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Posts posted by ardex

  1. You still have not answered my question, can you create the best webdesign use the Dreamweaver specially? The main purpose of large monster companies is grab money from they clients, and only grab money... The same as miscrosoft. Quality of design does not depend of company size or from the budget size. You think if you got a big budget and you have expensive software you can create something worthy? You are mistaken. The big webdesign companies do such dung which even difficult to imagine.. And they grab the big money for their so called "art work". As opposed to this there are many designers which can to make an excellent site using simple toolsThere are many people which like keep their computer clean as possible and do not spoil it with software dust. There are absolutely no any necessity pay 399$ for ANY HTML EDITING program. Get something free and work.********************************************************************QUOTE(ardex @ Oct 29 2004, 02:45 PM)Macromedia Dreamweaver MX System Requirements: 275 MB available disk space(!!!!)Price: Full from US $399, Upgrade from US $199 So, is there any sense buy such tool? Whereas there are many free very good HTML editors with same features, but much more simple.. No, there are NO ANY SENSE buy Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. Or you can create better web page use specifically Macromedia Dreamweaver MX? No, you can no. Any good freeware html editor can do the same.This is stupid. You're not even reasoning here. You're pretending to do a judgement on products by acting as though you know alot by them but don't bother doing a comparement.For one, you have to look at what your end delivery must be, and what budget you have. A decent big company has a budget where $400 is like 1% of the total spendings. So price like this is not as much of an argument there. And, please. 275Mb? And you make a fuss?I admit, there are tools out there that deliver (X)HTML & CSS just the same for 5Mb and$0. But the way in which you work with them is diffrent. Dreamweaver offers a very complete and dynamic interface. Above that, it's under costant devellopment, you have access to an extentions site where you can download loads of plugins, scripts, etc, which automatically do lotsa work for you. Dreamweaver has groundbreaking Server Side Applications support like PHP MySQL etc. Try that in TextPad or the likes.Not that I use it, but still, it's there, and you just ignored all that with that stupid expression of yours. Diffrent people and diffrent companies are diffrent needs. And price and room on a hard disk like those are very little arguement in today's economic environment.Remember, if you wish to convince somebody in a debate, you ought to first at least try and line things up and pretend you know what you're talking about.OpenSource is a great thing, and often surpasses commercial solutions, but not here. In my opinion, I like dreamweaver's features far more than any other. If you know one that's superior in your eyes, tell me, and I'll try it out.

  2. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX System Requirements: 275 MB available disk space(!!!!)

    Price: Full from US $399, Upgrade from US $199

    So, is there any sense buy such tool? Whereas there are many free very good HTML editors with same features, but much more simple.. No, there are NO ANY SENSE buy Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. Or you can create better web page use specifically Macromedia Dreamweaver MX? No, you can no. Any good freeware html editor can do the same.




    What the? Dreamweaver makes no garbage if you set it up right. If it does with you, you just couldn't be bothered with setting it up properly.

    And it's excellent standards support, validation, browser checks, etc, make it the perfect tool for a professional. It's autocomplete is almost flawless, and I have seen no program, not even Adobe GoLive which surpasses it in any of their features.


    Actually, my list would be a bit diffrent:

    (X)HTML / CSS / JavaScript / Additional markup support with autocompletion.



    Decent code colouring (highlighting).



    Instant validation & (spell) checking dependant on the specified DOCTYPE. And a very strict validation, as for that matter.

    Optionally? :

    (S)FTP Support integrated.



    Page previewing (I don't like this though, it's unreliable, and how hard is Alt-Tab, F5?)



    Browser compatibility checks.



    Auto indeting and goodies like those.



    Maybe some more I can't think of now...

    Although bloating a program is bad...


    The best programming editor is Eclipse, but I don't think it supports HTML / CSS editing as of yet, or maybe in an alpha stage. It's still under devellopment.


  3. Good text HTML editor must produce clean code without any garbage. So, WYSWYG editors does not meet this requirements.Macromedia Dreamweaver MX gives less garbage compare vs Frontpage, but still has code garbage. Professionals do not like use a programs which generates garbage code. So, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX is not choice of professional.Its quite enough to have few main features:-HTML syntax support(you do not need remember all html syntax);-simple table wizard;-CSS support;-support for main programming languages(Javascript, VBscript, Perl, Phyton, etc), useful Javascript library;-color code highlighting;-page preview in web browser(IE, Netscape, Mozilla)Must be stand-alone program, small, does not require many disk space,does not required any other libraries nor programs for it to run, doesn't store data into the system folder, doesn't interfere with the Registry.

  4. Does someone know good text HTML editor for web page creation?(sure, I mean text editor, not WYSWYG). There is no reason to stick with Notepad when there is a set of the various special html editors much more convenient than ms Notepad.No any of microsoft products does not not suit for html editing, and Frontpage is absolute rotten.

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