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Posts posted by svain

  1. I have to say folks that a thank you is in order for the valuble advice that you have shared with me... As of yet I am learning everything by putting it into practice on a myspace account... I know it isn't much but I would rather get it down someplace else then go through the effort of haveing a well thought through site to find that it was well thought through in the wrong direction...Greg

  2. Thank you so much, I am finding great advice on the pages....

    page transitions are very annoying in my opinion...but here's how you'd do it anyways:


    <meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="blendTrans(Duration=5.0)">

    <meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="blendTrans(Duration=1.0)">


    stick that in the page you wanna have the transition. There are many types of transitions...one of which is the blendTrans(Duration=#) as shown above. Others would be

    revealTrans(Duration=# Transition=1),

    revealTrans(Duration=# Transition=2),

    revealTrans(Duration=# Transition=3),



    And duration is how long the transition is going to last (please note, I'm not a hundred percent sure about all these because, again, I am not a fan of page transitions)


  3. Good evening all, I have just started getting into web design and I am doing this all on my own(aka self taught). I would really like any suggestions that people would be willing to give. Mainly I am interested in getting unique page effects(page transitions, photo effects, cursor effects, etc..). What is out there, and please don't limit your comments to css, I am interested in anything that can add to the look of my page...Svain

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