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Posts posted by sha1405241471

  1. its super duper easy but the browser should be java enabled for this to work:just add this to a link--<a href="java script:addToFavorites()">Bookmark Current Page</a>and when user clicks this a favourites window will rise asking to bookmark the current page.i think you cannot bookmark a page from with in another page.

  2. of course google.combut there is a specific format to enter the key words in search box by which you can reach your destination 10 times faster..always enter the words in double cotes if u want those words to follow same order i.e; a phraseeg: "free download"just put a negetive sign before a word if you dont want a topic relating to thateg: -advertisementif u want to use atleast one word use OReg "free download" OR "trial edition"if u still want more options u can try advanced serch at google.com but never forget these simple and powerful punctuation.other than google meand it is AltaVista.com and next comes yahoo.com or lycos.com

  3. of course this is a common problem.in inbox of some domains like indiatimes.com when ever u click "spam" button after putting a "check" mark to the mail u will get a new screen which allows u to block the succeeding mails from the same address or the mails from the entire domain. if u click on "entire domain", every email from that domin will go to bulk with out notice...for example:if u get an email from advert@yahoo.comand if u click as "spam" and select "block mails from advert@yahoo.com" every email from this address will go to bulk. but by mistake you click "block every emails from yahoo.com" and forget removing from "blocked list" then every email from any user sending from yahoo.com will go to bulk without notice. so always block a specific emil address if u dont like but never from the entire domain..i hope u understood.

  4. yes you can easily connect to any database management by using suitable odbc.including oracle,ms-access,ms-exel,ms-foxpro,mysql etc,just configure the odbc and use the following code...<?php$dbcon = odbc_connect('database_name', 'user_name', 'password');?>this should work.if u r not sure whether it works just include as 'die' option with an error message.

  5. i recomond linux redhat 8.0 or higher or mandrake 8.1 or higher...windows is never secure and be sure you can never meet your expectations with windows server. windows cannot with stand insifnificant error and if u cannot handle it properly u have to configure ur system from scratch but this is not the case in linux. u can use unix if you know unix core well. if u r newbie linux is well suited and more over linux is free of cost. :)

  6. does any body know how to over come an error in paFileDB which saysWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/paltalkh/public_html/pafiledb/includes/mysql.php:86) in /home/paltalkh/public_html/pafiledb/includes/admin/login.php on line 36Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/paltalkh/public_html/pafiledb/includes/mysql.php:86) in /home/paltalkh/public_html/pafiledb/includes/admin/login.php on line 38i have downloaded the php from phparena.net directly.Any help ?

  7. does any body know how to over come an error in paFileDB which saysWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/paltalkh/public_html/pafiledb/includes/mysql.php:86) in /home/paltalkh/public_html/pafiledb/includes/admin/login.php on line 36Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/paltalkh/public_html/pafiledb/includes/mysql.php:86) in /home/paltalkh/public_html/pafiledb/includes/admin/login.php on line 38 i have downloaded the php from phparena.net directly.Any help ?

  8. you can easily back up my sql using backup facility. but i never recomond it..because if your site fails the front end get destroyed and there is no use by just restoring the data base. so always use full site backup n store the back up in another server(NOT ON THE SERVER U R HOSTING).

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