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Posts posted by cristofd

  1. This language is very complicated considering the minimal amount of commands. I greatly admire anyone who takes the time to use it on complex programs. Even simple programs for that matter. Are there many games written in it? Does anyone know where i try some out?


    No games yet. Probably the closest thing is the cellular automaton "life", here:



    Tic-tac-toe and guess-a-number are on my to-do list, but they've been there a while.


    The best general source for brain**** source code is the repository at:



    (Fix censoring in both URLs.)


    Good luck;

    -Daniel Cristofani.

  2. this executes straigth after a closed loop... the the contents of the memory will alsways equal zero, so this loop is never entered..


    Exactly. That part is a comment. The actual working code is these three lines:


    ,>,[<->>+<-]+<[ A!=B >->>]>[ A==B ->>>]<<[<<+>+>-]

    and then to explain what it was doing I added comments which are a map of the memory, so for instance when I wrote


    ,>,[<->>+<-]a-b 0 b 0 0

    I meant that after this line of code is done executing, the first cell has (A minus B), the second cell has a zero, the third cell has B, and the fourth and fifth cells have zeroes.


    Then, to prevent the "-" in the comments from being executed as a brain**** command, I put the comments in loops that would never be executed, because the cell was known to be zero. Maybe I should have explained that to begin with?



  3. lets say you want to compare memory address 0 to memory address 1 and if they are equal DO somthing, (Without destroying the variables, you must....


    1) make a copy of the varibales to work on in memory at address 2 and 3. (so noot to change origonal variables)


    Not entirely necessary. Here's another approach:


    ,>,[<->>+<-][a-b 0 b 0 0]+<[ A!=B >->>]>[ A==B ->>>][a-b 0 b 0 0]<<[<<+>+>-][a b 0 0 0]


  4. LOL this programming language is actually physically scary. I wish I could be as good as this.


    I don't understand at all how




    can be a random number generator. More than More than More than plus plus while not zero?!


    Someone pointed out that that's actually "move pointer 3; add 2; while (not zero) {". But understanding the semantics of the language is just the first step. If anyone wants to actually understand how the program works, the first step is to read my explanation at http://www.hevanet.com/cristofd/bf/random.txt which assumes some familiarity with the language and with cellular automata too; and the second step is to ask me questions, if it still isn't clear (and you're still interested).

    Good luck;

    -Daniel Cristofani.

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