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Posts posted by deivid1405241470

  1. When i start to test differents forum i try phhbb because it's free and easy to set up, the interface it is very intuitive, but the only problem it's the security, always has security holes, problems, etc.When i came to Xisto and finally gets my hosting i tried invision i find more robuste, better options and security, the default skin is a little ugly, but exists a lot of sites to change it, but when i finally i decided to change something, i find that install mod or skins is a tediousus works.For me i like vbulletin, i like this type of forum, his interface and the options, well never i has experienced like an admin, but i think this is the best of forum, for users, for admin i dont knowGreets Deivid

  2. i have some philosophy related topc, if something works ok and it's works well keep it. For this reason i always use the same ftp client Flashfxp, with it i can always get all ftp sites, works well, simple interface, bookmars, etc. The speed is good and always upload and download all i want, never freezed that i can remember, so i use this ftp client.well when it bug me, maybe i will find a different choice, but for now, i will stick with this software.GreetsDeivid

  3. i have played dungeon siege it's a great game, good enviroment, and the story is also good, the one thing, not rembember so well, but i was with my warriors and weapons, but in some point i find some enemy and he has guns with lasers or something like that, i find this a little bizarre for the game, but this is a great game. Personally i never played Gothic 2, maybe now i will take a shot with this game.GreetsDeivid

  4. I use 2 programs to remove spyware: Adaware y SpyBot search and destroy, i find them both good, always remove a lot of spyware, well with them i work with hijackthis it's a simple program, scan the registry alomost all areas where spyware resides, like start page, bho (browser helper objects), toolbars, and permited sites (sites put by spyware to continue spaming our pcs).

    Another form to avoid spywares is use the inmunize system from spybot search and destroy, it works bocking certain areas of the sistem to prevent evil codes from the spywares.

    Another software to block spyware is SpywareBlaster



  5. I work making video productions, i have a capure card, so to upload videos, i had to capture the data to hard disk at different rates DV25 Video => 3.5 mb/s & DV50 Video => 7 mb/s, so, figured out, a complete tape, has 1 hour, so captuing video, is 1 hour the disk working at 7 mb/s (for this reason the disks has a short life for me)I have a ide raid 0 , i've tested all disk, but doesn't care the brand, about 1 year or more, i've to replace them. There is no better or worst disk, the duration depends of use.I have tested 3 brands:Maxtor: really good disk but a lot of noise (a little months less of duration)Seagate: good disk - good speed , for me the bestWestern Digital: almost the most quiet, the speed is a little slow than the others.Well this info, is my experience only, but I think the better disk is seagateGreetsDeivid

  6. easy microscopic^earthling where is a short tutorial:

    When you find and extension, it's have a extension .xpi, right click and download to your pc. (personally i recomend too http://www.extensionsmirror.nl/)

    ok, when you want to install the extension:

    1) open firefox
    2) Goto Tools Menu / Extensions
    3) Drag the .xpi file to the extension windows
    4) Click on Install and you have to restart firefox

    That's, when you for example reinstall firefox, just find your favorites extensions and reintall it


  7. personally i didnt known vbulletin, but always i heard that is the best forum, well to the point, i 've used phpbb and invision, but the login problems always was because cookies or use redirectors (like .tk , .cjb.net , etc). First check the internet options from your browser for example, ie, go to internet options and go to the privacy and add your address to permit all cookies, if you use redirectors, always use the real address to login.GreetsDeivid

  8. Internet always has a new thing to watch or learn, like Trekkie101 says i like read forum, well not all the forums in the world, just stick to one and stay there, you will find a lot of things and if in the case you don't know something all the comunity will help you. Well me always use the internet to download things, i like movies, so im always donwloading from differents places, first was imesh, then dc and ocasionally use bt, and the last one p2m. Another thing i like is chat with friends, and that keep you busy a lot of time. Another thing, when i'm downloading something, sometimes i look for long time how the bytes come to my pc, maybe it's something pretty bored, but i like to do this, dont know why :D Greets Deivid

  9. I seriously doubt google will ever make us pay. It is probably one of the most profitible web enterprises on the net...and gmail is making it even larger and I'm sure they are making a small profit off it at least.

    you are right, i think google never wouldn't think charge for their services, the mail it's free and very good service (i will explain later), if gmail didin't shows up, all we still stucks with mails with 2 o 4 mb of space, something really weird (like 2 diskettes!!!!!!!), just remember a year a go, when google announced a mail with 1 Gbyte, all free webmail were scared with this news and just a few weeks almost all the companies announced "NEWS: we've increased the space", at this point google change the world of mails.

    Some people thought that gmail was a hoax news (just lies) but now almost all people have a gmail account with 1 gb of space, and really, with all the space, why i said this, because i've proven it......

    As for how they can afford to give out a gig of space to each user...well at the moment I doubt they can. If everybody used up there full gig in a day, they would probably be screwed. But look at your gmail account right now - most of you are probably using less than 2% of your space (I'm using 20 mb..and I've had the account since last August with over 200 inbox items).

    Well some months before an Israelite created a program called P2M (peer 2 mail), with this program you can upload any file directly to your mail account and when you've uploaded, just post in some site your account and password and share files with people... but this is old news something can say, the answer is yes, always the accounts were used to share files, the problem, some *bottom***** always change the password to steal the account or delete files, for this, only selected people could download of this accounts. Now when p2m shows up, you still have to give your mail and password, but with a small difference, the password it's encripted, it only allows download files from the account, you can't go to the settings to change the password, or delete emails, only download. Just great isn't?

