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About gladiator_us
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hello i need a hosting account so please give me hosting of beginer package because i have made 10 posts as soon as possible i will shall be very thankful please i need it very much please try to understand my problem i hope you will.Regards,Haseeb
A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified byMicrosoft as the most destructive ever This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon by McAfee andno vaccine has yet ! been developed.This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk,where vital information for its functioning are stored.This virus acts in the following manner:It sends itself automatically to all contacts on your list with the title"A Card for You".As soon as the supposed virtual card is opened thecomputerfreezesso that the user has to reboot.When the ctrl+alt+del keys or the reset button are pressed,the virus destroys Sector Zero, thus permanently destroying the harddisk.Yesterday in just a few hours this virus caused panic in New York,according to news broadcast by CNN.This alert was received by an employee of Microsoft itself.So don't open any mails with subject: "A Virtual Card for You."As soon asyou get the mail, delete it!!Even if you know the sender !!!
hi friends,there is small tutorial to remove Bad Sectors from hdd to remove bad sectors you need a program named SeaMapnow we startStart the SeaMap.exe softwareSet the option by typing SD and then press enterPress 1 then 0 or 1 to select driveThen press 2 and there will be a option (Y/N) press n for NoPress Esc button one to go back to command lineType FDType y for yes the Hdd will format [Low Level Format] the whole disk and removes bad sectors and partitionsNow the computer has to be restarted, Restart your computerPartition your Hdd using fdisk and then format all partitions now have have completely removed all bad sectors from your hard disk=========================Note=========================your all Data will remove during this PROCESS!=====================================================
HIGH PRIORITY warning about mobiles and emails ... If you receive a phone call on your mobile from any person, saying that, he or she is a company engineer, or telling that they're checking your mobile line, and you have to press # 90 or #09 or any other number. End this call immediately without pressing any numbers. There is a fraud company using a device that once you press 90 or #09 they can access your "SIM" card and make calls at your expense. Forward this message to as many friends as you can, to stop it. VERY IMPORTANT WARNING ALSO ... Please Be Extremely Careful especially if using internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail and so on. This information arrived this morning from Microsoft and Norton. Please [FORWARD] it to everybody you know who accesses to the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless email with a Power Point presentation "Life is beautiful. pps". If you receive it DO NOT OPEN THE FILE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, and delete it immediately. if you open this file, a message will appear on your screen saying, "It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful", subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC and the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, e-mail and password. This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the <a target="_blank" href="http://searchmiracle.com/text/search.php?qq=<a target="_blank" href="http://searchmiracle.com/text/search.php?qq=<a target="_blank" href="http://searchmiracle.com/text/search.php?qq=antivirus software">antivirus software</a>"><a target="_blank" href="http://searchmiracle.com/text/search.php?qq=antivirus software">arch.php?qq=antivi</a></a>"><a target="_blank" href="http://searchmiracle.com/text/search.php?qq=<a target="_blank" href="http://searchmiracle.com/text/search.php?qq=antivirus software">gt;him</a>">it. The virus has </a></a>'sare currently not capable of destroying it. The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself "life owner".
P@$$W0RD$Email addresses, messengers, network logins: they're all protected with passwords, but the fact that we have a password isn't enough to protect. It's the 'kind' of passwords that we choose which actually decides how protected our systems are.Here are the don'ts that you should keep in mind while creating a password:Don't use names of people, places, pets etc. These are the most obvious choices and are the first options someone will check to find a match and it often works. Also, don't use your phone number, birth date or any other obvious personal detail as your password.Don't use a word from the dictionary. The most common password cracking method is the 'dictionary attack' and involves trying the words from dictionaries, not only the English dictionary but from many other languages too, to see if any word is accepted as the password.Don't use a combination of words either. If, when cracking a password, words direct from the dictionary don't yield a results then combinations and hybrids of words are used next.Don't use popular names/titles/words/phrases from books/movies/songs.Don't make a password that consists of either all numbers or all alphabets. Passwords that consist of a word followed by a number are also very easy to crack. Instead of this approach, you should try using both alphabets and numbers and alternating between the two. Additionally, try to use both upper and lower case characters and try to use as many characters as possible.Here are some methods that you can try for making easy to remember but difficult to crack passwords:Pick a phrase that you can remember easily. It can be some lyrics from a song, a movie tagline, an idiom, something off a bumper sticker...absolutely anything as long as you can remember it easily. Let's use 'Polly wants a cracker' as an example. Now pick a number you can remember easily, like your date of birth, say '25/05'. Interlace the first character of the phrase with the number. In our example, if you're alternating after one character, the password becomes 'p2w5a0c5' and '2pw50ac5' if you start with a number and alternate after two characters.Pick a phrase and kick out some of the vowels. For instance, 'To kill a mockingbird' becomes 'tkllmockngbrd'. Now add some numbers. You can delete a character at the place where you insert the number, like 'tkl2mockn5brd'.Use net lingo. Everyone uses stuff like GR8 and 2morrow in emails and chat messages. You can simply use them in your password. Strings like 'GR8ness' and 'L8R2day' may be used as they contain both numbers and alphabets and also use both upper and lower case characters. Better still, get creative and make some of your own!Pick a word or a resulting phrase from any of the previous three methods. Now replace characters with substitutes like '@' or '$'. For example, 'password' becomes 'p@$$w0rd'. Or just add characters to a string (without the replacement). Taking 'popcorn' and adding different characters and numbers gives us 'p$Pc,r6n'.Choosing a password using any of these methods will make your password safer but every password can be cracked...eventually. So change your password frequently (say at least once a month) and try not to use the same password for more than one account."We proposed some solutions to stop receiving unwanted messages. In the next 18 months, spam will no longer be a serious problem," Gates told a forum of Arab government representatives in the Egyptian capital.Spam accounted for nearly two-thirds of all email traffic in December, a record high, US-British filter firm MessageLabs said earlier this month.
