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Posts posted by illusion

  1. I have tried everything and i just cant get my ftp to work.
    I have tried using both ways of logging in to it:




    none work....

    also tried it via smartftp and through windows.

    It just keeps coming back saying it has timed out. I have used ftp before but not had these problems.

    Any help would be truely appreciative

    thanks in advance

    use core ftp lite or smart ftp put this info

    host : Xisto.com
    username : karlshipp@Xisto.com
    paswd : *****

    hope it'll work

  2. OK I got the script and hopefully I'll get my account back at Xisto.. I just wana know how can I make the database for this forum.. I have ipb 2.0.4 script..

    and how can I creat tables etc etc


    wwaiting for reply ..


    -----I changed your topic to a more descriptive title. You should never use undescriptive titles like the one you used, "How To..."-----szupie

  3. Create a Web service


    1. Start Visual Studio .NET

    2. Select “File->New Project”



    Remember, this could very easily be a Visual Basic project. I’m using C# because that’s

    what I’m familiar with. The only things that change if this were Visual Basic is the

    syntax of the code you write in step 7 (below).



    3. Select the “Visual C# Projects” in the Project Types area.

    4. Select the “ASP.NET Web Service” icon and click OK



    Once selected, all of the project files are automatically generated in Internet Information





    5. Right-click on the “Service1.asmx” file in the Solution Explorer and click “View



    Posted Image



    6. In the Code Window, scroll to the bottom, and delete all the green, commented







    Posted Image



    7. Once the old code is deleted, add the following code after the “Component

    Designer generated code” region:



    Posted Image



    8. In the main Visual Studio .NET menu, select “Build->Run”.






    Visual Studio .NET creates a test harness Web page for you to try out your application.




    9. In the resulting Internet Explorer window, click on the GetMyName hyperlink.

    10. In the resulting window, click on the Invoke method.

    11. The result is an XML “blob” with the name “Prozac” in it.

  4. Xtron Flash is easy but if u dont know it its hard.. u can use . SWISH same programe like Flash but its asier to undestand then FLASH u can learn it in one day.. u can download it from net..and one more thing.. the latest verion of FLASH also contains some help so u can get help from there i learnt from that way..But i'll suggesst u to download swish thats easy...

  5. Hmmm Josh... Its the poorer econimies who'll suffer from WTO... Not the Rivcher economy.. The only benefit which the poor countries will get they will get excess to more Markets.. and U talking abt the cost of production... the oNly benfit which these countries get is the Low cost of labour and abt the capital cost u r wrong.. capital cost is 100 times more then that of well established countries..lets talk if WTO applies all over the world .. in poor countries where there industries are not well established ( they cant compete with that of Rich countries industries).. bcoz there cost of prodecution is much higher bcoz of HIgh cost of machineries....and Rich countres can easily ruined poor countries.. and thee countries will bcome parasites...

  6. hello everyBody..

    I dont know this is the related topic in this How To's category or not.

    But i want some infomration.. I want to know about websites or webcommunities like ELANCE [https://www.upwork.com/?r] where we can get projects and work as free lancers. Pleas list out the websites names with comparison with Elance.




    One more.. dude just be a little more careful about which forum you're posting in...next time onwards.. Does this post seem like a tutorial to you ? This forum Free Web Hosting > Computers & Tech > How-To's and Tutorials clearly states that this is meant ONLY for full-blown tutorials... NOT for any kind of question of nay topics.. there are lots of other forums on this board for such questions.. Please be a little "extra" careful next time onwards. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS at least before you post..


    Since this is a question related to web-design --> moved to Web-design section.


  7. WTO - World Trade Organization, simply means, Survival of the fittest. All the week economies, if sign this agreement, will flood away with the economic giants, and will become servants for ever, as the only way left for them will be TRADE, and they will not be able to use even their own resources for themselves![details about WTO - https://www.wto.org/] please i need a complete discussion, help.

  8. 30 richest men, in the world has more than 70% of the total population of the world. Justin Square, it doesnot take a LITTLE CHANGE to make from 32-bit to get a 64-bit operating system. Its just like Makin entirely a new..Anyways, to the topic. your comment is justified.

  9. just want to share my points of view between this two CMS. I made the comparison as how they are use as a portal system.


    I like Mambo's poll because it uses cookie but then again, it does not have a comment system.


    Mambo does not allow custom admins for each component. The latest version of PHP-Nuke allows this.


    Mambo has a WYSWIG editor. PHP-Nuke does not have one.


    When making components, you have to add rows for two tables and make use of three or more files. In PHP-Nuke, all you need is one file and it will automatically detect it thus, no need to do a manual add for the tables.


    With Mambo, you can do more than customize templates but also add dynamic content, making each templates unique if one choose to. In PHP-Nuke, you have to edit numerous files in order to make a static template with only a single type of layout.


    PHP-Nuke is easier to install especially for newbies.


    Mambo is free. PHP-Nuke is delayware.


    PHP-Nuke has a much large community support.


    Mambo has several developers. PHP-Nuke only has one.


    PHP-Nuke has several pre-installed modules and blocks.


    I think Mambo is much more secure than PHP-Nuke.


    In PHP-Nuke, you can customize how the article page and preview looks like.


    Mambo has a very stylistic admin panel and template designs!


    It is easier to convert Mambo to PHP-Nuke than PHP-Nuke to Mambo.


    It is easier to make a form input process in Mambo.


    Article comments are not included in Mambo.


    Mambo has a clean code and can easily be learnt (for programmers).

    wht u think?



    -----Copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ without quotes-----szupie

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