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Posts posted by japanick

  1. That would be exciting (if Google launched a browser of its own), but I am more than pleased with Mozilla Firefox. I believe it is a very capable browser with great features, and other than the occasional page that displays better in IE, it is a great competitor of Microsoft. Thanks for the info though.

  2. Usually when I have a form and it gets submitted by a user, I create another page that integrates with the website, with a summary of what has been submitted, or simply a thank you page. You could also just send the user back to the main page or something similar. In these cases, you would either display all this in your record_ly.php file, or have that file forward to another page.

  3. I think you should clarify what you are trying to get an answer for.If you have a PHP file, and you want to write html in it, you do not need to write it in between the <?php and ?> tags, instead just put your html tags and text outside those tags as normal.For example:<H1>This is a Heading</H1><?php echo "This is PHP code.";?><B>Here is more HTML</B>If you need to have the HTML inside the PHP, then you will just have to get used to writing either print or echo whenever displaying HTML. It's not that bad.

  4. jamesleon,
    you can not have <BODY> tags and <FRAME> tags in the same html file. Either one or the other. In this case you want the <FRAME> tags. So use the code below:

    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>RadikalSoft Inc.</TITLE></HEAD><frameset rows="5,*" border="no"><frame src="htm/header.htm" scrolling="no" noresize frameborder="no"><frameset cols="10%,*" border="no"><frame src="htm/menu.htm" scrolling="no" noresize frameborder="no"><frame name="Principal" src="htm/principal.htm" scrolling="yes" noresize frameborder="no"></frameset></frameset></HTML>

    You also might consider making a no frames page, if so you can put a link to it for browsers that don't consider frames like this (stick it after </frameset> and before </HTML>:
    <NOFRAMES><A HREF="htm/noframes-index.html">For no frames version, click here</A></NOFRAMES>

  5. Knoppix is a great tool to have, especially for recovering data or trying out Linux before installing it on a machine. However, rather than installing knoppix onto a partition of the hard drive, why not install an actual distrobution of Linux? (I recommend Mandrake 10 or Suse 9.1) It is easy to install, has a graphical installation interface, and you can dual boot easily with Windows. Give Linux a try with Knoppix, then get serious and install it =)

  6. I have to ask, why wasn't Linux a choice in your question? It is a very valid Operating System and can be substituted for Windows or Mac. I recently reformatted my hard drive, getting rid of Windows XP (which I think is much better than a Mac) in place of Suse 9.1. I love having Linux. It is fast, secure, stable and great for developing software and setting up web servers, stuff I need to do for my school and want to do on my own.

  7. I feel like this topic is already going in some other thread, but I'll voice my opinion again. Windows is OK for surfing web, email, word processing (and for playing games, for sure). But if you are serious about computers, and developing software, setting up secure networks, sharing files, remotely accessing computers, or otherwise doing anything technical with computers, all my votes are to Linux. It is free, compatible with most hardware, reliable, and secure. Did I mention free?

  8. I used to be an avid Windows supporter and was intimidated and also unimpressed with Linux. I did not like the GUI, the complexity, or the lack of programs similar to ones on Windows. However, the new version of Open Office is nearly as good as Microsoft Office (ok, not quite but it does the job) and as far as browsers, email programs, editors..linux has plenty to offer.I was forced to work exclusively with linux (Suse 9) this summer at my computer job this summer, and have found that it truly is a much better operating system. The user interface and user-friendliness is still suffering, but as for a stable operating system great for developing, networking, serving, and security--Windows does not compare.

  9. If you do not have access to the .htaccess file for some reason, then I would also try changing your index page to "index.html"; most servers at least use index.html and index.php as default pages to go to when "troop107.uni.cc" is entered but it depends on the web server setup. (If you don't want to change all your links back to "index.htm" to "index.html" then you can set up a redirection on "index.html" that simply sends the page to your normal "index.htm" page.)

  10. So that means that you can actually try the php code you've writtnen on your computer without having to download the php modules first? You do have to have PHP enabled on your computer first right?


    No, editplus (or other PHP editors) will not execute the code for you, it will only make it easier to edit and indent.

    You will still have to first set up a web server (I recommend Apache) and install the php modules for it in order to test php scripts on your own computer. They have easy installations for windows, if you go to apache.org and php.net.

  11. I installed Service Pack 2 two days ago, and have not noticed any benefits. Yes, wireless networking seems to be easier, but I do not have a wireless card, so it didn't help me there. Also, I turned off the firewall because I am on a local network that has a firewall built in and therefore it is unnecessary. However, rather than improvements, I have noticed a problem. Ever since installing SP2, my MS Outlook has been a lot less reliable. Over 50% of the time it is unable to send or receive email from my email accounts. It can not find a connection, even though I know one is there. I wish reinstalling Outlook was easier than it was, otherwise I would try that. I'm hoping it is an issue that will be worked out in later updates, but right now it is frustrating not being able to always connect to my mail servers. I would hold off on downloading and installing SP2 for now.

  12. It really depends on what operating system you are using. If all the computers that you would like to set up on the LAN are windows xp, then it is very easy to set up a network. By going to "Network Connections" there is a link on the left navigation bar that says "Set up a home or small office network", you can then follow the procedures, depending on the type of internet connection you have. They also give an option to create a network disk to use on Windows 98 and ME computers, which is helpful if you also have computers running those operating systems. Also, if you are to be sharing an internet connection, be sure to have a router that is physically connecting all the computers together using ethernet cables.

  13. Here is a small list of online Javascript resources:


    Code snippets:

    Dynamic Drive


    Free Scripts




    HTML goodies

    Doc Javascript


    Of course, just searching google.com for javascript tutorials or help will also provide you with a ton of information. The best way to learn javascript is to download codes from the above sites, get them working on your pages, learn how they work, and slowly learn how to edit them and make your own. Keep experimenting and getting exposed to the code, and have fun!

  14. Using a FTP program is way better than using the cumbersome CPanel file manager. Yes it is handy for uploading a file or two, or editing some files remotely when you are away from your main computer, but other than that I always use an FTP program. If you are worried about time to download/install, don't worry. The programs are small and it will not take much time at all to set up. And WS_FTP has a free version available, go to download.com. That is what I recommend.

  15. What HTML or webpage editor are you using? Also, what is the full URL for your website that is in question?The permissions shouldn't have anything to do with it, nor the WS_FTP.log files. Chances are the HTML pages are pointing to the graphics in a different location than where they are located on the web server. Did you maintain the same file structure when you uploaded your website? (i.e. if you had a "graphics" folder on your computer, is there now a "graphics" folder on the webserver, with all your graphics in there?)

  16. I find it far too difficult to use dreamweaver its so un-organised. I use Front Page instead its too organised some times but it offers everything you'd ever need.


    I have not used dreamweaver, although I would like to at some point, but I have used Front Page. After using Front Page for a while, I went back to writing my pages using a basic text editor (or ACE HTML which I recommend) just because I did not like how Front Page added unneeded code and did not give me as much control over my layout and design as I would like.
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