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  1. A woman was walking through the woods when she came across a rusty old lamp. The woman, being so curious, immediately picked it up and rubbed it. Then suddenly a genie appeared saying he would grant the lady three wishes. The catch was, for every wish, her husband would get the same 10 times over. The woman said, "For my first wish, I want to be the most beautiful woman in the world." The genie warned her, "Your husband will be the most handsome man in the world and women will flock to him." The woman replied, "That's okay, I trust my husband." So, poof!-she became the most beautiful woman in the world. After that, the woman said, "For my second wish, I want to be the richest woman in the world." The genie said, "That will make your husband 10 times richer than you." "That's okay, we will share our money," said the woman. Poof!-she became the richest woman in the world. The genie then inquired about her last wish. The woman said, "Hmm… I'd like a mild heart attack."
  2. An emperor of the Rising Sun advertised for a new chief samurai warrior. Only three applied for the job: a Japanese, a Chinese, and a Pinoy samurai. "Demonstrate your skills," commanded the emperor. The Japanese samurai stepped forward, opened a tiny box, and released a fly. He drew his sword and-swish!-the fly fell to the floor, neatly divided in two. The Chinese samurai smiled, then opened a tiny box, releasing a fly. He drew his sword. Swish! Swish! The fly fell to the floor neatly quartered. The Pinoy samurai stepped forward, released the fly, and drew his sword. SWOOOOOOOSH! The speed of his sword created a gust of wind. The fly let out a high-pitched sound, but continued to fly around. "What kind of skill is that?" asked the emperor. "The fly isn't even dead." "Anak ng…," replied the Pinoy samurai. "Dead is easy. Now, circumcision...that takes skill!"
  3. Try this Game MUONLINE an MMORPG.. if you will get sick and tired of slow level up try installing MU private Server offline in your Computer you can see the guide on MU private server here http://forum.ragezone.com/. Introduction of Muonline MU, a 3D online game produced by Webzen is a full on 3D MMORPG that is the first of its kind developed in Korea. MU is a highly involved fantasy Role Playing Game based on the legendary Continent of MU. You are given the choice of selecting between one of four classes, Dark Knight, Fairy, Dark Sorcerer and Magic Gladiator, and become a daring adventurer in the quest to save the land of MU. The beautiful surroundings made in full and glorious 3D was once unheard of and hardly imaginable but with the ingenious implementation of the Open GL Full 3D Engine technology developed by Webzen makes the impossible possible. What lies behind the legends and mysteries of MU? Let the journey begin! Much time has passed since the millennia old Empire of MU lost complete and utter control over the Continent. While the power of the central government of MU continued to wane, feudal lords became engrossed and engaged in an inner turmoil over control of MU, destroying the foundations of its society. Over time, the bloody feuds and civil wars destroyed and ravaged the once beautiful land of MU and it is also during this time, amidst the blood and tears associated with such conflicts, amidst the petty ambitions of men and those who would be more than man that a dark and ominous shadow falls over the whole of MU. Antonias, a feudal lord, overwrought with his burning ambition to control the land called MU was at once easily deceived by an evil sorcerer named Lemulia who through Antoniasâ obsession was able to bring Kundun, the Devil of Darkness, back to life. Upon seeing his lovely daughter torn apart limb by limb by Kundun, Antonias wept tears of blood and lamented his fate and his ill decisions. In the end all was for naught, as his meaningless death by the hands of the evil sorceress Lemulia did not lessen his crime of reviving the Devil of Darkness, Kundun. There is but only one path of hope for the Land of MU. But who will take the task of discovering the 8 Sealing Stones that have been scattered across the continent of MU. Who will once Seal the demon Kundun and restore the land to its once former beauty? Will it be YOU? The Devil of Darkness has already begun to take action to obliterate the Continent of MU. Receive thy Quest! Only the sword in your hand can banish Kundun and his evil minions once more.
  4. Whos gonna be the best Pop female artist? Britney spearschristina aguilleramichelle branch.....we cant deny the truth that pop culture dominates the Sound waves today. rockers, rappers, RnB'ers im so sorry but reality bites right>
  5. Windows OS is quite user friendly than UNIX or LINUX OS many people round the world use windows....Gamers mostly ( or let me say all) use Windows. Almost all games are created for windows.but windows is too expensive. Linux users are classified as System Administrators, Coders, programmers, hackers.Linux are much more stable than windows in terms of Security,.most viruses are created for Windowsnot much viruses are created for linuxwindows deals with moneywhilelinux deals with human knowledge belongs to the world
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