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Posts posted by mrc

  1. no1 will ever be able to expalin it all it takes evolutin that is why it took so many years for the automobile to come into place, the computer to be invented electricity, and the lot no point ppl jumping the gun because you can only know about something once you understand it,, the everything man made can be explained as it was created by man but the rest that isnt man made will take a long time before one can truly understand it look at stars they are formed of chemicals but no man can create such a thing the universe and all it contains are far too complex for the current brain type but who knows in a few hundred years we may be able to come back to this topic and laugh on how stupid humans really were

  2. hmmm quite alot of intresting points here...but you have too note that all these scintist the morevthey search them ore things they find they cant explain its endless i know that no matter how many years or scientist we have/use we will not have all the answers its like staring at untuned television channel if you stare at it long enough you begin to see things that arent really there im not saying that its all bull but not everyone sees the same thing i can see black you can see red we both looking at the samething tho so in a way yuo should not question everything because if you do that you will questiong yr existence (which is happening already) and then from there its endless...the universe and its creation is very simple but if we had it all alyed out for us we would not be able to understand it so once humans can understand something we know what it is and thas the way it goes and always will go

  3. The PNG formatThe third, and newest, file format that's widely supported by the Web is PNG (pronounced Ping). PNG was developed to surpass the limitations of GIFs, and as a means by which developers can avoid having to worry about the patent licenses associated with other formats. PNG was designed to offer the main features of the GIF format, including streaming and progressive file formats. It also provides greater depth of color, catering to images up to 24 bit in color.It's expected that support for PNG will be widespread in the near future.

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