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Posts posted by antitoxic

  1. So about musicmatch. I have used it when it was at version 7,5 but it was too clumsy and not so functional. Is that corrected now. I use iTunes everyday and the sound of music is more loud than in winamp. Is the volume is boosted in musicmatch jukebox too?!

  2. If my system runs slowly i do only few things to improve the speed:1. Clean the registry...You think it's not usefull but you must know what to remove. Just run "regedit" and search a uninstalled program or deleted files or something unneccesary and remove them.2. Using regedit find the startup folder and delete the programs that you don't want to start.3. If it doesn't help check for a virus with kaspersky...It is not very sure that you will find anything but just try.4. Nothing helps....Take the OS CD and reinstall....If you are not agree tell me to discuss this..

  3. Ok. 10x that you tell me about the iframe scroolbar.But I want to ask something else: I found a way to change the position of the iframe . I put the iframe in a div layer and I just move the layer. But now I have a problem ..I want to put the iframe into a cell in a table ..The cell is centered in the page but when I put the iframe in that cell the iframe back in the left part of the page and stretch the table cell.How to correct it?!

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