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Posts posted by nathan2004

  1. I noticed this earlier last year. My laptop was slowing down and it was getting really hot. It was so bad that it overheated and stopped working for periods of time.

    Well maybe it might happen to you laptop users. Take a look on your CPU fan vent on your laptop (underneath). Spot lots of dust? Get an air can and dust it out! All sides of the vent.

    Dust will cause heat to build more rapidly in the CPU in laptops. Since the CPU is mobile and since its getting hot fast it will work with the powersave in mind, lowering even more performance.

    After I got my laptop cleaned, it performed roughly 4X faster.

    Hope this helps you users! :)


    x4 faster ? Your laptop should have lots of dust clogging and therefore it was overheated. I speed up my laptop by adding extra memory. Most laptop come with few Ram and by just simply adding more RAM. Changing to a faster hard drive should help. I think the highest laptop hard drive speed is 7200 rpm. Most laptop hd speed is 5400 rpm

  2. Interesting.


    I just defrag all the time. But I heard there is a way to devote hard drive space to become RAM. Is this true?


    By default , Windows will automatically use hard drive space for extra memory if window needs more Ram memory and you hardware RAM is full. This process is called virtual memory process. It was invented by DEC more than a decade ago to speed up the computers with little amount of RAM.


    You may be able to reduce the amount of hard drive allocated for virtual memory and therefore speed up the computer when you have a lot of RAM. It takes more time to access memory in the hard drive.


    Some programs was able to teak windows virtual memory settings. I have learned the hard way that those programs will be messed up if you upgrade your windows OS. They would actually slow down your computer.


    I think with the cost of RAM is going down, the best way is to buy more RAM. Depending on you applications, most of the time Windows XP will run fast if you have 512 Megs of memory.

  3. Actually RedHat is now an enterprise only Operating System. If you want to use it personally they changed RedHat personal to Fedora Linux. You should download that instead. Its a hefty 2.1 gigs btw


    Linux files are now bigger than Windows XP OS files. I had 2.1 gig HD and had no problem installing WinXP but when I installed RH Linux, it dind't let me install the graphical user interface

  4. No... I prefere Notepad.... and Frontpage!  :)


    I worked with both Dreamweaver and FrontPage. I started with FrontPage 2000 and I had troubles with saving the images and retrieving them in the webpages.

    Many times the images didn't come back and I had to manually edit the webpages because the webpages didn't call the correct directories of the pictures.


    Then I switched to DreamWeaver 4 and the image problems are now solved. FrontPage XP had many improvements especially the new sets of templates. However, I didn't see the improvements in saving and retrieving images/ webpage on CD.


    HomeSite is another great HTML editor. Any comments on FrontPage 2003 would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



  5. Linux is not a minority, but in some countries may be so.

    M$ windows is the most easily operate os, though we must pay for it.

    on the other hand, linux users have to pay more and more on maintenance and tech support service.

    undoubted, Linux is one of the best server os.


    I just installed Red Hat Linux 9.0 and the installation took a huge disk space. No longer Linux installation is for small hard drive and slow computer. I feel that the interface is slower than Window XP on the same computer.


    RH Linux Personal is cheaper than Window but there will be no phone support. RH Linux Professional is about the same price as Win XP. And Linux is still doesn't have drivers for most modems. Buying a Linux modem could cost over 50 dollars.


    Just my humble opinion.

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