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Posts posted by avalon1405241471

  1. uhm... i don't understand a thing, the submission to search engines is free o i have to pay anything? i'm newbie sry if it's a stupid question :P


    Search engines submission will automatically remove your website after 30 days, therefore you will have resubmit again it after 30 days. When you pay a someone to do the submission for you, they will submit your website every 30 days until your agreed terms ended.


    Anymore questions?

  2. using actionscript is like using command prompt in windows. it mean that action script can do much more than those "click and drop" stuff can do.


    actionscript can be used also at swishmax. what is swishmax?

    -a flash creator program which is much further simpler than macromedia flash. very useful and easy to understand.



    Thanks wanhafizi!


    I use swishmax too but what i need is more than just animation.

    I need application functions.



  3. I see alot of these live examples everyday.It is sad to see people who can not live up to the truth.Wanting to help them to overcome it by helping to see the light but oftenly end up being injured by them instead. I will oftenly became their new targetted victim.So Sad!:)

  4. You can start php script with "<?" in file not save with "html" or "htm" extension.If you intend to use php script with file save with "html" or "htm" extension, your php script will have to start with "<?php".If php script start with "<?" and resulted in plain text then start your php script with "<?php" and all php script end with "?>".:)

  5. I don't have any knowledge as far as the history of the development of Actionscript but from my general experience I would say it's pretty much a combination of C++ (also making it like java) and visual basic.  Obviously object oriented but as someone said, I'm not sure if you there is much use for it outside of flash and it also seems that most of the functions are flash specific function calls utilizing a prewritten library of functions.  I would be interested to learn more about the development.  I think actionscript may carry over somewhat into Fireworks and the macromedia suite but I'm not sure if it's even identical within their own suite.

    None-the-less it's pretty simple to use and understand as long as you have some basic object oriented experience and a bit of C helps as well.


    Well, i guess you are right.

    Nobody seems to know where and how actionscript came about.


  6. Beside the common HTML, there is also DHTML (Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language). It is a combination of Javascript and HTML. You can add animation to static text and images without needing to upload to your server. In another words, it can work alone on your own javascript enable browser. Some javascript on work on certain browser and on certain version only. Generally, if you can it working on your browser, it fine work for you.

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