of hl3. Thats y i want started lookin around. Im posing this because i discovered that http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.half-life3.com&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2300300503455222 is regestered to steam and redirects you to http://orange.half-life2.com/ . So half life fans behold the coming of HL3 :P

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