    In the last months p2m become very popular to download all kind of things, music, programs, movies, etc. and guess what, who was the prefered server to upload the files?????... gmail of course. Personally i was donwloaded a lot of files, and always the accounts says, 700 mb for movies, or 1 gb for complete series (example anime), so gmail have the power to support 1 gb of files and itsn't a lie.

    All this was great but guess what.... it's over, gmail didn't like this kind of use, accounts used to download files...no no no, this it's not the service for webmail etc etc etc.

    Just image, 300 people downloading a file from the same account. Well now when you use your account with p2m, gmail locks the accounts for 24 hours, so p2m for gmail is dead for now. However stills exists a lot of free webmail with 1 gb or more space, where you can find files to download. Just make a search and find it.

    http://www.peer2mail.com/ (Program's Home)

    https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl (to find p2m sites)


  10. Invision is a great forum, it's more secure than phpbb, well, in my site i've too invision, and install mods and other things is a pain in ...., you have to follow a lot of instruccions, like find the code xxxxx and replace with xxxxx, or place above, etc. But when you get the install looks and works perfect. They are many places to download mods, graphics or skins. If some body wants install mods for invision i recommend:





  11. PC Astray is right, the best way for swapping file is move to another hard disk (in same pc), because this free a lot of resources from the system. Another option is configure the swapping file: (best way)Custom Size:initial: 1.5 ram (example if you have 512*1.5 = 768 mb)maximum: 3 ram (512*3= 1536)Greets Deivid

  12. you can also use the service of http://www.noip.com/ it's provide free services like

    DNS Host

    DNS Alias

    Web Redirect

    for the users that have dynamic ip adresses in their homes and they want have webserver, chat service or ftp can use this service. For dynamic IP you can also download a software No-IP.com Dynamic DNS , which tell your IP to no-ip.com and update their records, to point the registered domain to your personal ip.


    this service have domains like





    yourname.serveftp.com etc.




  13. NilsC has right, profiles is the best option for diferent people logging in same computer beside if you want protect your profile with password you can download an extension, check here:


    http://www.extensionsmirror.nl/? showtopic=1801&hl=profilepassword


    that's why i really like mozilla products, extensions for everything and everybody. ;)





    Ps: I'dont know why this link can't to be posted, if i join the "?" with "showtopic", the board automatically convert to http://www.extensionsmirror.nl/ ???? i don't know why this happends, even if I put

     is the same thing... hmmm  

  14. vladimir but when you configure Pop access in gmail, you can choose to keep your mails in inbox folder, then you don't have to delete mails from gmail.


    Just go to gmail account:


    Go to Settings / Forwarding and POP / and find under POP download 2. When messages are accessed with POP and choose keep Gmail's copy in the inbox.

    With this option the messages from gmail they are not deleted.




  15. I think to repair it can be very difficult, but if you repair them, can you trust in that battery, maybe it can burn your laptop, if think it's not good idea. Beside if is one month old, can you claim guarantee where you bought it or not? If not I recommed, spend some money and buy a new one.greetsDeivid

  16. Generally the scratching noise came from magnetic fields, the magnetic fields inside of computer are the ventilators and transformers (power source, cpu fan, vga fan or tower fan). Try with another power source, generally the noise come from there, don't buy a cheap one, buy something like thermaltake (http://www.thermaltake.com/) or kindly, they are pretty expensive but you get quality, i've one and is great, you can select the fans speeds (for noise) and they also have PFC (Power Factor Correction) you can save some money saving power.Like I said check the fans (cpu, vga, tower) maybe the noise came from there.GreetsDeivid

  17. yes Admiral Lyoko Samus has right it can be decoded, the password in phpbb are stored in md5 hashing format, if the user has a 4 characters lenght you can deconde in few hours with a normal p4 2500 or athlon, if the user has 5 some weeks 24/7 and if they have a 6 characters, say good byes, maybe can take more than you can live ;) .

    Or if you are so interested in decode md5 hashing you can visit http://passcracking.com/ here this guys in some hours can decode your hash, of course if you paid.


  18. maybe the index file of Xisto for some reason can't to be updated (something this happends with some files), the recomendation, delete all index files, and then upload your index.html.Or maybe you are not uploading in the folder correctly, when you log with your ftp client, put the file inside public_html folder.Besides there are some hierarchy with the extensions, if you have for example 3 index files index.html index.htm and index.php, the order is:first index.html then index.htm and index.php, in other ways .html wins always. ;) Greets Deivid

  19. There are some programs to rip cds that they are paid o free, but variable bitrate compression depends on mp3 compressor that you are using and not the program, the best for me and free is Lame mp3 encoder using audiograbber. The options for variable bitrate are pretty good, check this screenshot:


    Posted Image


    you can choose between diferents types of methods for best result.


    Just donwload the audiograbber from here and in the same page, you can download Lamemp3 Enconder, just download it and extract in the same directory where audiograbber was installed.


    If you have some questions post in here.




  20. qwijibow is right, 2 cpu for home is too much, beside if you have 2 processor, with windows solitare, or word you are not going to see too much difference, however with heavy programs adapted for the double processing, like 3dmax, lightwave, Premiere, Photoshop, etc. you can see the difference.
    For all intel lovers, aparently amd will kick a**, check this new configuration AMD Opteron Four Way

    not dual .... 4 Way

    Greets Deivid

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