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  1. I think PNG's are the best. The quality of the pics is really great and doesn't change in any of the graphic programs. When I save as GIF in Paint the quality of the pic really changes a great deal wich is not good for me. Yes PNG does take up more space but it's worth it if you want your pics to have great quality.
  2. The last movie I saw was The Manchurian Candidate. Great movie. Denzel was great as usual and Meryl Streep oooh boy her character was evil in that movie. But anyway it was a great movie and I recommend it. I always love Denzel movies. I think the movie that I saw before that was also a Denzel movie. Ummm Man on Fire. That one was excellent to but actually no in between those two movies I saw Raising Helen which I also really liked. Wanna get those 2 on DVD.
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