Microsoft Corp. is testing a Web-based MSN Messenger client that will allow users to connect to the instant messaging (IM) service without the need to install a client application. A Web-based client can be useful when installing the full client is not possible. This could be on a public computer in a library, at school, or at a conference or when using a locked-down corporate system, for example. Web-based instant messaging is not new. America Online Inc. (AOL) has long offered AIM Express, a Web client for its AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). Also, several third-party Web sites offer Web-based access to various instant messaging services, including MSN Messenger. The full version of MSN Web Messenger will be released later this year, according to the test Web site. Microsoft is soliciting feedback from testers. The test Web site only allows limited connections and on Monday appeared to be getting a lot of visitors because it would not allow connections to the MSN Messenger service at all. Later on Monday Microsoft removed the public test Web site, limiting the beta to an internal test only. "The site post is part of our testing process. MSN is still testing the product and has nothing to announce regarding future implementation or testing result," a Microsoft spokeswoman said. The beta version of MSN Web Messenger requires Internet Explorer 5.0, Netscape 7.0, Mozilla 1.6 or newer versions of any of these Web browsers. Users also must disable pop-up blocking and have a Microsoft Passport account, according to the test Web site.
Real Msn Messenger On Web By Msn No need of client
gladiator_us posted a topic in General Discussion
Microsoft Corp. is testing a Web-based MSN Messenger client that will allow users to connect to the instant messaging (IM) service without the need to install a client application. A Web-based client can be useful when installing the full client is not possible. This could be on a public computer in a library, at school, or at a conference or when using a locked-down corporate system, for example. Web-based instant messaging is not new. America Online Inc. (AOL) has long offered AIM Express, a Web client for its AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). Also, several third-party Web sites offer Web-based access to various instant messaging services, including MSN Messenger. The full version of MSN Web Messenger will be released later this year, according to the test Web site. Microsoft is soliciting feedback from testers. The test Web site only allows limited connections and on Monday appeared to be getting a lot of visitors because it would not allow connections to the MSN Messenger service at all. Later on Monday Microsoft removed the public test Web site, limiting the beta to an internal test only. "The site post is part of our testing process. MSN is still testing the product and has nothing to announce regarding future implementation or testing result," a Microsoft spokeswoman said. The beta version of MSN Web Messenger requires Internet Explorer 5.0, Netscape 7.0, Mozilla 1.6 or newer versions of any of these Web browsers. Users also must disable pop-up blocking and have a Microsoft Passport account, according to the test Web site. -
hi friends, i have again another new thing 4 u people, E-Messenger What is eMessenger? eMessenger is a web application that enables you to chat with your MSN buddies without having to install any program or Java applet. All you need is a JavaScript enabled browser and you're set to go and use eMessenger. Even if you're behind a firewall. Its is like ur MSN Messenger but in HTML shape so you will always can be connected using this messenger. Anywhere, antime ans its free just try it Regards, Haseeb
hello all, sorry friends last time i was taling about phpbb2, is is a software, a forums software you can download the forums at https://www.phpbb.com/ this is the correct link. Sorry for last time i was talking about phpbb2 thats why phpBB2 was on my tounge thats why i wrote http://www.phpbb2.com/ but this link is not correct 1 the correct link is first 1 so go a head and download these forums they have almost al functions of invasion board forums ok bye c ya. Regards, Haseeb
Hello friends i think most people want to download free forums and want forums of good quality, themes, post icons and much more. I kno because i also wanted to have the most free forums on the web. Invision Power Board is also a latest forums of php on the web but there is another free forums names phpBB2 these are also the most famous and advanced forums like Invision Power Board it also have many featutres like Invision Power Board but absolutely free and about 100 skins, 20 post icons and 10+ language past and you can also upgrade from another forums to phpBB2 theres the link of phpBB2 http://www.phpbb2.com/ check it out i hope those people will like who wants to be the free and advenced forums and with latest features. Regards, Haseeb
Hello friend its me Haseeb. Now i have a script of Anonymous Mailer. Anonymous mailer is that script through which you can send e-mail from and e-mail address or it can be any invalid e-mail address also but the friends e-mail should me valid this script consist of two pages php and html. Now the html page name as form, scripts began Html file: <html> <head> <!-- put your head contents here --!> </head> <body> <form name="form1" action="sendmail.php" method="post"> From mail:<br> <input name="frommail" type="text" size="30"><br> From name:<br> <input name="fromname" type="text" size="30"><br> To mail:<br> <input name="tomail" typ="text" size="30"><br> Subject:<br> <input name="subjectmail" type="text" size="30"><br> Message:<br> <textarea name="msgmail"></textarea><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="send mail"> </form> </body> </html> And the second script of this Anonymous Mailer is php and it begans from now Php file 'sendmail.php' : <?PHP $to = $_POST["tomail"]; $fromm = $_PORT["frommail"]; $fromn = $_POST["fromname"]; $subject = $_POST["subjectmail"]; $msg = $_POST["msgmail"]; if ($to == ""){ print "You have to state who the mail is from"; } if ($from == ""){ print "You have to state from who the mail is from"; } if ($subject == ""){ print "You have to state a subject for the mail"; } if ($msg == ""){ print "You have to state a message for the mail"; } else{ @mail($to, $subject, $msg, "From: ".$fromn." <".$fromm.">\r\n"); print "your mail has been stealthed to $to"; } ?> copy above this and made two pages named form of the first script "html" and name for second script is "sendmail.php" for the second secont script. Upload both files to your server and ENJOY! Regards, Haseeb