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Posts posted by KyoNiwa

  1. Ohh right !

    yeah functionality like that has to be supported by the Operating system.... Currently, Only Unix BSD and Linux support this... (plus any other OS's which use Xorg)


    you may have to wait anouther decode for MS windows to catch up :)


    Yeah... I have a Mac OS X and IE and Safari browsers.... lol is it possible to do transparent windows on the web? It doesnt matter if it's an alert or a window anymore lol.... i would just like a transparent something lol... not to sound desperate or anything lol.

  2. hi,

    i downloaded DHTML MENU CREATOR from navsurf.com and i create a menu for my site but i cannot integrate the menu to my html pages...

    can you help me about making and integrating menus in html..


    I think you use something like


    <!--#include file="file.extention"-->


    <!--#include virtual="file.extention"-->


    *note: substitute file with your file name and extention with the extention of the file

  3. Are there any benefits to changing your IP address? What exactally does an IP address do and why do we have them? Is it like web ID so people can track you or something? That's scarry... I don't think I want people to know my IP address... It feels like giving my name and address to a stranger... Is this true or Is my worrying futile????

  4. Ok.... I have some SSI questions... I cant get my ssi to work. I want to SSI some Javascript peices into a page and some html(for my navigation bar) into a div (both of which are in different directories from eachother and from the index page).... but it wont workI have for my ssi: <--#include virtual="/subdirectory/javascript.html--> in my head and body *note: i have two different things in my head and body but they go together because it's javascript... subdirectory is substitute for the name of my subdirectory... javascript substitute for the names of my javascript.and <--#include virtual="/subdirectory/navigationbar.txt-->... and it doesnt work... I have these on 1asp host(if that's helpful to know) If anyone has answers to this... It is greatly appreciated. :) Thanks to whom ever has enough time to answer this

  5. Hi,I am seriously confused. I wanted to subscribe to a topic but I couldn't find where... and I was talking about it with my friend... and they told me where it was... on the first post.... with email this post and print this post... but all i saw was print this post... I could click on the link because I saw that hand thingy that ment something is clickable... but i cant see the link. I run Internet explorer 5.2.2...If anyone has info on this it will be appreciated.thanks :)ps.. sorry I don't really know what forum topic to post it under.... i'm still new to message boarding lol... sorry :'(

  6. Is it possible to make transparent windows? Like ones that are translucent and you can see both the window and the one underneth it though the one on top? I thought I heard something about that and I thought it would be cool do like a ghost alert that flashed a few times with a mouse over... If you have info... It'd be appreciated :) thanks. :):P:D

  7. According to lissaexplains.com The scroll bar color change css is only for Internet Explorer. An interesting marquee bit is that they can scroll up and down<marquee behavior=scroll direction="up">Marquee</marquee>and<marquee behavior=scroll direction="right" bgcolor="#990000" width="20%" scroll amount="9">.::Welcome::.</marquee><marquee behavior=scroll direction="left" bgcolor="#ff9900" width="20%" scroll amount="9">.::Welcome::.</marquee><marquee behavior=scroll direction="right" bgcolor="#003333" width="20%" scroll amount="9">.::Welcome::.</marquee><marquee behavior=scroll direction="left" bgcolor="#663300" width="20%" scroll amount="9">.::Welcome::.</marquee>But these too only work for Internet Explorer

  8. I am new here too... Can someone please explain to me basic net ettiquet? I am aslo new to message boards lol.And I don't know how to sign up fo that mini starter because It will take me a while to post 50 good posts so I can upgrade later. I searched but I cant find where to sign up of the mini starter thing. Eh... so confused.If anyone can help me out here lol it will be appreciated. :)

  9. By safer... does that mean that it will be easier for the computer to register what color it makes? In your css... does the div{color:#eee;} make all the div's that color or just a specified div? Is so would it be something like div-left:#xxxxxx; if you wanted a specific div a specific color? (if you have a left colum that is)

  10. wow that's cool! I didn't know that removing dust could potentially improve my laptop's performance. I have noticed a bit of a slow down in my laptop performance, and there is definitely a lot less battery life (although that is more contributed to the normal degeneration of a battery over its lifespan I suppose).


    My compter is kind of slowing down. Like when I type it's delayed and things. And the battery life is less than what it was before.Is it true that if leave the computer with the charger then it will over charge the battery it will start burning out?

  11. Its ok that its proving 1GB but it is in under testing conditions so u people dont save ur important data ... beacause in term of any condition that Gmail refuse to give u access anymore to the email box...... than what people u do! so its better to use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ also offers 1000MB email space.


    But Is gawab free? I went to the site and it gave two options... a gold and a silverone... It seemed too nice to be free. But then again gmail also sounds too nice to be free.
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