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Posts posted by farrooda

  1. Well lhunath I hope I am not bothering you too much,but when I include the pages,<?php include "menu.htm" ?><?php include "home.html" ?>the menu comes up and then the other comes after the first has finished if you understand what I mean i.e. I see the menu alone first and then when I scroll down I see home.html.Is there any way to fix this or I should include the menu in every page.But even if I include it in every page I will still face the same problem.Please help.

  2. pedro,my opinion is since microsoft is commonly used all over the world (desktop computers),most hackers work on hacking windows,and same for viruses,explorer plugins and others.and what makes ms so vulnerable is that it is closed source,unlike linux which is open source.Therefore,when a vulnerability is discovered in windows it will take more time to be fixed since only ms programmers have access to the code,and meanwhile...you are insecure.

  3. Hi jamesleon, first of all you should insert proper meta tags in your document in order to make the robots know what your site is about

    http://www.trafficzap.com/metagenerator.php (free meta tag creator)

    Next you could submit your site to google.

    Some also say that google indexes sites submitted to dmoz.org faster than other sites,but I don't know how much is that true.

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